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Novak Djokovic - Serves


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Best Technique in Slow Motion (Video)
    • Best forehand 1HFH
      • Fernando Verdasco's Forehand

        • 双手一起向后引拍,同时非持拍手帮忙换grip…Verdasco引拍幅度大,挥拍幅度也大,整个 loop大, 加上极好滴racquet speed, 打出了强有力的topspin正拍。
      • Roger Federer Forehand
      • Rafael Nadal's Forehand
      • Andy Roddick - Slow Motion Forehand Side View
      • Serena Williams - Slow Motion Forehand
      • Ana Ivanovic hitting Forehands
        • 击球结束,貌似身体forwarding不够。
      • Novak Djokovic - Forehands
      • Signature Shot: James Blake
      • Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal's Forehands Split-Screened
      • Amelie Mauresmo - Forehands
      • Gael Monfils - Forehands
      • WW swing path
        "Not all WW forehands are the same. There are basically two ways to hit one.

        The first way is to modify your swing path -- make it more vertical. This is the method we taught in the WW video. Jeff Counts of Hi-TechTennis.com describes the WW motion as lifting and turning over a lever. I think this is a pretty good anology. You lift the racket up, across the ball prior to and through contact. After you hit, your arm and the racket turn over, creating the WW follow through.

        Here are two examples of pros who do this --"
        -- Will Hamilton
        • Andy Roddick WW FH slow motion
        • Novak Djokovic - WW FH in Slow Motion
        • Several pros -- Federer, Nadal, Verdasco, Tsonga, for example -- do something else to hit a WW forehand.
          Several pros -- Federer, Nadal, Verdasco, Tsonga, for example -- do something else to hit a WW forehand. Their WW motion is created by turning their hand / forearm over, which is what you allude to in #3. This starts right before contact and, of course, is most noticeable during the follow through.

          Verdasco is a great guy to look at because he makes this motion very obvious. When you watch the following video, look at how much he drops the racket down, below his hand during his foreward swing. However, at contact the racket is often in-line with his hand because he has turned his hand and forearm over to bring the racket up.

          IMO, this second method is the superior way to hit a WW forehand IF YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH TO DO IT. It's definitely way more difficult that the first method. The reason we taught the first method is because it only requires a couple adjustments to hit, assuming you have a fundamentally sound forehand. The second method, however, is superior because it allows you to disconnect the direction your arm is swinging from the WW motion. In other words, your arm isn't responsible for creating the WW motion, your hand and forearm is. Take Federer -- he can hit extremely hard -- swing straight through the ball -- but still be very consistent because he uses his hand / arm to generate topspin. Nadal, on the other hand, has a much more vertical swing path AND turns his hand / forearm over to produce the WW motion. That's why he hits w/more topspin than anyone else on tour.

          If I were going to recommend a progression for learning the WW, I would definitely suggestion the easier method #1 to start. Keep in mind that you can have a world-class, top-10 forehand with this technique.
          -- Will Hamilton
      • Andre Agassi Forehands in Slow Motion
    • Best forehand 2HFH
      • Marion Bartoli
      • Peng, Shuai
      • 8 years old Kyla
      • Fabrice Santoro - Two-handed Forehand Topspin
    • Best Backhand 1HBH
    • Best Backhand 2HBH
      • Rafael Nadal Backhands
        • 用滴是close stance.
      • Marat Safin - Backhand
        没有找到全景滴, 这个凑合着看。

      • Andy Roddick - Backhands
        • 击完球身体有点失去平衡。
      • Novak Djokovic - Backhands
        • Very smooth technique – knee bent, body turn, forwarding with good balance.
      • Ana Ivanovic Backhands
        • 动作和她男老乡很像,会不会是一个教练教滴呢?
          • 我觉得Ana的反手引拍时的Loop更大一些。练了一段双手反手,现在还在找击球点。和单手反手比起来就是要等球。
            • 双反滴击球点更多一些(指前到后。。。)单反一旦miss掉靠前的击球点就很困难了(所以Federer滴单反有那么多滴Unforced Errors.)。反手topspin的个人体会:1.grip要对。2. loop要大, high ->low - >high。3. racquet speed. 当然还有侧身。。。
      • Andy Murray - Backhands
      • Gael Monfils - Backhands
      • Maria Sharapova - Backhand - ProStrokes 2.0
        • Nellie from TW 的精彩解说 --
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is a great video to discuss - some keys for power:

          1) at seconds 8-10, note the head height take back. The drop at seconds 10-11 initiates the power in the swing

          2) freeze around seconds 9-10 and you see a closed stance, with the shoulder/torso/hips in line with the intended direction of the ball. Even if you go to a more open stance with the hips, you still want to line up the shoulders

          2a) freeze after the swing at 15/16 seconds and you see her hips are parellel to the baseline, meaning that she made a 90 degree hip rotation. also note that the butt of the racquet/left elbow is pointed to the intended target after contact, indicating a 180 degree shoulder rotation from the stroke.

          3) Note at second 10, left foot is in the air and at second 12 the right foot is in the air, indicating a full weight shift

          4) ***Note that at around second 11, the hips rotate/open toward the net while the racquet stays back - this is similar to professional golf and baseball swings. This motion is key to the kinetic chain and stretches the muscles in the arm to make the ensuing swing more powerful***

          5) freeze at 13 and note the extension of the left arm after contact, meaning she has pushed through the shot and brushed up the back - this is where a lot of power is lost in rec players who stop swing forward after contact and cut right to the finish over the shoulder. I like the think of pushing and not swinging with the left arm更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Best Serve
    • Best Volley
      • Bryan Brothers "Romanian Volley"
        • 能够在service line附近连续volley那就是高手了。
      • Roger Federer Volleys in Slow Motion
      • Ana Ivanovic Volley
      • Bryan Brothers Warmup Volleys Part 1
      • FYB: Tennis Forehand Volley Summary
      • FYB: Tennis Backhand Volley Summary
      • Andy Murray - Swinging Backhand Air Volley
    • Best Backhand Slice
      • Roger Federer - Slow Motion Backhand Slice
      • Justine Henin-Hardenne - Slow Motion Backhand Slice
    • Best Overhead
    • Best drop shots
      • Novak Djokovic - Slow Motion Backhand Drop Shot
      • Roger Federer 2008 - The Drop Shot - PT1
        • 本长老的和Roger的一样
          浅蓝色服装,就是Roger Federer 2008 French Open的样式........嗯,打折的。
          • 像极了
    • Best Lob
    • 这个还比较客观, so far so good. best backhand 2hbh should at least add Safeng. Those Best Volley Best Backhand Slice Best Overhead Best drop shots Best Lob are very hard to say who is the best for pro. players.
      • 难得难得,为了不扰乱队形,建议在线下讨论
      • federer练球的时候很放松,看起来懒洋洋的,不能完全表现出他比赛时后的动作状态。
        • 练习看得更清楚啊, 从换grip开始。。。比赛镜头被剪辑得太“精简”了。Nadal 和Verdasco打练习似乎比Federer更加认真。
        • 嗯,而且西班牙的红土正手看起来就像一个模子里刻出来的,从当年的莫亚开始就这样。
          • 正确滴动作大同小异,非正确滴动作五花八门。
            • 嘿嘿,话说得没错,不过跟没说一样。大同就不用说了,小异也可以五花八门。
              • 话虽然套用得不错, 但是她的话里面的理解和认识就是有错误。潜在意思为: 除非你的水平达到了PRO,那什么动作都是对的, 或者你的动作是跟着教练一个模子给刻出来的, 那就对了, 否则就是错了。
              • 博士,您上面贴滴Federer backhands不见了。
                • slice or 1hbh? 我这边都可以看啊
                  • 1hbh
                  • #10930@54
                    • 现在上面也看到了。
                      • 一直就有。你油墨的毛病又犯了吧。
                        • 曾经出现过“Video not available...” 可能是无线网络断路滴缘故。
            • 很多非正确的动作是由跑位不精准造成的。五花八门的小异也正常,毕竟谁能以贯地无误地及时地作好击球前的准备工作尼。
              • 这才是正解, 一看发言就知道是个有球感, 真的理解网球的爱好者。
                • 虽说谦虚是一种美德,不过受人夸奖,还是忍不住美美的乐了一下下...呵呵
              • 放之四海而皆准。就连费德勒的状态下降也有这方面的原因
            • Federer 的五花八门, opps, 应该说是集锦,呵呵
              • 言之有据, 言之有理。
      • 欢迎大家自由“专业”点评,有喜欢滴video也欢迎贴上,有多个版本滴话请选个清晰度高滴,务必是slow motion.
    • Best Returns of Serve
    • Best Footwork
      • Federer Footwork Study Model
      • Roger Federer - Slow Motion Footwork
      • Rafael Nadal - Footwork, Defensive Slice Backhand
      • Nadal Tennis
        • Good racquet speed.
      • Split Step
      • Roger Federer Footwork training
      • tennis exercices
      • Modern Tennis Footwork with Yann Auzoux (1)
      • Modern Tennis Footwork with Yann Auzoux (2)
    • Roddick shoots curve shot!
    • Best Passing Shots
    • thanks for sharing, good stuff!
      • up
      • 加精~
    • P导辛苦一哈,给这贴加入精华。
    • Thanks for the wonderful videos, here are also some good slow motion videos:
    • The Split step
      • Thanks so much. I found Nadal forehand, instead of moving right hip foreward, he moved left hip backward. Am I right? The key is to make rotation?