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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

关于中国经验, 坦荡的态度能够帮助我们.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先不要自己看低自己, 自己主动暗示中国的经验就一定不如加的经验. 如果你在中国认真地奋斗过, 你应该为自己骄傲才是. 这种心态的区别HR一看就能分辨. 自己看低自己, 人家也会自然而然看低你.

如果你在中国的经验确实是和加国的很不一样, 要利用这个机会,简捷展示自己的优点 比如说,

I do see that there is major difference in this postion in China vs in Canada. I have talke to people who are in this field here in Canada and came to know that the major difference lie in @@@ and @@@. I think such difference exists because @@@@@@@@.

However, I do think the basic skills set this job requires, be it in a Chinese company or Canadian company, are fundamentally same. That is , the job calls for (eg critical analytical skills, integritive thinking, quantitively analytical skills , .....). My expereince at @@@ back at home gave me great opportunity in developing such skillls and I am sure I can pick up the rest of the learning curve pretty quickly.

I do realize that my may need to improve my @@@ skills working here in Canada and I have done @@@ and @@@ so far towards this "betterment" goal of mine. In any case, one thing I like about Canada is that I believe, this country is built on the talents and many generations of courageous new comers. With such a belief, I have kept trying and I know I will make it one day soon.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 电话 interview ,你遇到过吗
    正在找第一份会计工作,简历发出去后,很快来了几个电话 interview. 第一个问题都是为什么离开上一个公司, 我回答上一份工作在中国,听得出对方口气就变得不怎么感兴趣了。我该怎么回答?能不能编一个在加拿大的工作经验,又怕对方查reference, 请指点!
    • 回答得很没有技巧。你这么回答,人家还以为你刚下飞机呢。不要直接讲来之于中国,人家又没有问你上一个工作在哪里。应该谈你的抱负啦,对自己的期望啦,多让人家了解你的长处,如果人家对你感了兴趣,从哪里来的问题就不重要了。
    • I tradational answer is "contract/project finished". if he/she ask, how/why? I may reply "i don't know".
    • 機會叩門的緊要關頭, 編一個Canadian Experience可能不能真的幫您什麼,
      平時和板上的前輩多多請益, 了解加拿大雇主/HR的溝通邏輯, 在機會叩門的時候, 有技巧的接應創造進一步的機會. 這是我們要多學的.
    • 感谢感谢!!!
      • 你能找到加拿大公司为你做reference的话,go ahead。否则,forget about it。
        • 若曾在加拿大工作的話不是應該要繳稅嗎 ? referencee可以幫人作到這個部分 ?
      • 没有人回复的贴子你可以自己删掉。
    • 感谢感谢!!!
    • 不好意思, 发重了。
    • co-cp 有用吗?
      我正在一家会计公司做co-cp,但工作不涉及a/r,a/p,怎么才能accounting clerk, A/R,A/职位联系起来呢?
      • 你原先的工作经验是什么?打算找什么样的工作?为什么要学A/R A/P?COOP的作用就是让你熟悉本地工作环境和专业英语,提供本地reference,当然很有用
        • 可以麻煩您提供一些有Co-op機會的機構名稱嗎 ? Thanks.
          • 比较出名的是密市870,其他可以在ROLIA上搜索一下
            • 謝謝. 不過密室870的英文該怎麼打 ?
    • 77 出面了
      我原来工作是entry level 的 accounting clerk, duties including A/P, A/R。 但是A/P,A/R 不是只有生产性的公司才有吗?如过我说在会计公司做这个,合情理?
      • 如果你在會計師事務所負責的客戶是制造商/業, why not ?
      • A/P,A/R 不是只有生产性的公司才有吗?
    • 帮你想一想,试着这样说
      I actually enjoyed my last job quiet a bit. My last job was @@@@@@ and I did @@@@@. During my @@@ years at @@@, I had the opportunity to learn @@@ and applied these knowledge in my work. The most challenging part is @@@@@@. I was very proud of myself in overcoming this challenge and made a very steady step forward in my career. Now I am highly proficient in @@@ and @@@.

      Now I feel it is time to move on and I am looking for a greater opportunity to develop further my skills and knowledge in @@@ and I am confident that I have the right skills set and experience for this position. I have done quite a bit of research and have also talked to @@@ and come to know that @@@ offers, among its peers in this industry, the best opportunity for @@@. So, it is time for me to roll up my sleeve and give a real try.
    • 关于中国经验, 坦荡的态度能够帮助我们.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先不要自己看低自己, 自己主动暗示中国的经验就一定不如加的经验. 如果你在中国认真地奋斗过, 你应该为自己骄傲才是. 这种心态的区别HR一看就能分辨. 自己看低自己, 人家也会自然而然看低你.

      如果你在中国的经验确实是和加国的很不一样, 要利用这个机会,简捷展示自己的优点 比如说,

      I do see that there is major difference in this postion in China vs in Canada. I have talke to people who are in this field here in Canada and came to know that the major difference lie in @@@ and @@@. I think such difference exists because @@@@@@@@.

      However, I do think the basic skills set this job requires, be it in a Chinese company or Canadian company, are fundamentally same. That is , the job calls for (eg critical analytical skills, integritive thinking, quantitively analytical skills , .....). My expereince at @@@ back at home gave me great opportunity in developing such skillls and I am sure I can pick up the rest of the learning curve pretty quickly.

      I do realize that my may need to improve my @@@ skills working here in Canada and I have done @@@ and @@@ so far towards this "betterment" goal of mine. In any case, one thing I like about Canada is that I believe, this country is built on the talents and many generations of courageous new comers. With such a belief, I have kept trying and I know I will make it one day soon.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 頂一下 ! 正面, 積極, 樂觀, 磊落的態度最能被洋人接受