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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

how to take advantage of this perk

Click the "www" icon.
A message will appear stating that you will now be leaving the site in order to take advantage of the perk.
Enter the Corporate Code: 66942f6e
When completing the billing fields, if the number of your house/apartment is smaller then 3 digits, add a space or two before the number. "Billing information" - the address must be exactly as shown on your credit card statement.
Select the first age category you wish to purchase a ticket for (either regular, junior or senior), add required quantity of tickets in the box and add to cart
Repeat the same process for each age category. To continue purchasing, press CONTINUE
View your cart before checking out. This is the time, to change and update quantities or remove items if need be.
PRINT your tickets immediately or SAVE a PDF copy, before exiting the site. We also strongly suggest that you keep a copy of this PDF for possible use in the future for reprinting should you misplace your tickets.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 请问有没有marine land的优惠价?去年有人贴了BMO,RBC的优惠code,网上买能便宜很多,今年还有吗?如果不方便贴出来,可以pm。多谢!
    • 我也要,thanks.
    • 我也需要。排队等好心人,谢谢
      • 同等。Thanks.
    • Me too. Wait for it. Thanks
    • 同求
    • RBC code: 66942f6e
      SPECIAL WEEKEND RATE July 20, 21, 22, 23* ONLY - $29.95 plus HST

      OR take advantage of our Good-Any-Day (GAD) rates

      Regular Ages 10-59 - $38.95 plus HST
      Junior Ages 5-9 - $31.95 plus HST
      Senior Ages 60+ - $31.95 plus HST
      • how to take advantage of this perk
        Click the "www" icon.
        A message will appear stating that you will now be leaving the site in order to take advantage of the perk.
        Enter the Corporate Code: 66942f6e
        When completing the billing fields, if the number of your house/apartment is smaller then 3 digits, add a space or two before the number. "Billing information" - the address must be exactly as shown on your credit card statement.
        Select the first age category you wish to purchase a ticket for (either regular, junior or senior), add required quantity of tickets in the box and add to cart
        Repeat the same process for each age category. To continue purchasing, press CONTINUE
        View your cart before checking out. This is the time, to change and update quantities or remove items if need be.
        PRINT your tickets immediately or SAVE a PDF copy, before exiting the site. We also strongly suggest that you keep a copy of this PDF for possible use in the future for reprinting should you misplace your tickets.
      • 太感谢了!不知道有没有6月份的特别价格?
      • Thanks a lot.
        • 请问这个票能升级成SEASONAL PASS吗?网页上没看到啊?
          • 季票是进去后花5刀+tax照相办卡,所以只要进了门都可以办。
      • 我记得去年 bmo 的要好一些,而且早点。这个GAD 在有点贵,special week 又晚了些。今年还有 BMO 的优惠吗?
        • 同问
    • BMO Code: b1a721b7 $26.18 BMO Days: June 16 - June 19
      • 这个是直接在marineland的网站上买,用这个code就可以了吗?谢谢。
        • Yes, and you will need to enter line of business (pick whichever you want).
          • 这个也可以花5块钱转seasonal pass么?
            • 可以
          • 太谢谢了。买到了。其实是我自己想去玩。哈哈。
      • 多谢多谢
      • 这个5块以下免费吗?
        • 说错了,5岁以下
      • 宝宝六月刚五岁,也要买票吗?
        • 网站上写清楚了Children 4 and under are free
      • 有人成功地买到BMO的打折票了吗?我试了一下,好象不行啊。
      • 终于买到了。谢谢!
        • 请问买票时具体日期有无规定?谢谢!
    • 请问不到1岁和2岁出头的娃适合去吗?里面有多大,是否要走很多路?里面啥东东比较好玩,俺只知道有海豚表演和喂鹿,不知道是否该买季票。谢谢。
      • 个人觉得不适合,太小。也就看看表演,喂鹿就家门口喂好了。要走很多路,从海豚到whale,到喂鱼的地方,尤其是在大夏天的时候,显得格外远
      • 去年公司免费去了一趟,喂鹿没啥意思,表演也一般,孩子如果对海洋动物感兴趣的还可以,太小就实在没意思了,跑那么远还不如去动物园或者lionel's farm喂喂牛羊鸡鸭鹅
        • 那几岁以上的孩子去才比较合适?
          • 这就是为什么五岁以上要收费?!
          • 如果能玩里面的Ride的话就比较值,光看动物就不太值得。
          • 去年3yr 开始去的,主要看海豚,还坐一两个简单的ride,这一冬天就念叨海洋馆了。
            • 还有一个问题,有花5块钱转季票的,一个季度都去了几次?都在niagara fall住一天么?还是都当天回来的。看一次海豚就要跑那么大老远的,汽油费都不止一张票的价格呢。
      • Is it good for kids over 10?
        • No, too bored
    • 用了BMO的CODE 买的票,到门口要出示BMO的ID吗?
      • up