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Brief message: CMA Strategic Networking @2-3pm, Apr.30th, 2013

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这节课是免费的,但我受益匪浅,价值成千上百的workshop未必有这个好,关键是给我指明了一条networking的路。分享给大家。希望也能让更多的迷茫的同学少走弯路。

Strategic Networking is 8R:

1. Research
-Who you know?
-Who you don't know?-->Break down:
--> *by sector/industry;
--> *by title/job level;
--> *by motivators/ priorities(geography, $, work/life, career path)
-Where? --> Job fair/ social networks/ Volunteer/ Professional Organizations/ Association/ Community Center/...

2. Request
-->* the meeting
-->* the information, not a job
--> *Meet at their convenience

3. Receive (Ask for advice & expertise)
-->*Industry: trends, in demand skills,changes
-->*Company: current culture, hiring trends
-->*Their own experience:career progression, success, challenges

4. Reveal -->* sth. about yourself
** 30' Sales Pitch ** http://www.alumni.hbs.edu/careers/pitch/

5. Refer
So if there's nothing on your rada in terms of an opportunity for someone with my skills & experience, is there anyone in your network you feel may be of value to connect with as I continue my research meetings?

6. Review: Customize your documents

7. Respond-->follow up/ continue to moving forward/ continue to expand your network

8. Remind--> Send a thank you email/ request to stay connected/ keep in touch for future need & offer to reciprocate

Bonus: 4 ways to leverage LinkedIn for job search
-->target company / industries
-->utilize the job search options
-->peers, past co-workers, alumni and old friend
-->ask for referral

~~~~~That's all, good night~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Brief message: CMA Strategic Networking @2-3pm, Apr.30th, 2013
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这节课是免费的,但我受益匪浅,价值成千上百的workshop未必有这个好,关键是给我指明了一条networking的路。分享给大家。希望也能让更多的迷茫的同学少走弯路。

    Strategic Networking is 8R:

    1. Research
    -Who you know?
    -Who you don't know?-->Break down:
    --> *by sector/industry;
    --> *by title/job level;
    --> *by motivators/ priorities(geography, $, work/life, career path)
    -Where? --> Job fair/ social networks/ Volunteer/ Professional Organizations/ Association/ Community Center/...

    2. Request
    -->* the meeting
    -->* the information, not a job
    --> *Meet at their convenience

    3. Receive (Ask for advice & expertise)
    -->*Industry: trends, in demand skills,changes
    -->*Company: current culture, hiring trends
    -->*Their own experience:career progression, success, challenges

    4. Reveal -->* sth. about yourself
    ** 30' Sales Pitch ** http://www.alumni.hbs.edu/careers/pitch/

    5. Refer
    So if there's nothing on your rada in terms of an opportunity for someone with my skills & experience, is there anyone in your network you feel may be of value to connect with as I continue my research meetings?

    6. Review: Customize your documents

    7. Respond-->follow up/ continue to moving forward/ continue to expand your network

    8. Remind--> Send a thank you email/ request to stay connected/ keep in touch for future need & offer to reciprocate

    Bonus: 4 ways to leverage LinkedIn for job search
    -->target company / industries
    -->utilize the job search options
    -->peers, past co-workers, alumni and old friend
    -->ask for referral

    ~~~~~That's all, good night~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 太太感谢了,已经收藏了,特别是那个30秒的自我介绍,太实用了,谢谢谢谢
    • 多谢!Networking 部分你照做了吗?效果怎么样?正头疼怎么networking ...
      • 坚持不懈地在做。朝着这个方向走,不要急功近利。做事在人,成事在天。
        • 所言极是,way to go!