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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Imagining Toronto with new mayor Chow - Some citizens have come to Olivia’s office to have their noses wiped by city staff :-)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.torontosun.com/2014/09/01/imagining-to-with-a-new-mayor

Bike lanes on the Gardiner? Statues of Jack Layton in every park? All ’round the sounds of gender neutrality, cultural sensitivity and tree planting. Mall Santas must chant “he-he-he” instead of “ho-ho-ho” so as not to offend hookers.

There’s no mayor’s office, per se. The sign says “Olivia’s Babysitting Service.

The place is packed, like sardines on a TTC bus, as Ms. Chow is fond of saying. (She has named several sardines to public posts, but in the new spirit of inclusiveness, has added herrings, smelts and even a halibut.

Some citizens have come to Olivia’s office to have their noses wiped by city staff, some to pay their $10,000 vehicle registration tax.

Outside City Hall, in Jack Layton Square, tree planting is in full swing. “She wants us to plant a million of ‘em,” says a bright-eyed man, patting down the rootball off a spruce. Is that you, Warren Kinsella?!

“I’m back in her good books. She even lets me drive the Integration Express.”

Ah, yes, the Integration Express, a megabus that runs through every neighbourhood in the city. Takes eight days. Paid for with the bag tax, the shoe tax, the socks tax, the beach tax, the cola tax, the...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Imagining Toronto with new mayor Chow - Some citizens have come to Olivia’s office to have their noses wiped by city staff :-)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.torontosun.com/2014/09/01/imagining-to-with-a-new-mayor

    Bike lanes on the Gardiner? Statues of Jack Layton in every park? All ’round the sounds of gender neutrality, cultural sensitivity and tree planting. Mall Santas must chant “he-he-he” instead of “ho-ho-ho” so as not to offend hookers.

    There’s no mayor’s office, per se. The sign says “Olivia’s Babysitting Service.

    The place is packed, like sardines on a TTC bus, as Ms. Chow is fond of saying. (She has named several sardines to public posts, but in the new spirit of inclusiveness, has added herrings, smelts and even a halibut.

    Some citizens have come to Olivia’s office to have their noses wiped by city staff, some to pay their $10,000 vehicle registration tax.

    Outside City Hall, in Jack Layton Square, tree planting is in full swing. “She wants us to plant a million of ‘em,” says a bright-eyed man, patting down the rootball off a spruce. Is that you, Warren Kinsella?!

    “I’m back in her good books. She even lets me drive the Integration Express.”

    Ah, yes, the Integration Express, a megabus that runs through every neighbourhood in the city. Takes eight days. Paid for with the bag tax, the shoe tax, the socks tax, the beach tax, the cola tax, the...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Toronto SUN? 这不过是借NDP的名恶意打压,邪恶化少数族裔候选人而已,奇怪的是有那么多同类竟然附和,
      • 打“族裔"牌是绝望的表现,理性地看,候选人的党纲比种族和肤色更重要
        • 是这边的游戏规则,犹太人,黑人,西语人等等都这样玩的,玩的让人不讨厌,需要技巧。。。酱紫。
          • 肯定要背靠自己的种族的,毫无疑问,可是她没有一点象我们啊。
            • 哈哈。。。我都没看英文,只就AlaAbracadabra的发言发表意见。关于邹,因为我没关注她的言论,不敢断言她是不是和一些香港人一样,如果她想要大陆移民的选票,大陆移民可以直接问她。我因为franchise law ,旁听了某党的一个小会,让我挺失望的。。sigh.
              • 你不觉得她的思路离我们移民太遥远?种族的内涵不是肤色,而是价值观和内在的精神。
                • 的确不了解她的思路,她的义工呢?
          • 同是NDP,为什么JACK LAYTON没有像CHOW这么样被取笑? CHOW该自己找找原因,是否功课做的不够? 群众的眼睛也是雪亮的,如果NDP是人民的大救星,大家会看清的,如果大家看不清,那就再多发点光出来!
            • 这说的有道理。
      • 你确认她是我们的同类?除了肤色连长相都不象我们了。相由心生。
      • 原文也写了 Tory, Ford 当市长会是怎样, 不妨看看全文。我喜欢这句 Some citizens have come to Olivia’s office to have their noses wiped by city staff :-)