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Law so far is perfectly clear about where application may be submitted:

R11. (1) An application for a permanent resident visa - other than an
application for a permanent resident visa made under Part 8 (refugees) -
must be made to the immigration office that serves:

(a) the country where the applicant is residing, if the applicant has been
lawfully admitted to that country for a period of at least one year; or

(b) the applicant's country of nationality or, if the applicant is
stateless, their country of habitual residence other than a country in which
they are residing without having been lawfully admitted.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 加拿大联邦移民部2日宣布从今年5月1日开始,凡技术移民、企业移民和投资移民必须在原居住地提出移民申请。这项政策将增加留学生申请移民的困难。
    • 你也知道这个消息了!是真的吗?
    • 要是在这边找到了工作,也要回国申请移民吗?
    • 呵呵,好好。本来犹豫不定的,倒是帮了一个大忙。
    • 到底是不是真的呀?不知道该不该移民。
      • 请看R11原文
        Law so far is perfectly clear about where application may be submitted:

        R11. (1) An application for a permanent resident visa - other than an
        application for a permanent resident visa made under Part 8 (refugees) -
        must be made to the immigration office that serves:

        (a) the country where the applicant is residing, if the applicant has been
        lawfully admitted to that country for a period of at least one year; or

        (b) the applicant's country of nationality or, if the applicant is
        stateless, their country of habitual residence other than a country in which
        they are residing without having been lawfully admitted.
        • 谣言止于智者啊。请问你是从哪里找到相关条款的?
          • 是呀,独孤一剑老兄,你是在哪 找到这个原文的?我急需证实这一消息。目前看来,好像这一新闻最初出自中新网。但英文的我至今没找着。
            • No.中新网还不是消息的源头,源头是4月2号的世界日报。现在看来世界上最难的不是证明一条定理,而是证伪一条谣言。
              • 非常有道理。星期五朋友让我看了wenxue城上面的这条消息,我当时就不太相信。于是到处求证。连问了好几个中介,全都各有各的说法。
          • 在www.cic.gc.ca上,可以找到,我刚刚在一个Canada Gazette 的PDF中看到了。
    • 刚看了条款原文,好像是如果被允许在加呆至少一年,就可以在加拿大本地申请移民。不知我的理解对不对。
      • 应该是吧.转贴后在CIC官方网站上没有找到连接,想删掉,未遂~~
      • 我认为zhangaimee(aimee)的理解是正确的,不知大家怎么认为~~~~~
        • 有人打电话去了CIC, 证实了Zhang Aimee的理解.
      • 如果是这样就太好了。被打回北京去太麻烦了。请问cic网站上哪个部分可以看到原文
        • http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/tempPdf/g2-136x9.pdf See Page 25 for "Place of application for permanet residence visa"
          • thank you