




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 分析文章:川普总统对加拿大医疗用品出口限制,把小土豆推向中国。川普是情绪稳定型天才总统,一百年出一个,我信他。 +6


    • 夫妻本事同林鸟,大难当头各自飞。一家人都如此,国与国关系更是如此。这对土豆总理是历练的经历,最近和中国的关系有很多解冻暗示了。 +3
      • he said. "We need the masks. We don't want other people getting it. ... If people don't give us what we need for our people, we're going to be very tough, and we've been very tough."川总真是心直口快。
        • 你以为Trudeau是蠢蛋?经此一疫,美国肯定立法重要医疗设备美国采购或者北美采购,所以加拿大的医疗设备公司制药公司等等,好日子在后头,还有很多产业会受惠的!全球保护主义兴起,紧靠全球的心脏位置还不好好珍惜? +5
          • 先解决燃眉之急再说,和是否蠢有啥关系,你看福特省长的不满谈话了吗? +2
    • 一个介绍中国生产口罩YouTube视频有一个老外写的关于川普每天情绪的变化: +1
      Trump Day 1 - Fake news
      Trump Day 2 - Kung Flu
      Trump Day 3 - Xi and I are best buddies (yes we get free masks)
      Trump Day 4 - They attack us we attack them China Virus
      Trump Day 5 - China is doing a very good job in cleaning up the virus (yes free ventilators)
      Trump Day 6 - They are bad people I will teach them a lesson
      Trump Day 7 - I've just had a wonderful exchange with Xi and we are working together to battle this (yes we get the vaccine from them).
      • 川大爷这是更年期了吗?或者更象是被虐恋的女人。一把年纪了,做个富豪就好了,非要玩政治。 +1
    • We have to survive in the short term to talk about anything in the long run. 川普这个老流氓斗不过中国,难道要拿自己的战略伙伴出气? +1