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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 298名运动员心脏骤停,问题严重,170人死亡,注射COVID(mRNA)疫苗后(每一例都有新闻链接) +6
    • 觸目驚心!疫苗引起的次生災難 +3
    • I have to say those parents, after knowing news like this, still volunteered to have kids vaxxed, is beyond reasoning. +9
      • 主流媒体不报道 +2
        • 正常范围的死亡数字报个啥?美国足球运动员每年在赛场/训练场上的非创伤性死亡有近10个,数了一下你新闻链接里的相应数字,也就10个左右 +2
          • I don't think it is normal. MSM won't need to find excuse like climate change, pandemic stress, weed usage to cover these sudden death if it IS NORMAL. +4
            • 你的引用资料没有任何对比性研究,我提供的美国足球运动员每年的非创伤性死亡数据是基于20年统计结果.足球运动员的疫苗死在你们眼里是非常有分量的,结果今年美国的足球运动员非创伤性死亡数字与往年持平,由不得你不信了
              • 既然你喜欢研究数据,建议研究一下:2020年加拿大全部死亡人数,以及和往年的比较,2020年加拿大新冠死亡人数。这些数据在加拿大政府网站上。
                • 不是喜欢研究数据,是你们提供的运动员数据煞有其事,总得找点资料证实一下
                  • 那就研究一下上面的数据,这很重要,能看出疫情严重程度。当然不愿意研究拉倒,随意。
                    • 加拿大往年平均流感的死亡人数是3500,新冠还不到2年,因新冠死了近3万,有过研究说还有相近数量的漏报
                      • 你的数据是对的,和我的一样,但结论却相反,为啥?你漏了我建议研究的其它数据。拉倒,你随意,不再说了 +1
              • I only need common sense to understand this. MSM must have way better resources than your statistics, but they don't spin it like you are doing here, instead try to link it to "Climate change" etc. Clearly they don't deny the fact of excess death. +1
                • 500%的基准都拿不出来,上下嘴一碰就过度了
        • Up to and including December 3, 2021, a total of 248 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination. 也可以不承认相关性 +2
          • Up to and including December 3, 2021, a total of 248 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination. Although these deaths occurred after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine. Based on the medical case review using the WHO-UMC causality assessment categories, it has been determined that: 
            • 119 reports of deaths could not be assessed due to insufficient information
              • Among the 119 that could not be assessed, 1 was in a report of TTS (Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty)
            • 88 reports of deaths are unlikely linked to a COVID-19 vaccine
            • 41 reports of death are still under investigation
              • Among the 41 still under investigation, 6 were in reports of TTS (AstraZeneca Vaxzevria/COVISHIELD)
      • 替那些參加冰球籃球排球等訓練的還有即將到來的滑雪季滑雪的孩子們捏把汗,尤其是男孩子,都是速度快的劇烈運動 +4
        • 还有飞行员
        • 里面还真有加拿大的一例Local Teen, Queen’s University Student Passed Away Suddenly After Medical Emergency
          KAWARTHA LAKES-18-year-old Jacob Downey of the Downeyville area passed away suddenly on Wednesday.Downey was a first-year student at Queen's University in Kingston who put out a statement today:"The Queen’s community is remembering Jacob Downey, who passed suddenly after a medical e
    • 疫苗不是仙丹,打了以后也会生老病死
      • 所以啊,千万不要强迫别人打。连建议也要很谨慎。 +4
        • 疫苗不是仙丹,但是保护你不得新冠 仔细想想打不打
          • 我知道最近得新冠的全是打过疫苗的,就是周围朋友。所以你说的疫苗保护不得新冠100%虚假信息。如果你说疫苗保护你不得重症,只能说不知道对不对,因为没法比较。但是不得新冠绝对错误。 +6
            • 我知道最近得新冠的全是没打过疫苗的。所以你说的疫苗不保护新冠100%虚假信息。 +1
          • CDC說美國大多數omicron case hit fully vaccinated,這也叫保護你? +4
          • 今天新增里面,已接种的已经超过未接种的了。疫苗虽然还有保护力,但好像在不断下降啊。