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It is because different insurance system.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In Manitoba, it is the public insurance system. Simply speaking, goverment (or all the residents) pay the Loss amount.
In Ontario, it is the private insurance system. All the price depending on market demanding and supplying, also the premuim collected and the loss payout by the insurance company.

For Manitoba people, even if you don't own a car, you indirectly pay the loss amount because the money pays out is from the gov't (also the tax from the public).

For Ontario people, it is the people who buy the insurance(own car) pay the premuim, and also pay themselves for the loss amount (insurance company using the statistic by large insured pool).

Either way has its own advantage and disadvantage. But the main point is as a residence of Canada, you'd better keep your opion consistent. For example, when you enjoy the low public service, please don't complain you pay too much tax; likewise, when you complain the high insurance premuim, please think about if you want to pay high tax.

As a whole, the money is a certain amount with 2.7% growth rate in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 关于汽车保险费和华人政党
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在网上看到好些关于汽车保险费问题的讨论, 觉得有些地方,特别是安省的汽车保险费很高, 简直是宰人. 对比之下, 觉得我所在的马尼托巴省 (Manitoba) 就好些. 我们这里,全省就一家汽车保险公司, 叫 Manitoba Public Insurance (http://www.mpi.mb.ca), 但大家都习惯说成 Autopac.
    车保险费只能在这一家保险公司买, 所以是统一的保险费, 只要条件(车和人),和所选要的 Package 也相同,那么保险费就是一样的. 而且保险费也可以在这家公司的网站http://www.mpi.mb.ca) 上查到, 一目了然. 大家都知道的, 所以这里很少人谈论车保险费的问题,除非新来的还不知道,大家才告诉他要去Autopac买就行了.

    这里的保险费 (从他们网上也可以查到)价格怎样,举两个例子:
    1. 2003 年的 Honda Civic DX, 4 door, No discount(有discount则更便宜), Dedutable $200, Third Party Liability $1,000,000, 保险费: 每年大概是 1415 元, 即每月约 118元.

    2. 2003 年的 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 door, No discount(有discount则更便宜), Dedutable $200, Third Party Liability $1,000,000, 保险费: 每年大概是 1618 元, 即每月约 135元.

    看看,应该不算太贵吧. 可以说是全省统一价吧. 去年该公司闹意见说保险费太低,想提高保险费,结果去年年底,大家都收到一份关于这个 Autopac 服务是否好,收费是否合理的调查问卷, 说是作为调整 2003 年保险费的一种依据, 结果可好, 今年(2003)保险费反而比去年低了些.

    照说安省保险公司多,竞争激烈保险费应该相对低点才对,怎么反而是更高呢? 我斗胆猜测,是否是安省缺乏立法限制高保险费? 是否安省里一些高官,议员握有不少保险公司的股票,或甚至是其大老板? 因而不愿意让保险费下降呢? 不管怎么样,反正平头百姓也只有被这些保险公司欺诈的份了.

    我突然想,要是有人参选议员,甚至省长时,以促进改革安省的汽车保险费制度,大幅降低人们支付汽车保险费为竞选口号,是否能得到不少选民的支持呢?(起码我自己就很有可能把选票给了这样的人). 于是我想要不在安省的中国人组织一个自己的政党去参选吧. 这个党可以只有一条原则: 在不损害个人利益的前提下, 在自愿的基础上, 尽力为包括自己在内的华人争取更多的利益. 每到竞选的时候,可以推举"我党"中的比较热心, 又比较出色,"德才兼备", 愿意为华人社区出头者,参加竞选, 我们就用自己手中的选票支持自己人,安省华人不少,如果再加上好的竞选纲领,应该也能打动部分其他族裔的人, 那样被选上的人,既可以得到一份工作和收入,又有机会为华人争取利益. 被选上的人干得好,我们就接着支持他连任, 要有更出色者,就支持更出色者参加下届竞选...... 于是在"我党"的艰苦努力之下, 安省汽车保险费终于得到大幅下降, 而中国的农历春季也被定为法定假日放假一天...... 你们说呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谈谈自己对汽车保险问题的看法。汽车保险也是一种商品,是不是?那么卖方有权自己定价格,买方可以有权决定买不买,如果保险价格太高,顾客有权不买,如果在价格很高的情况下,政府还强制客户去买,你们说合理吗?
      • 同意您的疑问, 遗憾听到您保险费的提高. 不知有谁知道安省有什么机构或组织可以向他们 Complain
        • 谢谢您的关注。。
      • 严重支持
      • This legislation is good for drivers from the history data
        The reason there is the law to buy insurance is because the majority people know the disater when you don't buy insurance. They voted. If you want to change the law, vote against it.
        Yes, Insurance pays odds. But, if that happens, it can benefit both sides.

        In Ontario, the insurance is private market, gov't can do less than Manitoba, and much less than in China.
    • It is because different insurance system.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In Manitoba, it is the public insurance system. Simply speaking, goverment (or all the residents) pay the Loss amount.
      In Ontario, it is the private insurance system. All the price depending on market demanding and supplying, also the premuim collected and the loss payout by the insurance company.

      For Manitoba people, even if you don't own a car, you indirectly pay the loss amount because the money pays out is from the gov't (also the tax from the public).

      For Ontario people, it is the people who buy the insurance(own car) pay the premuim, and also pay themselves for the loss amount (insurance company using the statistic by large insured pool).

      Either way has its own advantage and disadvantage. But the main point is as a residence of Canada, you'd better keep your opion consistent. For example, when you enjoy the low public service, please don't complain you pay too much tax; likewise, when you complain the high insurance premuim, please think about if you want to pay high tax.

      As a whole, the money is a certain amount with 2.7% growth rate in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 补充:安省的保险和你的安全记录相关,同事开车10年没有任何事故和罚单,现在一年保费不到800(新车,全保),同事父母开车几十年没有事故,同样的车保费不到500,估计他们到了你们省,就也得每月交118了.


        • 他们到 Manitoba, 同样可以拿到很高百分比的 Discount, 因而保险费更低, (我举的例子是新手,没有 Discount 的保险费) ,
          您可以从他们网站上看到如何计算 (Insurance Rate Calculator) 保险费, 最高 Discount 达 25%, 估计您同事是能达到的.
      • 通过你的解释,对安省的汽车保险有了初步的了解。那么,我的问题仍然是:保险涨的时候,为什么不采取和顾客协商的方法?为什么不书面通知顾客?我的情况就是在没有任何通知的情况下涨了11元/每月。
        • 为什么不采取和顾客协商的方法? What do you think?
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First, I want to talk about the insurance in Manitoba. I guess the reason why the gov't did the survey (which is what you like to have) is to pleased their voters. Very simple, even before they consider implementing such a survey, the result is definitely sure ( No body will answer I like to increase my insurance premimum). So their are several reasons why they did such a cost (yes, very cost if you think about the money spend on mails and salary paid out for their employees). The first reason is as above to let their voters feel they were respect and their views are important for the gov't. The other reason is later, if something happened to the residents (for example, decreasing public service in health). They will have reason to answer because the majority of you agree to move more fund to insurance. I am sure they will not cover that on the survey to show how their budget will change)

          Then, back to Ontario. As I said before, it is a private market. And business has to make profit. These survey with certain result will reduce a huge amount of profit in their annual report. What do they do? IF they ask their clients, do you think they will say yes to increase their payment? They know some of their clients will become angry. Also they know a few will shift their business to other insures. But, as a business in Ontario, they also know the customers has few choices in their property insurance. That's another issue regarding monolipy power.

          But, as a residents here, to have libility insurance to cover the person got hurted/ loss is also a social responsiblity.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net