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ATTN: everyone who donated to the @gofundme for the Trucker convoy needs to report fraud to their credit card companies and file a claim. We need tens of thousands of claims against their company


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 不知真的假的,用这个对付GOFUNDME简直就是要GOFUNDME破产啊 :-) +4


    Do not use the gofundme.com refund form.
    Issue a charge-back/open a dispute with your bank, this way, gofundme will have to pay 15USD, or more, for each charge-back request, plus the refund value. This is how all banks work.
    Please share this as much as possible. If we're successful, gofundme will regret doing this because they'll lose tons of money.


    • 是已经有人在酝酿向 GFM 反击 +3
      • 我要再等等,看看FREEDOM Convoy 的组织者怎么说。 反正离19号还有很多天呢。19日以后还可有可能用这种的‘DISPUTE’方法把钱要回来 :-)(估计到那时官司已经打响了,也用不着退了,等官司的结果了)。因为这次GOFUNDME的金额显示的是群众支持程度 +3

        网友贴的,FREEDOM Convoy组织者的讲话,看来要把GOFUNDME捐款转出来,再捐到这里了。不过网站连不上,估计挤爆了 :-) -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 21:05 (#14337643@0)
    • 信用卡早就有这个,但是条件是钱没有退。过了2月19号,你那个捐的100块就没了。只能拿到15块,是不是有点得不偿失?
      • 那是不可能的,他不能随便吞捐款。 +2
        • 说的很清楚了,2月19号之后,这些钱可能给慈善组织。你不在之前申请回来,是你的问题。
          • 可以找“慈善”机构要回来,正好把产业链找齐了
    • 这个想法很合规,但政府不会一样要求各银行跟它合作、听它的话?你按法律法规办事,它也是,但手比你长、嘴比你大、权势比你高。很怀念毛主席那种:不拘一格用手段。 +1
      • 毛主席有人保卫的。毛主席还不在乎钱
    • 另外一个建议差不多:可以找信用卡公司投诉GOFUNDME欺诈。。。If GoFundMe gets a couple thousand dispute requests through credit cards, they will not only lose a ton of money, credit cards could drop them... +2
      • 这个办法最好,推特上已经有很多人只有做了。因为受骗,向自己的信用卡公司要求撤销交易 +2
      • 有推友写: Request a charge back from the credit card company, you get your donation back, and gofundme gets charged $35. +1
    • Credit Card Chargebacks Explained +2
      Find out everything you need to know about credit card chargebacks, and how you can protect your business against them. Click to learn more about their limits and rules, and how you can protect your business from them.
    • 网友贴的,FREEDOM Convoy组织者的讲话,看来要把GOFUNDME捐款转出来,再捐到这里了。不过网站连不上,估计挤爆了 :-) -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 21:05 (#14337643@0) +1
      • 先把自己的钱要回来。留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 +1
    • 从推特上收集一些退款信息,大家研究一下:如何要求退款,转到哪个平台,再怎么玩死GoFundMe 😡BREAKING: Here is the @GoFundMe link to get your donation back from these disgusting worms. Use it immediately and switch to @GiveSendGo
    • ATTN: everyone who donated to the @gofundme for the Trucker convoy needs to report fraud to their credit card companies and file a claim. We need tens of thousands of claims against their company
      • I will do this tomorrow after tomorrow.看看可不可以玩把GFM. 再不能用这个平台了, kiss my a** and goodbye 👋
    • 1分钟前刚看到新闻说gofundme决定把卡车司机的捐款给其它慈善机构! +1
      • 凭什么?难道有这样的协议?
        • GoFundMe pulls plug on fundraiser for trucker convoy protesters
