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Thomas Sowell once said that inflation was the “most universal tax of all,” a “way to take people’s wealth from them without having to openly raise taxes.”



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / Thomas Sowell once said that inflation was the “most universal tax of all,” a “way to take people’s wealth from them without having to openly raise taxes.” +1


    • 对了。。。都喜欢丛林法则,都害怕杀富济贫,这就是结果。 +1
    • 三次分配不加税从哪来啊。白等竞选纲领不是加税么,离开里根执政初期税率还低好多。
    • 怎么理解?通胀对people来说,收入不增支出大增,等于交出去更多钱,另一头政府怎么通过通胀多赚钱?如果不是加税的话,收入税等于people的收入乘以税率,people收入没增,税收也不会增啊
      • 政府的刺字逐年增长, 只能提高GDP, 物价工资全面普涨才能降低debt/gdp 比例。 目前看没有第二种解法
      • 就是情绪德发泄,当不得真的