还有shadow mortgage :Using mortgage origination data from Ontario,
non-prime lending through private lenders (excluding large institutions that are regulated through OSFI) accounted for around 4% or new mortgages since the end of 2012。这是2019的文章。经过这两年的信用扩张,non-prime市场只会更大。
枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这样力度的加息,不知道在B lender,私贷借贷的renew时怎么办。The four major Mortgage Finance Companies (MFCs), MCAP, First National, Merix, and RFA, collectively account for 12% of all outstanding mortgages in Canada.
还有shadow mortgage :Using mortgage origination data from Ontario,
non-prime lending through private lenders (excluding large institutions that are regulated through OSFI) accounted for around 4% or new mortgages since the end of 2012。这是2019的文章。经过这两年的信用扩张,non-prime市场只会更大。