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CBC - Canada plans incentives to ease housing burden (Canada's Housing Minister Sean Fraser is evaluating a wide range of options as he looks to ease the housing crisis in the country, CBC reported on Sunday)

Fraser is also considering removing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on affordable housing projects and dedicating federal lands to rental housing, the report added. Fraser told CBC that the main goals were to use funds previously allotted for existing programs more swiftly and effectively, guarantee Canada could use its construction workforce, and support relatively underdeveloped industries like factory-built homes.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / CBC - Canada plans incentives to ease housing burden (Canada's Housing Minister Sean Fraser is evaluating a wide range of options as he looks to ease the housing crisis in the country, CBC reported on Sunday)
    Fraser is also considering removing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on affordable housing projects and dedicating federal lands to rental housing, the report added. Fraser told CBC that the main goals were to use funds previously allotted for existing programs more swiftly and effectively, guarantee Canada could use its construction workforce, and support relatively underdeveloped industries like factory-built homes.
    • 文中指出:The economy's unexpected contraction in the second quarter was largely due to declines in housing investment and smaller inventory accumulation as well as slower international exports and household spending.
    • 移民部长转任住房部长,加拿大骗移民救房市意图太明显了。以多伦多现在的均价180万,首付20%,7%的利率,25年摊还期,一年要还房贷超过12万。即使40万年薪也还不起吧。这种简单的计算就能知道的事情,这白痴还装模做样想办法。这太可笑了。 +3
      • 多伦多现在的均价180万,确定吗?我还真不知道,看来应该upgrade自己的住房。 +1
        • 土豆自由党都上台8年了,房价涨了一倍。每天喊得山响,结果呢? +2
          • 联邦一级政府,没有存在的意义。
      • 买180万房子的家庭绝大多数情况下不会是第一次买房,首付一般也不会只有20%,现在的市场上还是有很多180万左右的房子成交,两三百万的也不少见,不得不叹服有的人是真有钱。。