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最优利率和cashback可以申请特批,好信用好收入offer更好。请点链接扫码加微信咨询,Scotiabank -- Nick Zhang 6478812600。
今天公布的加拿大央行会议纪要,直指房价。Members noted that if financial conditions eased prematurely, the housing market could rebound, further fuelling shelter price pressures。与本坛流行的央行议息不看房价的观点,有冲突啊。
This is an account of the deliberations of the Bank of Canada’s Governing Council leading to the monetary policy decision on December 6, 2023.
因为通胀的最大贡献因素是房贷。经济学家称之为The dirty little secret: strip out the mortgage costs from the consumer price index and the inflation rate is pretty much at target. That’s the dirty little secret that rarely, if ever, gets any attention.
今天公布的加拿大央行会议纪要,直指房价。Members noted that if financial conditions eased prematurely, the housing market could rebound, further fuelling shelter price pressures。与本坛流行的央行议息不看房价的观点,有冲突啊。
This is an account of the deliberations of the Bank of Canada’s Governing Council leading to the monetary policy decision on December 6, 2023.
你咋不接着引用接下来的一句:They agreed that monetary policy could not solve the “structural shortage of supply” in Canada’s housing market。 说白了央行认为加息并不能解决房屋短缺的问题,那是政府要解决的,多盖房。央行也看多房市。