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NDP's Ten Practical Solutions for Ontario. 希望更多的人支持 NDP. The PublicPower

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.Stop hydro privatization and deregulation and ensure clean, reliable public power at cost.
2. Extend public home care, create 100 new Community Health Centres and cut long-term care user fees. Cancel plans for private MRI/CT clinics and privately built hospitals and put funds back into public health care.
3. Keep our drinking water public and protect water from source to tap.
4. Ensure every student has the opportunity to excel, guaranteed by a dedicated Education Excellence Fund that takes the politics out of education funding. No public funds for private schools.
5. Immediately increase the minimum wage to $8 an hour, prohibit scabs and treat injured workers fairly.
6. Freeze rents for two years, build at least 32,000 units of affordable housing and increase shelter allowances.
7. Cut tuition by 10 per cent and ensure that no student is denied a quality education or training for financial reasons.
8. Lower transit fares, shorten waits and reduce gridlock with a dedicated transportation trust fund.
9. Reduce child care fees to $10 a day for 18 month to 5 year olds in non-profit, regulated child care, and create 20,000 new child care spaces.
Protect your pension from inflation and let you take it with you from job to job.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / NDP's Ten Practical Solutions for Ontario. 希望更多的人支持 NDP. The PublicPower
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.Stop hydro privatization and deregulation and ensure clean, reliable public power at cost.
    2. Extend public home care, create 100 new Community Health Centres and cut long-term care user fees. Cancel plans for private MRI/CT clinics and privately built hospitals and put funds back into public health care.
    3. Keep our drinking water public and protect water from source to tap.
    4. Ensure every student has the opportunity to excel, guaranteed by a dedicated Education Excellence Fund that takes the politics out of education funding. No public funds for private schools.
    5. Immediately increase the minimum wage to $8 an hour, prohibit scabs and treat injured workers fairly.
    6. Freeze rents for two years, build at least 32,000 units of affordable housing and increase shelter allowances.
    7. Cut tuition by 10 per cent and ensure that no student is denied a quality education or training for financial reasons.
    8. Lower transit fares, shorten waits and reduce gridlock with a dedicated transportation trust fund.
    9. Reduce child care fees to $10 a day for 18 month to 5 year olds in non-profit, regulated child care, and create 20,000 new child care spaces.
    Protect your pension from inflation and let you take it with you from job to job.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • NDP问题太多, 与其支持NDP, 还不如回中国支持GCD, 支持GCD说不定还能弄个既得利益者当当, 支持NDP, 大家都穷死.
      • 哈哈哈哈
        • 我说的是事实, 你看邹至惠代表的选民就知道了.
      • 你错了,GCD 现在的政策和 NDP 截然不同。GCD 搞的非民主的社会主义是失败的,所以他们开始搞资本主义, NDP 倡导的民主社会主义不一定那么糟糕,现在的这个制度下大家一样穷。
      • 是啊,NDP也就骗骗这里的穷人,从中国来的也相信,就是俺们家乡俗话讲的“吃一百个脰不嫌腥”。
        • 嗯,在这一点上 liberal 做的比较平等,所有人一起骗,不管你从哪来,一个也不能少。
    • 支持NDP--->支持工会---->生产成本提高---->企业破产,政府赤字---->失去投资---->政府加税----->彻底没了投资----->失业率增加----->NDP下台
      • 工会的作用
        年薪六万的收垃圾工人,时薪18.88的清洁工,洗衣工,每年4-9周的带薪休假,每周工作36小时,每天有coffee break,活干的不好没关系,他们有"job security".BC ferry Cashier 起薪19$/h,如果不是他们罢工要求更高工资,别人还不知道.
        • 支不支持 NDP , 工会的作用都是一样
          • 知道这里(BC)人怎么形容工会的? "Bully", "Overpowered union". 是谁使union 这样的? NDP.
          • Please ask more before you reach any conclusion.
            Consider it as a favor to 11 Million Ontarians
      • Ruin the province first to have the second "Common Sense Revolution"?
    • 看了这十条,承诺都很美好,我有一个问题:这里面多是在谈花钱,那么钱从哪里来,怎么平衡预算呢?
      • 肯定是在税收上做文章。但是按照 NDP 的策略,肯定是杀富济贫,而不是现在这种杀贫济富。
        • #1731687
        • 富人的钱从哪来的?
        • 没了富,贫还能好?
        • NDP在BC从政近十年,把BC这样一个拥有丰富的自然资源(林业,鱼业),旅游资源,能源(石油,天然气,电力)的省,搞到经济负增长,也真够本事的.
          • 如果两届政府没有政绩就应该下台了,比如安省的 PC. 可恨的是现在换上来的 liberal 把全省人民都给涮了。
            • who told you that 安省的 PC两届政府没有政绩?
        • 最好趁穷的时候让ndp上台,5年之后再富起来坚决支持保守党
          • 好像不是新移民的方向。