

I share with all of you the pain and sorrow...

I share with all of you the pain and sorrow...of losing such a good brother, a great father, and willing helper.
Life is fragile, and unpredictable, like the drifting clouds. Please don't waste time crying over trifle little things. Treat each day as a new, fresh and precious day from God. Be grateful that each morning when we are awake, we still have time ahead of us, a life to live, food to eat, oxygen to breathe in, friends to laugh with, and a patch of blue sky above...
Don't be upset by work, or money, or any other things.... Be content like a child. After all, we have our health and life.
And most important of all, be kind, patient, considerate and forgiving. That is why we are crying over Yuren's death, for he possessed such precious human qualities.
I write this to you and to me, to encourage and inspire both you and myself, to make tomorrow a better day, so that Yuren's death could offer us meaning.
Let's find ways to help his children and his parents.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 悲哉,悼念愚人



    • 悲痛哀悼! 没想到, 就在回国前他还在张罗着当晚会的义工小组长~~~~
      • 天哪,难以相信。 为什么好人走得这么快,悲痛哀悼!
      • 是不是应该找个律师,从法律角度解释一下责权利?
    • 唉,同悲
      • Take care, our friend!
        In this stormy night

        In this freezing wind

        To say goodbye

        Isn't easy

        But what makes it more sorrowful

        Is that we didn't have a chance to say


        Yesterday you left us so much

        Your laughter was soothing and bright

        Then the cold, cold wind carried you somewhere

        Though out of sight, forever in our mind.

        What you had left us

        We shall always cherish

        But why? why? why?
        Why you left us without a simple goodbye

        This we find it hard to take.

    • 哎,可惜!这样的家庭才是我们最应该关怀的。。。
    • 真的很可怜,组织大家捐款吧
      • Support!
    • 哀悼。
    • 悲痛哀悼!
    • 不敢相信,悲痛哀悼,哭....
    • 深表同情
    • 昨天看到你的帖子,我就觉得不是好事,猜想是不是有人出车祸了,但事实远比我猜想的残酷.唯一的安慰是他买了保险...
    • 天啊!是真的吗?那个曾经给我EL warehouse 票的愚人大哥?他可真是个好人。
      • Does he work for EL?
        • 大概是他朋友给他的票
    • 悲痛哀悼,无法控制眼泪,哭!
    • 虽然没见过愚人,但从网上看他是一个很热情的人,没想到命运如此坎坷,深切悼念
    • 正在办公室里,看见这个噩耗,简直怀疑是否真实。
    • 虽然不知道愚人是谁,听上去太惨了,他也许去和太太团聚了,但孩子们怎么办?太可怜了!
      • 愚哥是中科院出来的, 生前在大银号工作, 人是一等一的心肠, 修桥铺路无尸骸啊
        • 补充一句,是南开校友..
          • Reall?
            • yeah...that's how we know each other first..
        • 怒人有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处啊!
    • 悲痛!!!可怜一双儿女...... 我们能为他做点什么?
    • 天啊。忍不住落泪。。。
    • 太惨了:(
    • 上天真是不公啊。让一个幸福的家庭如此支离破碎。真的很难过,愚人兄一路走好。大家看能怎么帮帮两个孩子吧。
    • 真难过,如此之惨, 希望他们一路走好。
    • 悲痛哀悼,我们能做点什么?
    • 虽不识愚人,但仍感恸彻心底,为无常的生命,为那对无助的儿女。建议那些交往过愚人的朋友,暂停一下手里的忙碌,记录一下你所知的他,为了纪念,也为了日后他的儿女能为曾有这样的慈父引以为荣。
      • 再整理一下,刻成光盘或者打印出来,给孩子做一个永久的几年...... 两个孩子算起来分别是10岁5岁,就痛失双亲,伤痛啊。
    • 啊,可怜那二个小孩子. 这老哥一定是看二孩子太辛苦了,有病也不看, 可惜呀.
      • 40男国移,俺也快这岁数了,所以震惊和哀悼啊,我们真该珍惜自己,珍惜每一天啊。
    • 虽然不认得,也非常悲哀,人生无常。
    • 悲痛哀悼!
    • 惜哉痛哉!愚人兄是个真好人,一路走好!
    • 痛悼...最可怜的是一双小孩子,大家做点什么吧....
    • 愚人是热心人,为什么好人走得那么快?!悼念愚人~!
    • 怎么会这样? 是什么原因让夫妇俩英年早逝, 我想他夫人去世也不过30多岁把,这里环境指数比国内高,生活平和,医疗有保障,,,哎,怎么也无法相信, 悲伤, 孩子怎么办哪
    • So sad. How come to the two kids?
    • 孩子挺可怜的,哎。
    • 不认识愚人, 但泪流满面, 可怜两小孩.
    • 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。但愿死去的人在天之灵得到安息,活着的人珍惜拥有的每一天,不再有那么多的遗憾。
    • 天哪!天哪!为什么这么好的人会。。?虽然未曾见面,但听说他是一等一的一个好人。前几天听说身边的一个朋友因病突然去世,也是40出头,痛苦和震惊未过,现在又在网上看到另外一个熟悉尊敬的网友的事情。无言,只有悲痛
    • 天哪, 十月三十号我们在Edward Garden搞活动愚人大哥还帮忙拍照来着
    • 非常难过。想一下先。
    • 英年早逝,深切痛惜,一路走好
    • 英年早逝,悲哉!希望今后能更多关注他子女的消息,希望他们能健康地长大。
      • 同感。
    • so shock and unbelievable, can we know more about him?
    • 孩子有人收养了吗?谁知道?
      • 没这么快吧
    • 悲恸无语!孩子怎么办?
    • My deep condolence. Hope his kids get supported.
      • 虽不认识愚人, 但知他是好人. 伤心得泪流脸面. 不知他生前身体怎样, 怎么会猝死呢? 但愿大家都要注意身体! 其他都是次要的.
    • 虽不认识愚人, 却也为他哀痛。恳请字者及其他与愚人相熟的朋友继续为我们update 他们家的后续情况。两个小孩子年纪尚小, 最担心的是他们心灵受创。 他们是在加还是在国内? 盼望他们的祖父母能够有能力监护他们。如果不能,

      再说一点,死者已逝,希望与他相熟的朋友节哀, 尽我们的能力为他们家做一些事。再就是珍惜我们的时光, 好好生活。
      • My sympathy to the family and kids.
        • I share with all of you the pain and sorrow...
          I share with all of you the pain and sorrow...of losing such a good brother, a great father, and willing helper.
          Life is fragile, and unpredictable, like the drifting clouds. Please don't waste time crying over trifle little things. Treat each day as a new, fresh and precious day from God. Be grateful that each morning when we are awake, we still have time ahead of us, a life to live, food to eat, oxygen to breathe in, friends to laugh with, and a patch of blue sky above...
          Don't be upset by work, or money, or any other things.... Be content like a child. After all, we have our health and life.
          And most important of all, be kind, patient, considerate and forgiving. That is why we are crying over Yuren's death, for he possessed such precious human qualities.
          I write this to you and to me, to encourage and inspire both you and myself, to make tomorrow a better day, so that Yuren's death could offer us meaning.
          Let's find ways to help his children and his parents.
      • 儿童保护中心会介入的。孩子会被审核过的 家庭收养。
    • 怎么会呢? 以前还一起打过保龄球呢。
    • 哀悼。
    • 看着愚人发过的帖子,心痛难当。
    • 虽然不相识,也泪流满面,谁牵个头,大家帮人场或帮钱场,尽个心意......
    • SURPRISED, a nice person.pray for him and his kids.
    • Live as if you would die tomorrow. Make everyday your perfect day!
    • 心痛孩子们!
    • 哀悼。
    • 虽不识愚人, 深切痛惜
    • 深表哀悼! 愿他们在天之灵能安息, 并护佑俩个小孩子
    • 虽然俺一个人也不认识,可是实在是太惨了,痛惜!
    • 沉痛悼念,5555555555555555
      • 悲痛哀悼!小女儿更可怜,以后只有抓她哥哥的手过马路了
        • can we parents take turns each to spend a day with the kids?!
          • It would be a perfect idea!
            1. being a parent, you know how to take care of them;
            2. you have kids of your own, your kids could their friends;
            3. you have the toys and facilities for kids;
            So please, parents, reach out and help.
      • 希望好心人收养这两个没爹没妈的孩子。不让送他/她们回中国。
    • 不敢相信是真的
    • 悲痛哀悼,哭....
      • 我同样的年龄也失去年刚40的父亲,母爱伴我人生至今。想想孩子们的漫慢人生,忍不住泪如泉涌
    • 好人啊!沉痛哀悼。
      • 沉痛悼念愚人老大
    • 同样的故事发生在我朋友身上,不同的是他走的时候更年轻,孩子还有妈妈,相同的是,都是差不多的“愚人”,留下的都是年纪尚幼的一对兄妹.....