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Luck has nothing to do with it.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Luck has nothing to do with it. When it comes to learning I am always the one who learns the knowledge and skills the fastest and the best. When it comes to get the job down, again, I always can do the best. I went to top universities and came out the best. When I talk to people in areas of finance, culture, arts and politics, I know more than the people who are in the business for years. I can predict the future very accurately. When it comes to play games, of course, I am no good at it. Yet, that’s the most important quality in Canada to get and keep any job. I personally dealt with VP's of those big banks LZ mentioned here. All what I can say is some of them more decent or nicer and kinder than others. I can't say any of them are smart. They may be smart in workplace politics which due to training and upbringing. In this country anybody who can hold a position for long in any place must be good and be smart at it. I believe one is good in playing power games mustn’t be good and smart in business and getting things done right. I never met anyone in Canada who is good at business and capable to make things better. That is why this country keeps going downhill.

It is debatable when it comes to measure somebody’s smartness. First of all, I'd like to know LZ’s standard. LZ, please elaborate further.

I have a feeling that by emphasizing his interviewer smart, LZ means to make him look better. After all, nobody here wants to hear a story such as “An interview by a crowd of silly asses”. I don’t intend to offend anyone. My dear LZ and my readers, please take it easy.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Investment Banking Interview Experience with RBC, TD, BMO, CIBC, Scotia, Genuity.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Unlike US, Canadian Capital Markets is much smaller with fewer players in the market. There are only these few firms on the Bay Street.

    The Investment Banking Interviews are squeezed into first 3 weeks of Oct each year. Every year, graduating MBA students start scrambling in September to look for jobs in financial industry.

    I Banking jobs are notoriously difficult to find. It is the toughest jobs to find on the street. Each year, there are over 1000 MBAs graduating from Canadian Business Schools, yet, each firm only hires 3 to 5 associates for IBD and 3 to 5 associates for sales and trading. In a good year, there are only 30 to 50 positions available in this field. The competition is fierce and I consider myself lucky to have interviews with all the major firms on the street.

    RBC Capital Markets, aggressive, tricky and started from the moment they shake hands with you, they were assessing you and they stares into your eyes looking for weakness. Questions were tricky, aside from standard valuation type of questions, they were trying to trick you into making mistakes and assessing you if you could work under stress.
    Format: two on one interviews.
    One Round: 1 VP from Merger & Acquisition and another one is an VP from Equity Capital markets.
    Another round: 1 associate just came back from New York, 1 Director.

    TD Securities, the only home grown I banking division, 1st round, met an associate and a director. They made decision the same day and called me back for second round, which is the so called Super Saturday, which is a series of interviews with 5 individuals on a Saturday morning or Sat afternoon. The second rounds were tough fights. 5 I bankers with different personality, some aggressive, some subtle, some approachable. At the end, it was exhausting. The decision was made in the same afternoon.

    BMO, met a director for first round, who was a very nice and approachable guy, similar as TD, the second round was the so called "Super Sat", 20 or so final round candidates are brought to BMO head office, wined and dined and bombarded by senior bankers.

    CIBC, interviewed with a head trader and securitization guy. Loved them. Brought me to second round, met 4 MDs in second round.

    Scotia, well, i would say, they were the most unprofessional one, they put an HR lady with an Associate for the first round. Which I have never seen such combination before. The HR lady knows shit about finance.

    Genuity, if you know the history, you know where they came from. A bunch of extremely smart individuals there, met co-head Merger and Acquistion, an Alumini of my school and another guy, who is Oxford PHD, nice but aggressive.

    Take aways, i was honored to be interviewed by all these bankers. Got a bunch of business cards haha and some offers...

    Anyway, I've always been asked on how to break into this field. My answer is: it is a Beauty Contest. Different individuals like different beauty, same thing applies to the bankers. They like you, you are in. If it happens that they were in a bad mood that day, you are out. Simple like that. There is no rationale on how they make decision, but the truth is that they make decision very fast. Very often, the same day. Also the Markets determine the number of hires. If the market is doing well, the number of hires may increase 1 or 2 each firm. If the market is not doing well, they may not hire anyone at all!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Was there second run for Scotia?
      • there was 2nd round for Scotia capital as well
    • 多谢分享.
    • 好贴,顶!
    • 鼓掌.
    • 好帖,谢谢!
    • 用粤语讲,就是“晒命”。除了RBC的case有点信息,其它全是流水账。
      • what type of info r u interested in? let me know.
    • you did great job. thanks for sharing.
      • 折腾移民是加拿大的特点,这位朋友跟他们玩的挺好
    • 牛人, 仰慕中...
    • I had a friend who got interviewed with TD for IBank job. 15 people for 5 jobs.
      • how did your friend do?
        • He did not get the offer. But he doesn't like Ibank job that much anyway. He said they stayed in really fancy hotel though.
    • cool, you are very experienced!! i am very interested in the investment field,any suggestion for the path to the investment field?
      • Ur background?
        • i have a degree in china,here financial diploma, working at a financial company that is not related to the investment area.
          • MBA from Canada, US or UK is the minimum requirement.
    • I had TD and BMO i-banking interview last year but didn't go through. I just thought it's really hard to get in unless you're a native speaker and white. I'm working on buy-side now. anyway, thanks for sharing.
    • 谢谢分享,很好的信息。
    • Can you please give us some details of your interviews?
      You mentioned your interviewers were extremely smart people; I'd like to know how smart they were. Fancy I never met anybody I consider smart in my life. I'd like to know what standard you use to rate people being smart or not. Thanks for sharing.
      • "I never met anybody I consider smart in my life" ——可怜。
        • Luck has nothing to do with it.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Luck has nothing to do with it. When it comes to learning I am always the one who learns the knowledge and skills the fastest and the best. When it comes to get the job down, again, I always can do the best. I went to top universities and came out the best. When I talk to people in areas of finance, culture, arts and politics, I know more than the people who are in the business for years. I can predict the future very accurately. When it comes to play games, of course, I am no good at it. Yet, that’s the most important quality in Canada to get and keep any job. I personally dealt with VP's of those big banks LZ mentioned here. All what I can say is some of them more decent or nicer and kinder than others. I can't say any of them are smart. They may be smart in workplace politics which due to training and upbringing. In this country anybody who can hold a position for long in any place must be good and be smart at it. I believe one is good in playing power games mustn’t be good and smart in business and getting things done right. I never met anyone in Canada who is good at business and capable to make things better. That is why this country keeps going downhill.

          It is debatable when it comes to measure somebody’s smartness. First of all, I'd like to know LZ’s standard. LZ, please elaborate further.

          I have a feeling that by emphasizing his interviewer smart, LZ means to make him look better. After all, nobody here wants to hear a story such as “An interview by a crowd of silly asses”. I don’t intend to offend anyone. My dear LZ and my readers, please take it easy.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • WHEN IT COMES TO bullshitting ..... It is impossible that one can do everything and be the best of all. Or one doesn't need to say "WHEN IT COMES TO" time and again.
          • Like zuluking, you are just another bullshitter. zuluking unlikely got interviews from all schedule one banks in Sept. nor didn't you deal with all V.Ps of all the big banks. A Joke is a joke, no need to take it seriously.
            • well, the things you don't see in your own world, does not mean it does not exist.
            • I totally agree! If you're in this field, you know it's a jok.
        • Save your pity for yourself. I don't need it. All what I want is some details from LZ.
      • Either you are extremely smart or extremely arrogant. Maybe you just don't know anyone.
        • I personally know top 10 in politics, arts and culture in China. I dealt with a lot of top executives in Canada and met quite a lot of MPs, MPPs, and local politicians. I worked for a number of big companies. May I hear whom you know.
          • hey, what do you mean "top 10 in politics, arts and culture in China" that you kept boasting ? btw, ,what do you do that you need to deal with soooo many executives and polticians?
            • Bottom U P.
          • Then you are a big BOTTOM:)))
          • I am not smart enough to say that somebody else is not smart. Everyone has his/her strength and weakness. Nobody is a fool. You probably have a different standard for smart people.
    • I was away for the past one week working frantically.
      So many pending msgs and my mail box is full.