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关于“中国间谍”:申请中国护照延期表格有一栏是填写当前工作单位,当时我就纳闷领事馆要知道这个干什么?反正我是没有填。any thoughts?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 关于“中国间谍”:申请中国护照延期表格有一栏是填写当前工作单位,当时我就纳闷领事馆要知道这个干什么?反正我是没有填。any thoughts?
    • 也许是选择间谍的条件之一?
    • The Chinese gov provides fund for overseas Chinese to setup research parks and joint ventures in China, encouraging and rewarding them to transfer knowledge and technologies acquired overseas to China.
      This does not fit in a strict definition of espionage, but very close