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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这儿又有好玩的了:一月十日星期六: 不穿裤子坐地铁日。两点提醒:第一为卫生请穿内裤;第二为防寒冷,请到地铁站再脱。一点申明:我不是组织者,也不是参加者!

Time to have fun and help put a smile on Torontonian's cold, January faces.

The No Pants! Subway Ride is annual event originally staged by Improv Everywhere, every January in New York City since 2002. This event has now become a global phenomenon, with the mission being performed all over North America in past years.

The mission is simple, agents get onto a subway car wearing no pants. Everything else about them is normal except just no pants! They act like everything is normal, and just sit quietly reading the newspaper or listening to music. If asked about why they are not wearing pants, they DO NOT admit the truth. They will say things like "Oh, I just forgot my pants..." or "It didn't feel cold enough to wear pants today".

The mission baffles the thousands of subway riders, and gives everyone a chance to fulfill there lifetime dream; riding a subway with no pants on!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 这儿又有好玩的了:一月十日星期六: 不穿裤子坐地铁日。两点提醒:第一为卫生请穿内裤;第二为防寒冷,请到地铁站再脱。一点申明:我不是组织者,也不是参加者!
    Time to have fun and help put a smile on Torontonian's cold, January faces.

    The No Pants! Subway Ride is annual event originally staged by Improv Everywhere, every January in New York City since 2002. This event has now become a global phenomenon, with the mission being performed all over North America in past years.

    The mission is simple, agents get onto a subway car wearing no pants. Everything else about them is normal except just no pants! They act like everything is normal, and just sit quietly reading the newspaper or listening to music. If asked about why they are not wearing pants, they DO NOT admit the truth. They will say things like "Oh, I just forgot my pants..." or "It didn't feel cold enough to wear pants today".

    The mission baffles the thousands of subway riders, and gives everyone a chance to fulfill there lifetime dream; riding a subway with no pants on!
    • ooo*_*
      • MM,给流氓活动捧场不好,请自重.
        • 你老人家是不是过了,为什么是流氓? 就这要自重? 本人轻如鸿毛.
          • 他全脑子想着杀贪官,一不留神字打错了。他本想写浪漫活动的。
      • MM的腿真美(没邪念地说).
        • 真有眼福,MM美腿百年不遇的一展,让您给尽览了.....讲讲:到底有多美?
          • 自己拿个放大镜,好好研究吧.
    • 请不要误会了。这是很大规模的世界范围行为艺术。参与者一般都是平底衬裤。
      • Ha, it's going to be a little bit cold :))
        • 要的就是这效果。天热就不好玩了。反正车里还是暖和的。
          • 好像地铁站台还是比较冷的说。。。不过我是肯定会去
            • 你那美腿不去展示一下太可惜了 :D
              • 你那美腿不去展示一下太可惜了 :D -wangqingshui(忘情水);
              • ???????
    • “也不是参加者! ”似有此地无银三百两之嫌啊。
    • Here is last year Toronto Star report
    • 欢迎内衣厂商挂牌赞助....
      • good idea.
    • First time hear this. Interesting. Is photography allowed?
    • 挺文静的一女子,何时变的如此招摇?更甚欲在大庭广众裸露大腿,真是跌碎我的眼镜。
      • ding
      • 你误会了。我只是看到好玩的活动就贴上来,知道有人会感兴趣参加或参观的。我自己去参加就不会在这儿贴了。就像这儿年年有人招呼去看pride parade一样,总不能都是gay吧。
      • 刚又收到通知,有几个小组都在张罗这事,而且已经报名的人中绝对有帅哥美女。去看Rolia演出的同学又正好可以坐TTC,多一个节目。
        • ARTS,你去了吗?我不幸在地铁上遇上那班人了,没有看到多少帅哥美女,有的男生看上去胡子拉碴,年龄不小了,上面穿西服打领带,下面一条短裤。有的女生的短裤特别短,总的来说,主要是白色西人,没有看到有亚洲人,估计我不好意思仔细看,没有看到,
          • 我参加的有好几个小组都组织了这次活动。你看到的估计是艺术家们的,有一个20s' group的,帅哥美女多多,至少照片上是,可能你没赶上。俺老胳膊老腿的就不参乎了。
          • 他们就喜欢你吃惊才有效果,最近看了几个show,真佩服老外的表演欲,会自掏腰包去娱乐别人,所以才叫出洋相的。下次这样的,碰上一定要猛盯,这样他们才会高兴。俺是道行不够,做不到处之泰然,只有选不参加了。
            • 啊,要猛盯?嘿嘿,好吧,下次试试。那个穿西服的胡子拉碴的同学和我打招呼,我立刻头就低下了,因为害怕他邀请我入伙,而我很不好意思在大庭广众说NO,没有办法,还好,我头一低下,他就没有多话了,嘿嘿