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By google it, looks like almond oil not only for hair loss, but also for normal skin, GNC has "Now Almond Oil" at $9.99.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Self-care remedy tips for hair loss:

Massage the scalp with 2-3 drops of essential oil or a good vegetable oil. Massage well into the scalp so that the oil gets into deep roots of hair. Wrap the hair in plastic wrap and place a warm towel around it. Leave it for 2 to three hours or overnight. Shampoo the hair with a mild shampoo. Practicing this at regular basis would help your hair pores get rejuvenated.
Eat a handful of white sesame seeds every morning. One handful of these small seeds contains about 1,200 mg. of calcium and magnesium to ignite the required nourishments of your scalp not to loose hair.
Take some yogurt everyday (unless you are allergic to milk).
Rinse hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar tea to help hair grow.
Mix little warmer castor and almond oil and massage over scalp at least once a week.
Grind lime seeds and black pepper in equal number in some water and apply on the scalp at regular intervals.
Scrub the bald portion with onions till it becomes red. Then applying honey, scrub the scalp once a day.
Massage almond oil on scalp 2 to 3 times a day. Further hair loss will stop by doing this practice.
Massage coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel into the scalp and hair. Leave it for ½ hour, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week.
Massage honey with egg yolk into the scalp and hair. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then rinse to prevent hair loss.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 女儿头发掉得厉害,家里到处都是她的头发,每次梳过头,卫生间地上一层头发。在老外的推荐下,买了
    瓶 Almond Oil (100% Pure), 说是防止掉头发的。小屁孩用了两次后,一天她梳过头,我进卫生间,发现地上只有两根头发,问她有没有自己清理过掉地的头发,她说没有,(是说怎么会这么乖呢)。于是我和老娘也跟着用,事实证明,我们现在都不掉头发了。最多会在地上看见一、二跟头发。
    • 效果这么好, 请问是什么牌子的, 在哪里可以买到, 谢谢.
      • 在Health Product Store.
        • 请问GTA哪里有这样的店啊?
          • 一般的mall里面都有,就是卖鱼油,维生素的商店。但不是唐人街的店
      • 用的时候比较麻烦点。要把油到在一个小勺里,放在炉头上加热一下,然后用手指沾着,按摩到头皮上。不能抹在头发上。
        • 抹完后要保持多久才洗掉呢?谢谢!
          • 不洗掉,只能用一小勺,揉进发根里。
            • 那头发不是会粘上油?
        • 看起来头发还是继续掉,不过掉下来之后粘在原处而已。
          • LOL
            • lol
        • 你觉得老年人用会有效吗?还有多久一次?是每次洗头发后都要?
          • 有效,我妈妈60多了,用了也不掉了。我现在是烫的小卷,每天梳头后,只有1至2根头发沾在梳子上,地上完全没有。
            • 现在还在持续用呢?还是不掉了以后,就可以停了?
        • 用了后,还会长出新发吗?
      • 用过nisim的洗头水,治掉头发很有效
        • 请问 beatygirl你用了nisim效果持久吗?我是一把把的掉, 本来头发就很少,心疼死我了 我是头皮油发根干
          要是必须得天天用,不用了就又掉了 那不就是药物依赖性了吗
      • 大家看过来,我买的就是这样的东东 http://www.nowfoods.com/Products/ProductsbyCategory/Category/M003270?cat=Natural%20Foods%2cPersonal%20Care
        文字大家看过来,我买的就是这样的东东 http://www.nowfoods.com/Products/ProductsbyCategory/Category/M003270?cat=Natural%20Foods%2cPersonal%20Care
    • 使用方法??
      • 已经在上面了,因为效果实在太好了,忍不住出来推荐,想来女同胞们掉头发的不少,更麻烦的是清理地上的头发。
        • 是的,我饱受困扰。看来我要得救了。
    • 姐姐呀,这是救命啊,求你把牌子说一下吧!!!
      • 应该不论牌子,只要是Almond Oil 就可以了。我用的是Now Personal Care. 一般的健康食品商店都有,用的时候,一定要把油加热。每次洗好头用。
        • 姐姐真好
          • 你太客气,嘴好甜
        • I saw 100% pure almond oil at Nofrills. I guess it is not a brand name, but it does say 100%. It is $4.29 for 250ml. BTW, How 热 does it have to be? How often should it be applied? How big is the 小勺? Thanks.
          • I am not sure if the one from no frill is for cooking. I just apply it every time after wash my hair. The quantity is not matter, the point is if you applied too much will cause your hair looks oily
    • 求你把牌子说一下吧,pls
      • Now Personal Care
      • 大家看过来,我买的就是这样的东东 http://www.nowfoods.com/Products/ProductsbyCategory/Category/M003270?cat=Natural%20Foods%2cPersonal%20Care
    • 请问是洗头发前将油抹在头皮上,还是洗完头发再抹?如果洗完抹会不会头发很油??
      • By google it, looks like almond oil not only for hair loss, but also for normal skin, GNC has "Now Almond Oil" at $9.99.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Self-care remedy tips for hair loss:

        Massage the scalp with 2-3 drops of essential oil or a good vegetable oil. Massage well into the scalp so that the oil gets into deep roots of hair. Wrap the hair in plastic wrap and place a warm towel around it. Leave it for 2 to three hours or overnight. Shampoo the hair with a mild shampoo. Practicing this at regular basis would help your hair pores get rejuvenated.
        Eat a handful of white sesame seeds every morning. One handful of these small seeds contains about 1,200 mg. of calcium and magnesium to ignite the required nourishments of your scalp not to loose hair.
        Take some yogurt everyday (unless you are allergic to milk).
        Rinse hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar tea to help hair grow.
        Mix little warmer castor and almond oil and massage over scalp at least once a week.
        Grind lime seeds and black pepper in equal number in some water and apply on the scalp at regular intervals.
        Scrub the bald portion with onions till it becomes red. Then applying honey, scrub the scalp once a day.
        Massage almond oil on scalp 2 to 3 times a day. Further hair loss will stop by doing this practice.
        Massage coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel into the scalp and hair. Leave it for ½ hour, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week.
        Massage honey with egg yolk into the scalp and hair. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then rinse to prevent hair loss.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 洗好头用,要小心些,我第一次时就弄得头发很油。
    • Thank you very much!
    • 报告大家,FAIRVIEW MALL里面的GNC没有!
      • 多好的同志啊,感谢!
      • 花了一个晚上,去了gnc, nutrition house, drug mart, walmart, fruit&passion, body shop, Loblaws, 只有nutrition house有一款almond oil, 别的店没这个东西,但没说pure也没说100%,买到的同学请汇报一下在什么地方买的
        • 很多冒里,都有洋人的卖维生素之类的健康食品店。在那里就有卖的
    • 感谢感谢。明天就去买这个油。另外,请问抹了这个油之后,平时不掉头发,洗头的时候掉的多吗?
      • 也只掉1--2根。
    • 我昨天去了城市广场,几家卖鱼油的店都没有卖,哪位有买到的姐妹汇报一下吧。
      • 去whole food market看看, 记得在那看到过好多种油
    • 楼主快说在哪买的到,每天收拾满地的头发我都快疯了!!!
      • 我是在密市的south Commen Mall 里面的健康食品店买的,店主好象是个亚裔。 一般的 Mall里面都可以找到这样的店。还有,橄榄油也行,不能用食用的那种就行。
        • 我也在密市。你说的那个店具体叫什么?是在那个Erin Mill/Burhamthope的位置吗?
          • Yes
          • 从mall的入口一进去,左拐,挨着珠宝店的那家卖维生素的店。
            • 请问要多热?谢谢
              • 买到了,在WOODBRIDLE MALL( FINCH / WARDEN 的西北角), 二楼,好象是GNC,卖维生素之类的健康食品店,问店员,马上拿给你,15.99刀
                • 太好了,这个离俺近,先给LG做小白鼠试试去~~
                • 也准备去试试
                • 谢谢信息,今天晚上去..
            • 今天晚上到密市那家店买到了。刚才倒在小勺里加热,按摩在头顶上了。谢谢。
            • 谢谢你的信息,我已经在那家密市店买到了。刚才加热后涂在头顶上了。现在想咨询的是:我在加拿大一直脱发,现在头顶上的头发很稀,能看见头皮了。我加热后的油是不是涂在头顶脱发的头皮上,还是整个头部的头皮都需要涂?另外你涂了这个油,现在几天洗一次头发啊?谢谢你。
              • 我也买了, 是在warden 和finch的woodbridle那里买的, fairview 确实没有。15.99. food buck也有, 但是我想那是吃的。 用在头皮上的还是小心点好, 就还是买了GNC的。 我觉得一瓶挺大, 准备以后每次洗完头都用点, 希望有效!
              • 我以前一周洗三次头,现在,因为烫了头,一周只洗两次了。最好是全头都涂,我们是这样做的。
        • 今天去了楼主说的这个地方,居然卖断货了,说今天晚些才能来货!飞天你该找他们要广告费啊!后来在sq1买到了
          • DDDDD.....
    • 谢谢拉, 只用了一次就见效了,地上已经看不到散落的头发拉。我会坚持用。就是头发有点油腻。可能是我用的太多了。
    • 也来做个见证并感谢一下楼主。我出国9年来一直脱发,现在头顶的发线很宽,头发稀疏。昨晚用了这个油,只涂了头顶。今天用梳子梳头,头顶不掉头发,其他没涂油的地方还有落发。
    • Noah's Natual Food Store has several kinds of Almond Oil including "Now" brand. They have 4 location in Toronto. Link attached.
      • 我的头发也不怎么掉了,以前可是掉得非常厉害的。不仅是洗手间。我经常呆的地方也是很多头发。在此衷心感谢楼主。 不过没涂的地方有一两根掉, 还有头发看上去象一个月没洗的!
        • 您抹太多了。
          • 请问大家都是用什么办法抹到头皮上,昨天试着用小棉签抹,结果头皮上没多少,全到头发上了,头发象很多天没洗一样,苦闷呀!
            • 我也有同样苦闷,我是10天前买的。这些天头发掉少了,但是头发很油。是用小钢勺加热后用手指头抹到头皮上然后按摩头皮的。我的朋友都说我的头发很油,其实我已经很小心,只抹在头皮上,仍然有这个困扰。
              • 要不您们试试晚上的时候洗头,抹上油,早上起来再洗次头,是不是就不会油腻了?
    • 告诉大家一个地方可以买到: Don Mills和Van Horne交界处Peanut Plaza里有个health product store,就是在鼎太旁边.
    • 我家小狗老掉毛,不知这个油有用不
      • 提醒了我,应该给我家的猫做个试验
        • 谢了先!找了一通,今天终于买到了这个sweet almond oil,准备试试。BTW,duffrin mall的toy r us对面的店里有卖,就是LZ的这个牌子,有需要的可以到那里看看,不过我只买到了100ml的,$5.05+tax。
    • I bought it from Pacific Mall. There is a health product store close to the south entrance. The brand is the same as lz mentioned,and it is only 10.99. btw, there are at least five bottles left.
      • 店名叫什么?
    • 看起来真的不错呢!动心了,不知道孕妇可不可以用?
      • 这是纯天然的,就不知道杏仁对孕妇有没有刺激了。
    • How to apply this oil without making my hair oily? I bought this product you recommand but it is hard to apply without making my hair oily. Would you please share your experience? thanks so much
      • 我因为是烫发,抹了油之后,还要搽摩丝的。所以没有感觉,之前是觉得抹多了后有油腻的感觉
    • 谢谢分享。买到了,在Yonge & Bloor地铁附近的Health Product Store有。小瓶110ml $6多,大瓶的$12左右吧。
      • 姐妹们用后效果如何?谢谢分享!
      • 我也在附近,那个店叫什么名字啊?具体在哪儿?