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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Sorry, forgot detail. Come in please......

For Chinese passport renewal:

1. 2 photos: my own photos were rejected. So, took 4 photos for CAD 10 at the consulate. Got them within 5 mins. And, they only took 2 photos away;
2. Original passport with a copy;
3. Canadian Maple Leave (PR) card with copies of front and back;
4. Application form: found from Consulate's website: http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/HQGR/70/P020061206837292663871.pdf

By the way, you have to go there in person. Only takes 2 mins for the application (not including line up). Pick up in one month.

More info to be found at: http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/HQGR/40/t40440.htm.

Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 申请换发Chinese护照, "移民加拿大(自登陆日期算起)5年以上者,须提供《未入籍证明》". How and where to get 《未入籍证明》?
    • 枫叶卡就是证明
    • 拖轮拖领事馆的说法如下。好像办理这个证明需要半年时间吧,要尽早动手。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛申请未入加拿大国籍证明须知


      二、加拿大公民资格及移民部入籍申请审批中心(Case Processing Center )可为申请人出具国籍证明(Search of Canadian Citizenship Records)。申请国籍证明的具体手续如下:

      1、首先与加拿大公民资格及移民部电话服务中心(CIC Call Center)联络并请其寄送国籍证明申请表(Application for a Search of citizenship Records)。




      B、用保付支票certified check 或汇票money order 支付75加元,收款人为:the Receiver General for Canada.

      Case Processing Center , P. O. Box 10000, Sydney,
      Nova Scotia, b1p 6v6 Tel:902-5647800


      中华人民共和国驻多伦多总领事馆签证室 对外办公时间:

      240 St. George Street ,Toronto,M5R 2P4 上午9:00-12:00 下午1:30-3:30

      Tel :416-9648861 Fax:416-3249010 星期一至星期五(节假日除外)

      二OO七年一月更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank you!
      • Thanks for the info. Hope that's not true! Too much work! Just called Chinese Consulate 416-964-8861. No answer, no message. Want to complain! By the way, are you from Beijing? I recognize the name for a person from my University in BJ.
        • 呵呵。我不是北京人。说说对这个问题的理解:



          • Sounds fair!
    • Here for your reference --->
      • Thanks a lot!
        • Not a problem. I need to do this renew soon. Please share your experience after you finish it. Thank you!
          • Will do. But, I also requested a e-form from CIC - just in case Consulate would ask for it (not going to go through it right now. Will go to the Consulate first).
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sir, Madam,

            Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. I am pleased to provide you with the requested information:

            This application is for persons requesting a search of citizenship records to verify citizenship and naturalization information. After a search is done, if a record of citizenship is found, a record letter is issued. This letter is valid for a specific reason and length of time, generally for one month. If no citizenship registration record is found, you will be given a no record letter. Once a record letter has served its purpose, it must be returned to the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Sydney, Nova Scotia. No other letter will be issued until it is returned.

            There are three reasons why someone would ask for a search:

            the person does not have proof of citizenship;
            the person has proof of citizenship but needs a letter saying how and/or when citizenship was obtained; or
            a third party asks for citizenship confirmation.
            Please note that the only official proof of Canadian citizenship is a citizenship certificate (i.e. wallet-size card). If the search results show that you are a Canadian citizen and you want a citizenship certificate as proof afterward, you must send an Application for a Citizenship Certificate with the required documents and payment to the CPC in Sydney. There is no cost for a search of records if you apply at the same time for a citizenship certificate. When you submit both applications together, you will only have to pay $75 and, if the search results show that you are a Canadian citizen, a citizenship certificate will be issued to you.

            You must send your application to the CPC in Sydney, Nova Scotia. The application is available on our Web site. You can fill out the application on-line and print it or fill it out by hand.

            To help avoid delays or a refusal, make sure that you:

            properly complete and sign the application form;
            include all the documents listed in the Guide;
            make the payment through our Web site with a credit card or at a financial institution (e.g. a bank) with an official Receipt (IMM 5401); and
            include the proof of payment.

            The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information:

            Description: Application for a Search of Citizenship Records
            Address: http://cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/search.asp

            Description: Application for a Citizenship Certificate from Inside Canada
            Address: http://cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/certif.asp

            Description: Payment of fees through the Internet
            Address: 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 除了东北人,没一个回答对的。“须提供未入加拿大国籍的证明” 后面括号里的字没有人看的?



        P.O. BOX 7000


      • 这下放心啦,谢谢!
      • 看一下这两个链接,注意文档的日期。

        • 这两个网站说的有一点不同:大使馆说:持有加拿大枫叶卡者,则无需提供(未加入国籍的证明);而领事馆的则没有这个说法。可能以后者的为准,因为后者是2007年的,前者是2003年的,可能会有不同。
    • 借您宝地问一下. 听说中领馆不再办理护照延期,必须换新护照,可是领事馆网页上又有护照加注服务的?
    • 不要去办未入籍证明. 我太太去年办过, 也是按网站上的说明, 既花钱又费时间. 拿到后去领事馆, 发现只要在领事馆的一份声明上签字, (声明自己没有外国国籍, 否则后果自负)就可以了. 不花一分钱.
      • 請問你太太護照什么時候辦的?看到你的一行字,放心了。08年2月我們去辦中國護照,他們要證明,但是沒有說另外的方法。
    • Just back from the Consulate. Update!
      • 刁难你了?
      • Sorry, forgot detail. Come in please......
        For Chinese passport renewal:

        1. 2 photos: my own photos were rejected. So, took 4 photos for CAD 10 at the consulate. Got them within 5 mins. And, they only took 2 photos away;
        2. Original passport with a copy;
        3. Canadian Maple Leave (PR) card with copies of front and back;
        4. Application form: found from Consulate's website: http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/HQGR/70/P020061206837292663871.pdf

        By the way, you have to go there in person. Only takes 2 mins for the application (not including line up). Pick up in one month.

        More info to be found at: http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/HQGR/40/t40440.htm.

        Good luck!
        • 为什么不收你的照片?因为你DIY的,还是因为你相片比真人好看?
          • They said the backgroup color was too blue!? Not accepted.
            • I meant "background color".
              • 他们有很多理由,只要从穿的衣服上或照片上能判断出你不是当天在领事馆照的照片。
                • 把领事馆想成要饭的了?人家差你这十块八块的吗
                  • 领事馆旁边有一个照相的地方,主要是为半护照的人服务。我去换新护照时看见很多拿了事先照好的照片的人被以各种理由打发到那里从新照。
                    • 老乡,如果本人不在多伦多,怎么办理护照更新呢?可以让朋友代办吗?
                      • 必须亲临。我距大使馆一千多公里啊!
                        • 切,我距大使馆5000多公里不止啊!
                          • 抬杠了吧。渥太华五千公里以外,到了阿拉斯加了。
                            • 看,误会了不是!加拿大又不是只有一个方向,东南西北你都想想!
                              • 东南西方向都出了加拿大;只有西北和北。你不是在北极圈,就是在阿拉斯加。不管在哪里,大使馆都不接受你的换护照申请。大使馆只接受魁东五省的。
          • 因为相片不是在领事管照的.
        • The photos' taken from the Consulate seem so ugly. But, I have the assurance that they would accept them. It's better to go somewhere else and get rejected later.
        • Thank you so much!
    • 我超过5年了,没有被要求那个证明啊,就拿了枫叶卡。
      • Throw away Chinese passport and become a proud Canadian. That was why we came to Canada. Life is short and no time to waste with the Chinese staff. Enjoy the wonderful life in Canada and easy to go US, Mexico and most of the countries.