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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛happynov***7/15/2009递表***7/29/2009收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Detriot***8/29/2009通知体检并交登陆费***10/23/2009通知交护照***Buffalo直接取签

lavishy***10/1/2009递表***2009年11月收到File No.和体检表***12/31/2009通知体检并交登陆费***等待中

angreen***2010年1月初***2010年2月中收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Seattle***2010年4月初通知体检并交登陆费***2010年6月初通知交护照***2010年6月18日收到VISA和登陆纸

newbettle***3/25/2010递表***4/20/2010收到File No.和体检表***6/7/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

shanjinj***3/31/2010递表***2010年5月收到File No.和体检表***6/21/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

sosocute***5/14/2010递表***6/10/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

happy-everyday***5/5/2010递表***6/23/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

yoyo***6/1/2010递表***7/16/2010收到File No.和体检表***8/4/2010 通知转到Los Angles***9/20通知Visa通过,免体检免面试,交护照

4inbi***2009年9月递表***9/23/2009收到File No.和体检表***11/24/2009***体检复检完毕等待中

treetopbaby ***6/7/2010递表***8/3/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中


新来的老人儿***8/16/2010递表***9/16收到File No. 和体检表***等待中更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 2010年递表Buffalo申请父母移民的同学们,集合啦!

    Name***递表日期***收到File No.和体检表***通知体检并交登陆费***通知交护照***收到VISA和登陆纸
    • GOOD JOB, YOYO Thanks everyone for sharing the timeline. Looks like Buffalo is getting slower and slower. Let's pray.
      • 是的,越来越慢了,有新消息上来通报哦,我会尽快更新同学录
      • 请问:在等待签证期间,是一定要两个人都在加拿大,还是只要主申请人在就可以了? 万分感谢!
    • 看来Buffalo也开始慢下来了。。。
    • 我来了~~还没整理好材料呢,争取尽快递出去。
    • 顺便问下其他同学,大家都给父母做加拿大的无罪证明了吗?
      • 不需要。我们没提供。
        • 谢谢,太好了。那我很快就可以交材料了。
      • 我做了,这是必备文件之一。不是可以做,而是必须做。
        • 在Application Guide中可以查到对POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCES的具体定义是Other Than Canada.就是说,是除了加拿大以外的居住超过6个月以上的未刑事犯罪记录证明,而在加拿大的未刑事犯罪记录证明在递交移民时是不需要的,移民官会根据不同案件情况看是不是需要做。
    • 我是2009年9月份递表到buffalo,9月23日收到file no., 11月24日通知体检,经过体检和复检,2010年1月28日体检结果快递到ottawa,然后就没消息了。
      • 啊?这都半年了呀。父母还在这等呢吗?
        • 握手,我们差不多。
      • Buffalo有把你的案子转到底特律,西雅图或者其他处理中心吗?
        • 不知道,没消息。
        • 我的没说转到别的office,有的人信上明确说已经转到别处了
      • 握手,我们等待时间差不多。没要求提供加拿大的无犯罪记录。我还特意打电话问了,说是信里让你做,你就做,没让就不要做。
    • 再问个:我目前正在等续签,当前的签证刚过期。我是应该等续签来了再递呢还是现在就递?谢谢同学指点~~~
      • 我觉得探亲续签和移民申请不矛盾,抓紧时间尽早递交吧。
        • 目前的签证过期了,也可以交吗?
      • 我忘了我是从哪里看有人说过,如果担保通过了,父母的VISITOR VISA就算过期了也不用延签,直接可以在加拿大等。希望知道相关权威link的同学把link发上来。
        • 没有这个规定。到时候该续签的时候就续签,别因为几个小钱,耽误了大事情。
        • 我还是办了延签。也没听说有这样的规定。在网上的确看到有人提过。但是没找到相关条文,还是保险点吧
      • 你可以有3个选择
        1。等待 ,签证下来了,再递交。(i will do this if i were u,less trouble for the future process)
        2. send now, if u really can not wait anymore. but attach a letter to indicate thhat your parents visa extension is still in process, as long as u got the new permit, u will forward to them( even they can ckeck your parents status in the system easily)--However, i would rather perfer to wait a little bit longer.
        3. call CIC call center, ask thier opnions.
        • CIC的电话老忙音。我的一个朋友的父母在Buffalo拿到PR的,她说她当时就是打电话问个CIC说不用延签。不过没有看到black and white的条文,我还不是很放心。
        • 我也觉得等下来再交保险点儿。谢谢了。哎,还得等一个月。
      • 你好,老人儿! 请问需要准备些什么文件给Buffalo
        我的案子还在Mississuga, 想提前准备着。多谢啦
        • Check the link:
          IF you want to submit to Buffalo, see this: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E33048.PDF Appendix A: Checklist That's all what you need to prepare. The whole package of document is in here:
          • 万分感谢!!!新年快乐!!!
    • 请问递交Buffalo的各位,大家现在可以在CIC网站上查看到父母的移民进程吗?如果可以看到,显示的是什么呢?又是用什么信息查到的?
      • 可以。用immigration file number 和主申请人的信息。我父母的case显示的是"In process", 还有2009年9月开始审理他们的case, 以及已收到体检结果。
        • 谢谢分享!可是,如果我已经递交了Buffalo,可是Immigration File Number还没收到,这样的情况有办法可以查到任何信息吗?
        • me too.我的是说2009年10月1日开始审理,ME received,但是从还没接到体检表的时候,上面显示的就是ME received.可能是以前的体检被trace到,进系统了。有了新消息,记得上来通报一声。谢谢。
          • It seems that parents still need to wait here for a year or so to finally get their landing paper. We just submitted the PR application in June. A long way to go then.
            • Yes, it seems not as fas as before. My mom may not want to wait that long, I'm not sure whether I should let her go home and come back until the landing paper comes.
            • 你6月份递交已经收到档案号,我也是6月份递交的,到现在也没任何消息,真不知道怎么回事
        • Your parents' PR application was submitted in Sept. 2009, and it is still in process? Takes that long?? Unbelivable!
      • 终于可以在网上查到进程了,In Process, We started processing XXX's application on XXXXXXXX, 2010.
        • 同情。。。
        • 恭喜恭喜,可以查就是进步啦
        • Great!
        • 请教一下,父母在这里住多长时间就可以改地址了?我给父母办sponsorship两年了,正考虑是不是让他们过来住一段时间已改地址。 现在看Buffalo能快多少? 谢谢!
    • 报告一件事:
      • 请问新来的老人儿,你父母的担保已经通过了吗?我是2007年十月递的表,我父母来探亲快两年了,我还想再申请延期,不知到还能不能批?
        • 是的呀,我已经通过了。如果你父母不讨厌留在这,你就接着给他们续好了,续不过再说呗。
          • 其实,也有人的父母是交完移民表回中国等的,事实证明是可行的。就是到时候护照和各种表邮来邮去的麻烦点。如果实在不想等,做完体检再回去等,也可以省做体检的麻烦。
            • My mom wants go home too, but my dad will stay, he is principle applicant. So do you think it's OK for my mom to come back when she gets the landing paper?
            • 真的吗?这样可行吗?好像也有人说,即使递交了Buffalo,在处理过程中回国的话,CIC会把档案再转回北京去重新排队处理。到底哪个是对的?
              • 如果不需要面试,或则自己改 .一般不会的.但,建议做完体检再走.
    • 同学录更新啦!好像进来新报到的同学不多,希望大家都快快有好消息~~~
      Name***递表日期***收到File No.和体检表***通知体检并交登陆费***通知交护照***收到VISA和登陆纸

      • 6月7号寄出,今天收到回信,信上时间7月20号。随信有体检表,让3个月后体检。父母在2月延期体检过,不知有效期多长?
        • 一般体检有效期是一年吧
          • Thank you.
    • 母亲的担保估计在10-11月下来,她已经在这里呆两年了,所以我准备从Buffalo递,我需要提前通知Mississuga中心要求我母亲的移民转往Buffalo吗?如果Yes,如何做。我的邻居say她母亲的担保确认信上说她母亲的case已经转往北京,我担心Mississuga会将我母亲case也直接转北京。
      • 我跟你的情况差不多!我父母的签证九月到期,我再试一次延期,如果没有被批准,只有回北京等了,看这样子挺悬!
      • 最好在担保批准通过前,以邮寄信件或者传真的方式,书面提出将下一步的移民申请转往Buffalo的要求。
        最好在担保批准通过前,以邮寄信件或者传真的方式,书面提出将下一步的移民申请转往Buffalo的要求。信中注明担保人的姓名和Client #信息,同时附上你父母的护照复印件以及续签批准的复印件,以证明他们已经在加拿大连续住满1年。

        • 非常谢谢您Teresa!
        • 请问Teresa,我怎么能够推算什么时间担保资格大概能批下来,及时给CIC提出下一步转Buffalo呢?我是2009年6月交的担保资格审批,父母年底过来,大概什么时候能盼到这一天啊?
        • What's the fax number for Missississauga office? I can not find it on CIC website. Thank you!
    • 我们这个楼快沉了,谁都没有新消息吗?我申请材料刚整理好,还没递呢,延期签证总是不来。按照网上说的65天应该到了,可是还不来,我都急死了。实在不行就这样递了,等来了再通知他们。我打电话问过了,说可以这样做。
      • 向各位报告,我们昨天8/12/2010受到通知交登陆费的信件,来信说明无需面试,所有材料和体检报告都收到,需要上交等路费了。去CIC网站上查询,进度还是In Process.
        • 恭喜恭喜,又向成功迈进了一步
    • 看到坛子里有递交Buffalo的同学有新消息了,特此更新同学录
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛happynov***7/15/2009递表***7/29/2009收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Detriot***8/29/2009通知体检并交登陆费***10/23/2009通知交护照***Buffalo直接取签

      lavishy***10/1/2009递表***2009年11月收到File No.和体检表***12/31/2009通知体检并交登陆费***等待中

      angreen***2010年1月初***2010年2月中收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Seattle***2010年4月初通知体检并交登陆费***2010年6月初通知交护照***2010年6月18日收到VISA和登陆纸

      newbettle***3/25/2010递表***4/20/2010收到File No.和体检表***6/7/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

      shanjinj***3/31/2010递表***2010年5月收到File No.和体检表***6/21/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

      sosocute***5/14/2010递表***6/10/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

      happy-everyday***5/5/2010递表***6/23/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

      yoyo***6/1/2010递表***7/16/2010收到File No.和体检表***8/4/2010 通知转到Los Angles***等待中

      4inbi***2009年9月递表***9/23/2009收到File No.和体检表***11/24/2009***体检复检完毕等待中

      treetopbaby ***6/7/2010递表***8/3/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

      快乐老家***8/13/2010通知交登陆费***等待中更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我们今天受到通知交登陆费的信件,来信说明无需面试,所有材料和体检报告都收到,需要上交登陆费。父母二月做了延期体检,到年底可能得再做一次,如果没有进一步消息的话。可以办医疗卡了。
        • 我们进度差不多,可是我们今天去申请OHIPcard,只为我爸爸办到了,我妈妈不行,
          • Thank you for your info. I can bring the medical forms. Both my parents have that form.
            • NO, they won't accept medical forms, only the letter with both applicants' names.
          • 今天带父母去办医疗卡,高兴而去,失望而归,不能办。他们需要的是initial approval. initial assessment不是initial approval.想问一下有经验的同学,让寄护照前会给initial approval letter吗?
            • you should receive a second letter stating that they have finished the initial assessment,
              and there is no more documents needed, and it will ask you to pay the landing fee etc. It's different than the first letter which gives you an immigration file No.
              • So far, my parents have got 2 letters. It's clearly stated on the 2nd letter that the officer has completed the initial assessment on the application without personal interview. Medical results received. No additional documents required.
                However the agent at registry office said that she needs initial approval letter which says that my parents meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent residence in Canada. When do I expect to receive the initial approval letter?
                • then they should be eligible for the OHIP. My father got his, but my mom didn't as the stupid woman said that her name was not shown on the address line.
                  • Yeah, we won---Fighting with OHIP LOCAL Office
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Like what I described earlier last month, I took my parents to OHIP Lawrence/Warden office to get their OHIP coverage, but only my father got his, and mom's application was turned down.

                    So I wrote a letter to OHIP Eligibility Review Committee in Kingston, attached all supporting documents, and requested for a review. I also criticized the bad service we had experienced at the local office, and defined the front line worker as "arrogant and ignorant and not listening to the clients".

                    Guess what? Yesterday I got a phone call from a Policy Support Representative from Kingston, she apologized to me for the wrong conduct of the local office, and encouraged me to take my mom one more time to the local office to get her OHIP card. She said in case anyone would give us hard time, just give them her directly line and she would deal with them seriously. She provided me with her full name, her title and her direct number.

                    I am so happy that I stood up for ourselves this time. See, we all need to fight for our rights. Being slient and obeyient sometimes make us look so weak and stupid. Having said all that, of course you have to know what you are doing, and do your homework before voicing it up.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • Congratulations!
      • 我终于收到父母的延期签证了,立刻就把申请寄去Buffalo了。8月16号寄的。我也可以上榜了吧?
        • welcome to the team.
        • 大家都没有变化吗?是不是移民局都不干活了?
      • 已经两周了,还没收到怎样交登陆费的instruction letter,正常吗?
        • We just paid the landing fee through CIC on-line service to Mississauga Office, printed out the receipt and send it to Buffalo center, don't forget to put the immigration file No. sticker on it.
          • Did you get the instruction letter before you paid the fee? I called CIC and was told that it's normal to take more than 2 weeks to get it. They won't check for me until it's been one month since my parents got the 2nd letter. Let's wait and see.
            • We got the payment instruction letter today.
              Well, when we paid the fees through on-line payment service, we didn't get the instruction letter from CIC mississauga yet. But I got the letter today. basically you can choose to use the pink payment slip enclosed with the letter, or you can use the on-line payment services. Either way you need to send the original payment receipt back to them, which I will do tomorrow, as well. I already send one copy to Buffalo office.
              • Thanks a lot for your reply. Hope I'll get the letter soon.
                • 最近大家又都没有声音拉,是不是都没有动静呀?
                  • Got the payment instruction letter yesterday. If you have any news, please let me know. We have very similar time line.
                    • Sure. Did your parents apply for OHIP? I got my parents done today after fighting with them.
    • test
      • 这个好用不?
        • Great Job, very creative and user-friendly. Thanks!
        • 好用.thanks.
    • 同学录里有新的更新吗?而且体检后一般多久能有消息啊?觉得Buffalo现在好慢啊。。。
      • my parents just sent their medical reports to Ottawa. They did it once last year for visa extension, so the medical results will soon be invalid. I don't know how much longer we need to wait. Good luck to everyone here.
      • 我猜可能有变化,可是都忙的没上来更新。我怎么没看到同学录上有你的名字呢?
      • I got the first letter yesterday with the file number and physical examination report, ask us book the exam 3 month later.
    • BTW, my parents did the examination on last Dec. If it's expired in a year, it should be ok until this Dec. Do you think the CIC will let them do it again? Anybody has the similar condition?
    • Buffalo今年只有30个名额,今后的速度不会比北京快多少
      • How do you know Buffalo's quota is only 30 this year??
      • serious?
    • 上来通报好消息!昨天收到洛杉矶Email通知父母移民签证已经获批,要求尽快递交护照原件以便发放签证。同时,我也更新了同学录,以便大家参考。看来递交美国确实快很多,2个月就下来了。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛happynov***7/15/2009递表***7/29/2009收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Detriot***8/29/2009通知体检并交登陆费***10/23/2009通知交护照***Buffalo直接取签

      lavishy***10/1/2009递表***2009年11月收到File No.和体检表***12/31/2009通知体检并交登陆费***等待中

      angreen***2010年1月初***2010年2月中收到File No.和体检表***通知转到Seattle***2010年4月初通知体检并交登陆费***2010年6月初通知交护照***2010年6月18日收到VISA和登陆纸

      newbettle***3/25/2010递表***4/20/2010收到File No.和体检表***6/7/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

      shanjinj***3/31/2010递表***2010年5月收到File No.和体检表***6/21/2010通知体检并交登陆费***体检完毕等待中

      sosocute***5/14/2010递表***6/10/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

      happy-everyday***5/5/2010递表***6/23/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中

      yoyo***6/1/2010递表***7/16/2010收到File No.和体检表***8/4/2010 通知转到Los Angles***9/20通知Visa通过,免体检免面试,交护照

      4inbi***2009年9月递表***9/23/2009收到File No.和体检表***11/24/2009***体检复检完毕等待中

      treetopbaby ***6/7/2010递表***8/3/2010收到File No.和体检表***等待中


      新来的老人儿***8/16/2010递表***9/16收到File No. 和体检表***等待中更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • congratulations!
      • 真是个激动人心的好消息啊。太好了。恭喜恭喜,也沾点喜气。
      • 请问下您父母的体检是1年之内检过,还在有效期,所以就免了是吗?
        • 递交材料到Buffalo之后,有收到体检表和要求体检的通知,一个月后又告知被转到洛杉矶加速处理,又寄来新的体检表和体检通知,过了一个星期,正准备去体检,就收到签证已经批准,要求60天内寄护照。估计移民局是采用了是去年9月份探亲延期时候的体检结果。
        • 看起来转去别的地方的都很快,没有转的,仍然在Buffalo的就没那么快。当时填表选择想去面试的地点的那里你选洛杉矶了吗?
          • 冒昧请教一下,什么样的条件才可以递到水牛城啊?我父母2008年就申请了,应该是北京,到现在担保资格还没下来呢。现在还能改吗?
            • 担保资格下来的时候他们人在加拿大,而且已经住了一年以上就可以向CIC提出申请递交Buffalo。
      • 看我这个同学录吧。
        • Congrads, Teresa. Thanks for sharing. We have very similiar timeline, but our file is still at Buffalo, and no response yet.
      • 恭喜恭喜。
    • 同学们,你们目前网上显示的状态都是什么样的呢? 我的是说9月3号开始处理了。
    • here is the update. 08/16/2010 got a letter requiring to pay landing fee and paid landing fee the same day. 09/24/2010 got a letter stating that landing fee had been received by Mississauga office.
      • 同学录更新。大家可以分享一下你们在网上看到的状态吗?
    • 今天收到 Buffalo的电子邮件,告知:30天之内递交我岳母的护照以发放加拿大移民签证。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下是资助岳母申请加拿大移民的全部过程:







      2010年五月四日,根据从rolia上收集到的信息,向移民局发信(挂号)申请:如果Sponsorship 被批准,请求移民局将案子转到Baffalo审理。理由:我岳母居住在加拿大两年以上;我岳母的子女现在都在加拿大;我岳母现年76岁。同时附上岳母新旧护照的复印件,岳母所有进出加拿大记录的复印件,岳母所有探亲延期签证的复印件。

      2010年五月五日,移民局来电话,确认了身份之后,告诉我媳妇(principle Sponsor): Sponsor资格被确认,并根据我们的要求,将案子转移到Baffalo处理,并同时邮寄出申请移民的package。

      2010年五月十日,收到移民局正式的Sponsorship 批准信。信中告诉我们,两个星期之内将收到申请移民的package。信中也告诉我们,如果在一个月内没有收到申请移民的package,要求我们上网下载这个申请移民的package。


      2010年五月十七日,寄出移民申请表格去 Buffalo。

      2010年六月二十一日,移民局来信,第一,给了移民档案号; 第二,通知移民体检。


      2010年七月三十日,移民局来信。第一,移民申请的初步审查完成;第二,不需要移民面试。第三,准备交 Right of Permanent resident Fee $490.

      2010年八月十二日,移民局来信,尽快交 Right of Permanent resident Fee $490

      2010年八月十三日,移民局来信。 由于肺部有暗点,移民局要求再次进行肺部透视。

      2010年八月十八日,报告体检医生,说明暗点是40年前高烧留下的,已经是陈旧性的。自打探亲到加拿大后,已经按照要求每一年进行一次肺部透视并有记录。 体检医生没有进一步要去再次透视,他将会将所有的肺部透视纪录邮寄给移民局。


      2010年九月十一日,驱车去本地的公共医疗机构登记备案,并被要求 再一次做肺部透视,以便留档。

      2010年九月二十三日,移民局来信,告知:已经收到 Right of Permanent resident Fee $490,他们将同时通知 Buffalo。


      报告完毕。再次感谢前辈们的帮助和信息分享。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Congratulations. pretty fast.
      • 恭喜了,真是太好了。
      • 请教前辈父母移民的问题
        • here
          1. yes
          2. your address in canada.
          3. has to be beijing
          4.Now is Buffalo
          • 我也请教前辈一些问题,谢谢!
            1, 我爸爸曾经在加呆过一年,我妈经常不到半年就回去了,应该谁做为主申请人较好?
            • 1。谁身体状态好就谁当主申请。没什么关系。 2。你现在刚递交担保申请,资格审核通过的时候还不知道是什么时候,等那时候政策都不知道有没有变,所以到时候再说吧。
      • 恭喜恭喜,我父母和你的时间差不多,可是还没有任何消息呢,也从来没有受到Buffalo的电子邮件呀,所有都是信件通知的,唉,希望我们的也能赶紧下来啦!
        • 这是自打Sponsorship 以来第一次也是唯一的一次收到的移民局的电子邮件。
      • 请问规定不是说担保资格审批下来时,被担保人要在加拿大,并已经连续住满一年以上才可以递美国吗,为什么你岳母2009年10来的,到2010年5月担保审核结果下来时,还不到一年时间啊?(以前的时间是不算的吧?)
        • 我想,移民局将我岳母原来在加拿大居住的时间都计算在内了,也许我岳母暂时离开加拿大的时间不超过半年的原因吧?这是猜测。
          • 其原因是其实只需要有6个月以上的合法居留就可以. 我今天打电话问CIC 的. 我特意重新问了一次是否要一年, CIC 的AGENT 说6个月, 并且重复了一遍.
      • 我也是9月30日收到email通知交护照。根据网上instruction,护照要寄到Fort Erie for Canada address, 但Option B: Submit your passports by mail (Courier packages must be sent to the Buffalo, NY address.) 请问到底是寄Buffalo 还是 Fort Erie?
        • 我准备下一个星期二亲自去 Buffalo取签证。这样的话,我就可以在下一个星期有时间完成落地入境的程序。
        • 签证拿到了吗?登陆了没?
          • 还没呢。我选择邮寄,比较慢。
          • 10月14日收到登录纸,10月15日登陆。
            • 很快啊。请问你是用的Xpress吗?
              • yes.
      • 恭喜加羡慕。正在考虑如何给母亲办理团聚,看来可以先申请探亲,然后再递交bufflalo了。
    • 更新同学录啦~
      • Mark! 递表到buffalo移民进程
      • 111111(快乐老家);your mother in law landed yet?
        • No and we got the landing paper and visa on Oct, 4th 2010. And my mom may land in soon.
        • My mom landed on Saturday Oct 16th, 2010 in Niagara Falls and my daughter and son took her for it since I have left Canada already and good luck to you
      • 请问:如何建立这样一个table? 我也想给2007年10月后北京cases建一个类似的表. 谢谢!
      • 2010/10申请邮寄到buffalo,2010/11/20收到buffalo的第一封信,内有file no. 和体检表。是不是要马上去体检啊? 还是等buffalo的下封信?
        体检表前的一页有:You should make arrangements to undergo the required medical exam immediately. Failure to do so within 60 days of this notice will result in unnecessary delays in the processing of your application.
        • Just follow the instruction. It's a good sign, your application might be done sooner than previous people.
          In my first letter, it says that " We have included immigration medical forms amd instructions with this letter. Please do not schedule your medical exam until 3 month from the date of this letter. If you complete your medicals too soon, you may be required to be re-examined."
        • 小张,能不能把你的时间确定一下,今天是11月18日,你如何收到11月20日的信.不好意思,现在对时间比较敏感,都在排着队等着.
    • 通报好消息, 今天收到 Buffalo的电子邮件,让递交护照以发放加拿大移民签证. 有空再汇报移民全程。
      • 恭喜恭喜!看来最近集中发放签证了么,好消息很多呢。
      • Great News~~ Thanks for sharing. Update~~~
        • 建议加多一列,“历时xx个月”,看看从递表到收到登陆纸要多久。
      • 恭喜恭喜! 5555,我爸妈的怎么还没有动静呀? worrying!
        • 你的应该也快了。我今天才收到登陆费的收据。
          • did you get landing paper yet?
            • 才寄出去呢
      • 护照寄回来了。请问父母登陆时带啥?资金证明是我的吗?
      • 父母移民好事多磨,历时3年5个月,总算结束了。全程如下
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛父母移民好事多磨,历时3年5个月,总算结束了。全程如下

        2007年5月底 寄出sponsorship application
        2007年6月 收到第一封信,信上日期Jun 5 2007
        2009年6月 父母第4次探亲
        2010年2月 收到sponsorship approval, 信上日期Feb 10 2007,没补任何材料,转北京
        2010年3月初 因二宝出生后没update,fax20多页包括birth certificate, NOA, T4,顺便问能不能把父母移民转Buffalo,因为父母在过去7年来加4次,前后共呆了5年。
        2010年3月16日 移民材料寄往北京
        2010年3月18日 Mississauga打电话同意转Buffalo,新的sponsorship approval当天寄给我。The agent is very nice. She suggested that I withdraw the application from Beijing office and submit a new one to Buffalo since it would take long time for the case to be transferred from Beijing to Buffalo.
        2010年4月13日 移民材料寄往Buffalo
        2010年4月14日 email北京withdraw application
        2010年4月20日(信上日期) 北京退回移民材料
        2010年4月28日 Buffalo退回移民材料,要求提供proof of at least one year residency,否则转北京处理
        2010年6月7日 父母来加拿大超过1年了,移民材料再次寄往Buffalo
        2010年8月3日 收到file number and medical exam forms。信上日期Jul 23 2010
        2010年8月17日 收到initial assessment letter
        2010年9月7日 收到Mississauga交登陆费的instruction
        2010年10月13日 收到email of passport request
        2010年10月26日 收到visa and landing paper。爸爸的护照里visa旁边的那一页贴了张小纸条"Your passport validity date should be xxx. That may be amended by Port of Entry. It won't affect your landing."接着发现爸爸的护照号码在visa and landing paper里少了一位。马上发email给Buffalo。
        2010年10月27日 收到Buffalo的email回复,很general,和landing paper附的instruction相似。我想日期可以amended,号码应该也可以吧。带着父母开车3小时到border。officer问我有没有error,谁在护照里贴的条,然后说父母的照片不合格(在Blacks拍的),有没有带照片。我根本没想到还查照片,Buffalo都通过了,想着可能白跑一趟了。还好officer去另外的office拿相机给他们免费照相。officer一直很冷,直到我家大宝,二宝打架他就笑了,从窗口递了一盘糖让他们挑,两小的就不闹了。总算顺利landing了。
        2010年10月28日 申请了健康卡,预计两周后寄到

        在此也祝所有在办移民的父母早日拿到PR。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Congratulations~~That's great.
        • 您好,看来mississauga就算没连续住满一年,也可以转buffalo,但是buffalo就要求在提交申请的时候必须一年,对吗?
        • Mark! thanks for sharing!
        • Thanks so much for your detail sharing. I have been reading this forum for two days, had no idea of where to start with my parents' application. Your post helps me clear my 20 questions.
    • 水牛城办理的移民案子
      爸妈的移民担保在3年多的等待后终于在10月初批下来了。因为从2008年到2010年9月,爸妈都在温哥华探亲,所以应我们要求转到了水牛城,并给了水牛城的FILE NUMBER。
      • 好像在其他帖子里有看到说有呆在境内的要求,可是具体不是很清楚,要不打给CIC咨询一下比较清楚啊。
    • 通报好消息:我今天收到第二封信了,免面试,免体检,要等密西沙加给寄信来交登陆费。
      • 同学录更新。如果应该更新的地方请提醒我。
        • 我的资料是11月3日送去BUFFALO的,在等档案号,我是新来的
      • 恭喜新来的老人儿,这么快就有好消息了!
        • Thanks. it's almost as fast as your case. Did you get landing paper yet?
      • 请问:在等待签证期间,是一定要两个人都在加拿大,还是只要主申请人在就可以了? 万分感谢!
        • 你最好问问CIC的人,我也想知道答案。我们家的老两口都在这等呢,都急着想回去呢。
      • I still didn't get the instruction letter from Mississauga for paying the landing fee. Why it takes so long?
        • Didn't your mom land already?
          • are you asking me?
          • I didn't get the instruction letter yet for paying the fee. I thought you paid already; did they ask you to send the passport yet?
            • 上来更新信息:10月27日LA签发签证,10月28日寄出,11月2日收到护照和登陆纸, 11月8日登陆,11月9日申请工卡医疗保险卡。从递交担保申请到收到登陆纸总共历时3年5个月。
              • Congrats~~~~
                • 我的资料是11月3日送去BUFFALO的,在等档案号,我是新来的,请加我,谢谢!
                  • Welcome to the team.
            • hi, shixuan2000(新来的老人儿) We are still waiting. Didn't get any answer yet. I emailed CIC Buffalo and was told that they didn't have a finalized date yet for our case. I guess they are still waiting for the medical results from CIC Ottawa.
              • 是吗?希望你早点下来。
        • Update
          • 请问????转baffalo case??/

            我父母的case:2006.8----2008.10-----sponsorship approve
            2007.4-----2007.10------in canada
            2010.4----present (延期签证到2011.11,但是2011.4月肯定回国)

            2005.11---2006.10 加拿大 2008.3---2008.11加拿大

            • Maybe you should ask Buffalo first. Your parents's case seems more possible. Try to ask buffalo first. If they will accept, then cancel from Beijing and resubmit to Buffalo.
              • 谢谢!请问发Email,fax, 打电话哪个好???给个链接好吗??
            • 你可以去试,估计非常非常的不可能.
            • You need to get a new sponsorship approval letter first from Mississauga, then withdraw application from Beijing and submit a new one to Buffalo. It worked for my parents' application.
              Mississauga is the key part. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to try what you can.
              • 这是Canadian Consulate General Buffalo 给我的回话!
                You must request the transfer from the office processing the application。我写了email 告诉所有的情况,它就给我这么一句话,等于没说。
                • It might mean possible.
                  • 帮一帮
                    这些大使馆的人(cic)都是干什么的!给个正面回答不行吗???行我就做,不行我就在北京呆着。不要让我竹篮子打水一场空,到时还要重新排队。 各位能给个建议不?????
              • 请教: 我怎么要求mississauga 给我NEW approval letter,他们只有地址,有没有电话和email???谢谢
                • You can check here. Hope it's helpful.
                  • 这个我已经看过了。我给你的短信你看了吗??谢了!
                    • Check your PM.
                      • check your new pm again.thank you
                        • HELP
                      • treetopbaby, see your pm.xiexie
          • 我今天收到一封EMAIL,是从BUFFALO来的,说收到我的材料,给了档案号,可是这只是EMAIL,也没体检表作为附件,是不是还不算第二步???
            • Very strange. I have not heart anybody got any email except for handing in the passports. However, I think it shoule be count to the first step.
              • 我也不觉得是,因为他给了个LINK,查了一下说我现在是ASSESSMENT之前的AWAITING STATUS; 档案还没开.........
                • I got the same email confirmation a few month ago. I emailed them and asked if the acknowledgement letter has been mailed out. They replied that email was the acknowledgement letter. I guess CIC want to save the mail cost and time.
                  • 谢谢,请问你收到书面的体检表了吗?
          • sosocute(kiwibaby) did you get any information yet? i paid their landing fee last week, now I'm hoping to get the email soon too.
            • CIC told me to send the receipt to Mississauga office. How about you?
              • Yes, I did that in August, but never heard anything from then since. I called medical service in Ottawa to confirm if the med. results have been forwarded to Buffalo, and they said yes, the results were sent to them in early October.
                So all that we can do now is to wait. I assume that the quota in Buffalo has been used up this year, and maybe that's why we still didn't receive our visa and landing paper.
                Good luck to us!
                • I believe that you will get the visa soon. It won't take so long. please let me know when you get it.
                  • sure, I will inform you if anything comes up. I guess yours case is coming to a closure as well.
                    • sosocute,我也给kingston的OHIP写信了,问问我父母是不是可以申请健康卡,过了两个多星期,他们回信了,让我父母签字说同意我为他们出面申请健康卡,然后再review他们是不是eligible,而且要review10-12周。真够麻烦的。
                  • hi, (新来的老人儿) Ok, what you need to send to Kingston, the OHIP appeal committee, are all the corresponses from CIC, esp. the Landing Fee confirmation letter from Mississauga, to show that your parents should be eligible for OHIP.
                    About two weeks' after I sent the appeal request, I got a phone call from an officer at Kingston, she provided me with her name and direct line, and said that she had made some notes in my parent's file to show the local OHIP branch that they should be eligbile for the coverage, and adivised me to take my parents to OHIP office one more time with all supporting documentation.
                    That's how we got the OHIP, the waiting period will still be 90 days, and the total validity dates will be one year.

                    Hope this info helps. As we applied in early August, my parents can use OHIP now. Thank God though, so far they don't need it. :-)

                    Sorry, can't type Chinese at work.
                    • Thanks a lot Sosocute, it's very helpful.
                      I did the same thing as you said, sent them all the information from CIC, but they still want me to do the authorization before they look after my case. Maybe my case went to a different person than your case. I still have my parents' visitor insurance by next January, so I hope their OHIP is available by that time. I sent them a fax today with the authorization form and see what's going on. Maybe before I get the answer from them, my parents already get the landing paper.
                      By the way, before you bring your parents to OHIP office, did you prepare pictures for them?
                      Thanks again. (I'm at work too, so no Chinese :)
                      • I didn't prepare photos for them. OHIP office will take the photos on-site. B.T.W. the letter I sent to Kingston is more like a complain rather than a request for review. Maybe you should be strong and firm, hehe. Good luck.
                        Here is Pat of my complain: hehe
                        With all these documents, we thought both of them would be clearly eligible for OHIP application under the new OHIP Eligibility Criteria – Changes to Regulation 552 effective from April 1, 2009. .. As much as we appreciate the public service worker following the rules and regulations strictly, we would agree more if they could work with sound discretion and judgement, and maybe with a little more passion and personalization. Otherwise, “Serving the public” will merely become dogmatic and bureaucratic.
                        • You got it. Good English. I should have done this too. However, I maybe too polite to them.
    • 我今天收到体检表了!!! 也是要60天内要完成的. 请问在多伦多哪位医生态度好?
      • Did the letter ask you to pay the landing fee as well? My parents did their visiting visa extension medical exam at 701 Sheppard E Dr. Liang (or Huang) can't remember. a very old gentleman. He was nice. He does the immigration exam too.
        • 没有提登陆费,也可能现在的步骤和以前不一样了. 我父母续签体检也好象是去的那位HUANG医生 不过那位老医生已经不看了. 我找了另一家在SHEPPARD和KENNENDY; ANN TSANG,有人在那里看过吗?
          • Hi, 新来的老人儿, 请加我. 12.6将材料递交到BUFFOLO了, 正在等待FILE #. 谢谢!
            • Welcome to the team.
            • New Release~
      • 现在在701 Sheppard 的Elizabeth Chiu医生很好。
    • 收到使馆让寄护照的邮件。请问寄护照的时候需不需要将父母探亲延期收到的那个签证也一同寄去以证明父母在加拿大的合法居住身份?谢谢!
      • no
      • happy-everyday(天天鱼筷); 请问你是在水牛城的case吗?什么时候递交的呀?谢谢!
    • 收到第二封信了!!! 我今天收到通知,说"completed initial assessment of your application".......是不是有这封信就可以申请OHIP CARD? 还是我要等MISSISSAUGA给我寄来INSTRUCTIONS for LANDING FEE?
      • WOW, you are so quick, congrats. I think you can go for OHIP now.
        • 谢谢!
          • 再请问一下,那封信上有提到要我交登陆费,是不是我网上付$980 (490*2),然后寄去MISSISSAUGA就可以了?还是我要等他们寄信给我;
            • I think so.
              I was waiting for the instruction letter, but I missed it(because of the address change) after a month, I called them and they told me the same thing, pay it on-line and send the reciept to Mississauga. Make sure you have your sponsorship client ID number on it (8 digital) and Buffalo file number (Bxxxxxxxxx) on the reciept
            • hi, Summerover When you said you got the second letter, does it say that no more documentation needed on it?
              If the medical exams haven't been done, then your parents shouldn't be eligible.
              I will check the letter I got for my parents when I get home today and let you know.
              • Sosocute, I got the email to let me send passport today.
                • Congras! I am so happy for you. Now I am praying for the email. I don't know what's going on with my parents' file. Thanks for sharing.
                  • Thanks. yours will be here soon. It doesn't hurt to bother them if you wait for too long.
                    • Thanks, 新来的老人儿. I have checked a few times with Buffalo already. Each time, they just gave a generic answer, such as, your case in still in process, we can not provide you a definite date at this point" blah blah.
                      I guess we just gonna wait. Now that my parents are already under OHIP coverage. I don't worry too much about other things. Will share good news with all of you if anything comes up.
                • 恭喜恭喜!!!这是给您父母最好的新年礼物了.
                  • 谢谢。哎,可是我妈根本就不爱在这呆,我都不知道她能不能保留这个身份。一登陆就买机票回国先,整天惦记回家。幸亏我爸还挺爱在这的,不然我就白忙活了。
                    • 别担心,他们也是在这里呆久了,想回去看看; 国内呆了一段时间就又该想回来了,特别是夏天,还是在这里好.很多老人都是在做"空中飞人".春天来,秋天走.搞个移民也就是为了他们来去方便嘛~
              • 我那封信上是说NO MORE DOCUMENT NEED,但也说在等MEDICAL EXAM的报告之前寄给我的. 好象我的步骤和你们的都不太一样,看来不行,还要等.....
    • 今天带父母去AURORA办健康卡,那位LADY很NICE,但说我这封是INITIAL ASSESSMENT,不算ELIGIBLE;要等到FINALIZE才行.....不过我那封信是要等体检报告;我们十二月初才体检的......还是和去的地方有关? 新来的老人儿,你是去哪里办的?
      • Sorry, I didn't do it yey. I couldn't find a time to go, they don't work on the weekend. However,
        according to SOSOCUTE's experience, they are eligible already, and she got their parents' done. please check the previous posting on this thread from SOSOCUTE. I just didn't get chance to try.
        • SERVICE ONTARIO周四都开到七点;AURORA其实挺好的,没人排队,上次我自己的健康卡RENEW,去了NORTH YORK,排了一小时.
          • 这下护照邮走了,还得等回来再办。
    • 哪位同学想编辑我们的同学录,请PM我你的邮箱。
      • 已经收到签证,准备明天去登陆了。
        • 登录顺利完成。
          • 请问新来的老人儿,去美国的签证必须从中国办么? 可不可以在加拿大给父母办美签,谢谢
            • 我猜,走桥上转一圈就回来了.
              • 对了。
            • 美签可以在这办,但成功率不高。我所知道的有一个朋友申请妈妈的美签成功是因为她自己和她儿子也一起申请了美签。她和儿子已经来了6年了,她有很好的工作。妈妈是探亲,来了1年后成功得到美签。其他的只申请父母的无一幸免都遭到拒绝。
          • 祝贺新来的老人的父母成功登陆。多谢您跑前跑后,不辞辛苦。鞠躬向您感谢了。
            • 这么客气,我是沿着你们这些前辈们的足迹顺利地走过来的。应该谢你。
      • 请问递Buffalo 的材料, national identity card 身份证是否需要公证或专业翻译?
        一个复印件是否足够?还需不需要在加拿大的无犯罪证明(住过2年)? 谢谢!
        • 1. Not needed 2. Not needed
    • New Release~~~
      • Thanks for the update. Congrads again.
        • Are you still waiting? I got my parents' OHIP start from the second letter's date too. so they will be covered from Jan.19. It takes 2 month for the Kinston office replying me. Thanks for your previous info.
      • 先祝贺新来的老人的父母成功登陆,请问老人儿 1,父母需要准备的公证:中国的无犯罪证明公证,出生公证,结婚公证,这三样公证吗? 2,Sponsor 的出生证(证明父子关系)需要公证吗?
        • Thanks. You mean your parents are submitting the immigration application to Buffalo, correct? 1, yes. 2, yes ( you may use the old one when you do your own immigration.) See the page link for your detail information.