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My comment on MacLean's article, 'Too Asian?' , posted there but can't see it yet, probably will not be posted? Just post it here! See if you folks agree.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OMG, Have to say, what a big pile of B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T this article is! If this is not something racist, I don't know what it is.

Now basic facts:
- Most, if not all, of the so-called 'Asian' students are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, thus they have the same right of education as do the other Canadian citizens and permanent residents;

- These students are competing with other students under the same rules;

- Some students fair better in schools and universities because they are smarter, or work harder, or being smarter and work harder at the same time;

If our society truly value equal opportunity for all citizens, then race, skin color and ethnicity should not matter. As long as the participants are competing on the same starting line and following the same fair rules, why is there a problem at all?

This MacLeans' featured article sure will make the magazine famous, or rather infamous, especially when it's year 2010 AD.

Based on what I've seen, the majority of sensible parents would hope that one day their kids would have higher education, no matter which ethnic group or race they are from. The reason is simple, formal higher education is the key to attain skills and get prepared to contribute to the well-being of the society. Why is there anything wrong for the parents bearing such hopes? Even if it's true that some of the students are not fully prepared for the advance learning in universities, or even post-graduate social life, so what? Just let them accept the failure, accept the reality, it's purely the choices made by the students and their families, it's their own problem, not yours. As Canadians we have basic rights to make our own choices in our lives, as long as we are following the rules and obeying the laws, you as a by-stander have no right to interfere. Just mind your own business!

This article is wrong, in that it's directing all the blames toward a specific minority group, the 'Asian', and what's even more outrageous is that it's blaming the 'Asians' for expecting a too brighter future and working too hard! Now it's beyond being appauling! If we can not call it racism, I serious don't know what we can call it.

Again, as Canadian citizens and permanent residents, we should enjoy the same civil rights, including education. I think it'd be fair to say that majority of Canadians of Asian ancestry are intelligent, hardworking, and responsible citizens, they are doing their substantial part to contribute to the well-being of our society. What they are doing is competing under the same rules. The success of students of Asian ancestry is nothing but the result of their hard-working!

Sorry, but based on what I've read in this article, I have to try to figure out what's behind it, what is in the mind of the author. Now if you do a little research about the universities in the US, you'll see there's something disturbing. There, as far as I've heard, lots of universities would impose a quota based on different ethnic groups/races, as a result, for an Asian student to be enrolled in such a university, it'd take quite extra efforts, no matter how smart and how excellent he or she is academically. Let's don't beat the bush, the main-stream society here is still dominated by white people. Based on what Ive seen and experienced, in the minds of some of the white people, in charge or not, still they can't accept other minority groups' presence. Some even hate minorities, including people look like 'Asians'. Since some of their kids are used to being lazy and are not working hard thus it'd be so hard for them to compete fairly with other hard-working students, mostly from other ethnic groups, these parents are worrying about their kids' future. So some of these folks might just throw out something like this article, so as to prepare for the day when they can use their influences to change the rules to make the rules advantageous for their not-so hard-working kids to get into the universities. Believe me, if we just sit here saying nothing, this will happen one day in Canada, and the universities will limit the number of 'Asian' students. Now, this IS racism in action!

I feel so sorry about all these, I can't believe what I'm witnessing. It's 2010 AD, in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 中国家长今天上了TORONTO STAR的头条了,就是关于督促孩子学习和选好专业的问题
    • 我觉得这帮人就是别有用心,说种族歧视也不为过,遗憾的是竟然有华人自己跟着瞎吆喝.NBA那么多职业球员都是黑人,怎么没人站出来在那一行提倡"cultural balance"??
      • 我也觉得是种族歧视.很多当地人看中国人豪宅,名车,眼睛都出血了.
        • 我觉得这个所谓的调查,取样设计的根本不合理,有bias. 所谓的华人父母,绝大多数本身就受过高等教育,当然希望自己的孩子也上大学.其他几个被调查的组里父母教育程度必须近似才能有可比性,笼统地说本地黑人,白人没有统计学意义.

        • +1
    • 如果自己又笨又不努力, 一定是别人又聪明又努力的错
      • 这条很深刻。所谓文明人的习惯逻辑。如果我欠了很多债,那是因为你借给了我很多钱的错。
    • Chinese Canadian Council slams The Star and Maclean’s for story about east Asians on campus
    • 以前看过一美国TV Series: Gilmore Girls, 连看了6 Season, 那里面的名校情节之严重, 超乎寻常, 完全颠覆了俺们所谓西人不注重孩子教育, 只注重孩子快乐的看法, 这部电视剧是Comedy Drama,很有看头
      • 插一个八卦,Gilmore Girls第一季就是在Unionville Main Street 拍的。看来名校区就是有名校区的特点。
      • if you watch HGTV a lot, you will find a lot of Americans will look for a good school for the kids when they are looking for the houses. How many parents want to put their kids in garbage school?
      • 白人也是非常重视教育的,华人用不着自我贬低。
        • lol, 怎么重视教育成了贬义词了
      • I watched that drama. Agree with you.
    • 华人回敬的文章已经登出来了。Chinese Canadian Council slams The Star and Maclean’s for story about east Asians on campus
    • 文章中说的那个TDSB 的 Maria Yau, 简直是荒谬透顶,而且她本人作为一个华人,能说出那样的话更让人难以置信,典型的奴才心理,难道她甘心为种族歧视和偏见添油加火吗?! 不得不让人疑问,一个TDSB的researche难道只是这个水平吗? Maria Yau 联系方式:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Maria Yau
      Chair, External Research Review Committee
      Toronto District School Board
      1 Civic Centre Court, Lower Level
      Etobicoke, ON M9C 2B3
      • Direct questions to: Maria Yau (416) 394-4951 or maria.yau@tdsb.on.ca

      Note: It's public contact information posted on TDSB website:

      不得不说的是,本人认为,家长希望子女将来有所作为,希望子女接受正规的大学教育,无论是亚裔,还是其他种族,都是一样,这个根本就没有任何错误。 即使如McLean所登的文章所说,很多学生无法适应大学的学习,或者毕业后无法适应社会,那么就让他们面临失败、接受现实,这完全是学生和家长们自己的人生选择,加拿大人权宪章保护公民的基本自由, 作为教育当局或者其他各方没有权利指手画脚,你们没有这个资格!

      另外, 如果把矛头直指某些少数族裔, 那只能说明是赤裸裸的种族歧视和排斥, 既然是加拿大公民, 理应享有平等的权利, 包括接受高等教育的权利. 我们都能看的到, 亚裔是很优秀的族裔, 拥有智慧, 勤奋学习, 勤奋工作, 为加拿大的社会和谐和发展一直做出了不合忽视的贡献. 我们亚裔所做的,完全是在一个公平的起跑线上, 在规则内公平的竞争. 亚裔的儿女在学业上的突出, 是跟他们自己的努力分不开的!

      McLean 此间发表的文章 Too Asian? 让我不得不怀疑背后的居心! 大家看看美国现在的状况就知道了,在那里很多大学都对亚裔的学生有人数比例的限制, 无论你有多么优秀, 你都可能被拒之门外! 这个无非是说明了, 无论'主流社会' (其实说白了就是白人为主导的权力阶层) 无论表面上如何的冠冕堂皇, 其实骨子里还是排斥有色人种,包括亚裔, 既然白人自己的子女习惯于懒惰\不思进取, 在学业上无法跟少数族裔公平竞争, 就抛出各种理由, 制定不平等的规则采用不公平的方式为自己的子女造成优势. 我可以断定, 如果我们亚裔对此种行径毫无怨言, 坐视不管, 那么很快, 加拿大的高校也会出台类似的规章, 限制亚裔学生的人数比例. 这个就是种族主义种族歧视在行动!

      Maria Yau, you don't know what you were talking about, you really made me sick!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 同意你的说法,不过我们要把矛头指向Maclean's
        • 同意,Maria Yau 是愚蠢,但是我们愤怒的是主流媒体居然能发表这样种族歧视的文章 。对事,不对人。
          • +1
          • 事也要对,人也要对。技术移民某种程度上的精英移民,后代上大学比例高很正常,我们国内高考时重点中学升学率80%90%的,普通中学能有1个2个就不错,这帮蠢货就不明白。
            • “技术移民某种程度上的精英移民“ 扯,就一个字。。。
              • 技术移民学习能力上总是要高于平均水平。这也想不通那是太蠢了,那就证明您的"扯"结论是对的。
                • lol
        • STAR那篇比MACLEAN'S的还糟糕,光引用原文中种族歧视的一些内容。
      • 我今天就写邮件骂这个Maria Yau,什么东西! McLean怎么投诉?我们做为家长不能在这时候沉默!
        • +1
        • letters@macleans.ca
      • This Lady, Maria Yau, said such non-sense words, because her son can only get into Niagara College. As a chinese parent, she is kind of failure in her kid's education. She is a loser! . The article has no merit ay all, only racism,
        • I doubt if that lady is a Chinese or not. What a shame!
      • Update一下这位 Maria Yau 的信息, 邱綺雯女士(多倫多教育局教育研究統籌 Research Co-ordinator, TDSB), 经常见到该女士在华人报纸版面出没,没料到如此水平. 那篇文章里所有发言的华人里,此人最SICK. 多伦多的同学们请注意,别有一天被她骗了选票.
    • 支持平权会,这种带有煽动性的种族排斥文章一定要打击。消灭在萌芽中,文章和媒体一定要道歉。 听说美国通过一个烂法,大学招生按种族平衡,而非学生成绩,华人倍受打击。我怀疑这篇文章是别有用心,为达不可告人的目的。
      • 支持采取行动。任何法律或行政上搞种族背景的无论是优惠还是歧视政策都是违背平等观念的,只会带来不良后果。美国学校职场的依照种族背景区别对待,中国政府的两少一宽都是这种东西。我们只要公平竞争。
      • +1. 坚决打击种族主义。
      • 平权会做什么了?怎么支持?
    • ..., fully 85 per cent of their parents say they expect their children to go to university, ...., compared to 78 per cent of South Asian parents, 59 per cent of white parents and 49 per cent of black parents.
      • 连这个也能拿来说事。如果有各族裔犯罪率的比较,放在一起会很有意思。作者的潜意识就是说,你们东亚人吸毒抢劫杀人强奸太少了,看人家老黑,你们的加把劲啊!
        • support you write the paper of crime comparison.
        • Imagine what will happen if there is a headline called ' Too black in prison?'
          • this is FUNNY BUT TRUE, please post this to their "user's comments"
            • Done. It shows "Thank you, your comments will show up once it is approved."
    • 抵制Toronto Star, 不买Toronto Star
      • 要写信告诉他们你不买了,效果更好。
        • 本来华人就买得少。
    • My comment on MacLean's article, 'Too Asian?' , posted there but can't see it yet, probably will not be posted? Just post it here! See if you folks agree.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OMG, Have to say, what a big pile of B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T this article is! If this is not something racist, I don't know what it is.

      Now basic facts:
      - Most, if not all, of the so-called 'Asian' students are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, thus they have the same right of education as do the other Canadian citizens and permanent residents;

      - These students are competing with other students under the same rules;

      - Some students fair better in schools and universities because they are smarter, or work harder, or being smarter and work harder at the same time;

      If our society truly value equal opportunity for all citizens, then race, skin color and ethnicity should not matter. As long as the participants are competing on the same starting line and following the same fair rules, why is there a problem at all?

      This MacLeans' featured article sure will make the magazine famous, or rather infamous, especially when it's year 2010 AD.

      Based on what I've seen, the majority of sensible parents would hope that one day their kids would have higher education, no matter which ethnic group or race they are from. The reason is simple, formal higher education is the key to attain skills and get prepared to contribute to the well-being of the society. Why is there anything wrong for the parents bearing such hopes? Even if it's true that some of the students are not fully prepared for the advance learning in universities, or even post-graduate social life, so what? Just let them accept the failure, accept the reality, it's purely the choices made by the students and their families, it's their own problem, not yours. As Canadians we have basic rights to make our own choices in our lives, as long as we are following the rules and obeying the laws, you as a by-stander have no right to interfere. Just mind your own business!

      This article is wrong, in that it's directing all the blames toward a specific minority group, the 'Asian', and what's even more outrageous is that it's blaming the 'Asians' for expecting a too brighter future and working too hard! Now it's beyond being appauling! If we can not call it racism, I serious don't know what we can call it.

      Again, as Canadian citizens and permanent residents, we should enjoy the same civil rights, including education. I think it'd be fair to say that majority of Canadians of Asian ancestry are intelligent, hardworking, and responsible citizens, they are doing their substantial part to contribute to the well-being of our society. What they are doing is competing under the same rules. The success of students of Asian ancestry is nothing but the result of their hard-working!

      Sorry, but based on what I've read in this article, I have to try to figure out what's behind it, what is in the mind of the author. Now if you do a little research about the universities in the US, you'll see there's something disturbing. There, as far as I've heard, lots of universities would impose a quota based on different ethnic groups/races, as a result, for an Asian student to be enrolled in such a university, it'd take quite extra efforts, no matter how smart and how excellent he or she is academically. Let's don't beat the bush, the main-stream society here is still dominated by white people. Based on what Ive seen and experienced, in the minds of some of the white people, in charge or not, still they can't accept other minority groups' presence. Some even hate minorities, including people look like 'Asians'. Since some of their kids are used to being lazy and are not working hard thus it'd be so hard for them to compete fairly with other hard-working students, mostly from other ethnic groups, these parents are worrying about their kids' future. So some of these folks might just throw out something like this article, so as to prepare for the day when they can use their influences to change the rules to make the rules advantageous for their not-so hard-working kids to get into the universities. Believe me, if we just sit here saying nothing, this will happen one day in Canada, and the universities will limit the number of 'Asian' students. Now, this IS racism in action!

      I feel so sorry about all these, I can't believe what I'm witnessing. It's 2010 AD, in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • +1
    • 让我们投你一票的议员们,教育委员们,是你们出来说话的时候了。


      • 非常同意, 表示抗议是第一步,我们得要求实际行动. 大家发信给自己选出的议员和教育委员, 特别是那些华裔, 他们必须表态.
        • 平常在肉联“嬉笑怒骂”,再不正经都无所谓,这次,动个真格吧,不是有人英文投诉信写得很好吗?请动手吧,大家签名吧
          • 正惭愧中, 今天上STAR发了个贴, 才一句话居然语法错误, 期盼的目光投向偶像级的某人,某某人..
            • 某人,某某人.. .大家喊你们写投诉信。。。
    • 给个链接,让俺们坐在家里的也看一下啊!
      • here
    • 文中所提开会的华人组织是什么? 也许他们原本开会的本意并非如此,结果被歪曲。他们应该站出来澄清和公开表态。如果他们这这样做,我支持。如果不,就是认同MACLEAN. 我写信给MACLEAN,再也不订他的狗屁东西了。
    • 哪位高手统一写封信,大家分头发给本区议员。这事不能不了了之,华人一定要在第一时间就抗争。
      • 我签名,要上街游行也行
    • Action Plan - 给各位的建议, 大家可以添加并转达: 1. 给本区议员写信表达自己的看法; 2.给因此文更出名的Maria Yau写信(email: maria.yau@tdsb.on.ca ) 质询; 3.退订TorontoStar / MacLeans, 如被问及原因, 一定说清楚, 一定要让尽可能多的华人从他们的订阅人表上消失.
      • 主动写原因,不要等被问。能否再此统一下观点?能否简要说明一下投诉内容?
        • 赞同, 一定要主动出击! 作为亚裔面孔这样随便让人欺负, 大家自己要反省原因, 在第一时间决不能错过反击的机会! 各位能写的努力, 尽快赶出稿子来大家都去发信! 最好今天出稿. 明天是星期五, 本周最后一天, 大家还有时间!
      • ++++++1
    • 历史
    • 比较严重的问题是: 加拿大为了挣钱, 招收了太多的来自中国的小留学生, 他们都慕名而来到多抡多大学了.那里当地华裔的孩子不多,而且受他们歧视,认为思想简单.而那帮子留学生特讨厌,仗着父母有钱,消费让本地华人学生无法相比.把风气都带坏了..