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Monogamy, hard work and realism

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Break-ups generally happen because the partners are not working together as hard as they might; they are not working to make their marriage a success, but are merely waiting for success to be handed to them on a place. If they face the problem in this way, of course they will fail. It is a mistake to regard love and marriage as an ideal state, or as the happy ending of a story. It is when two people are married that the possibilities of their relationship begin; it is during marriage that they are faced with the real tasks of life and the real opportunity to create for the sake of society.

The other point of view, the point of vie of marriage as an end, as a final goal, is far too prominent in our culture. We can see it , for example, in thousands of novels, which end with a newly married couple, who are really only at the beginning of their life together. Yet the situation is often treated as if marriage itself had solved everything satisfactorily:
as if the couple has won through to the end and would now live happily ever after. Another important point to realize is that love by itself does not settle everything. There are all kinds of love, and it is better to rely upon work, interest and co-operation to solve the problems of marriage.

There is nothing at all miraculous in the marital relationship. As we have seen, the attitude of all individuals towards marriage is an expression of their life style; thus, we can not understand it unless we understand the whole individual. It is consistent with all their efforts and aims. We can discover , for example, why so many people are always looking for a way out. I can tell exactly which people have this escapist attitude: all the people who are still pampered children. This type of person can be a danger to society- these grown-up spoilt children whose life style was fixed in the first four or five years of life.

‘Can I get all I want?” they ask in every situation……

The result is that they do not want to contribute , they always want to have everything handed to them on a plate. Marriage too is, for them, something to have on ‘sale or return’. They want companionate marriages, trial marriage, easier divorces: at the very beginning of marriage they demand freedom and a right to be unfaithful if the feeling takes them. Now if one human being is really concerned for another, they must show all the characteristics of that concert: they must be reliable and faithful, responsible and a true friend. Unless a person’s marriage and love life meet these requirements, they have failed in this, the third great problem of life.

解释一下, Alfred Adler 这里说的the third great problem of life 是指 love and marriage. 他认为人生需要解决三大问题,第一个问题关于work。是从人类生存的角度分析. 这个问题没有马斯洛的需求理论解释得详尽。第二个问题是关于Social feeling ,讲人与社会的关系。很好地解释了比如说自杀,抑郁症这些问题。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 最近在看 Alfred Adler 的what life could mean to you ,chapter12 关于 love and marriage. 贴在这里,或许有些用处。
    The importance of love ,co-operation and social intereste

    In a certain district of Germany there is an old custom that tests whether an engaged couple are suited for married life together.

    Before the wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom are brought to a clearing where a tree has been cut down. Here they are given a two-handed saw and set to work to saw the trun in two. This test reverals how far they are willing to co-operate with each other. It is a task for two people. If there is no trust between them, they will tug against each other and accomplish nothing. If one of them wishes to take the lead and do everything by himself, then, even if the other gives way , the task will take twice as long. They must both use their initiative, and their efforts must be coordinated together. These German villagers have recognized that co-operation is the chief prerequisite for marriage.
    • the defination of love and marriage
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Love and its fulfilment in marriage, is the most intimate devotion to a partner of the other sex, expressed in physical attraction, in companionship, and in the decision to have children. Love and marriage are essential to human co-operation – not just a co-operation for the welfare of two persons, but co-operation for the welfare of humanity as well.

      If one partner is to be more interested in the other partner than in him or herself, there must be equality. If such intimacy and mutual devotion is to be achieved, neither partner must feel subdued or overshadowed. However, equality is only possible if both partners have this attitude. Each should be making every effort to ease and enrich the life of the other. In this way each partner is safe, each feels that they are worthwhile, each feels needed. Here we find the fundamental guarantee of marriage, the fundamental meaning of happiness in this relationship. It is the feeling that you are worthwhile, that you can not be replaced, that your partner needs you, that you are behaving well, that you are a good companion and a true friend.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Life style, parents and attitudes to marriage
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Every crisis of adult life is met in accordance with our previous training: our response always conforms with our life style. Our preparation for marriage does not take place overnight. We can see in children’s characteristic behaviour, in their attitudes, thoughts and action, how they are training themselves for adult situation. In its main features their approach to love is already established by their fifth or sixth year.

        Quite early in children’s develop we can see that they are already forming their outlook on love and marriage. They are making up their mind about one aspect of social life in general of which they feel a part. Love and marriage are features of their environment: they enter into their conception of their own future. They must have some comprehension of them, and take a stance on these problems.

        We are always better prepared if our parents’ marriage has been harmonious. Children gain their earliest impressions of what marriage is like from the life of their parents, and it is not surprising that most failures in life are children from broken homes and an unhappy family life. If the parents are not able to co-operate themselves, it will be impossible for them to teach co-operation to their children. It often happens that we can best consider the fitness of individuals for marriage by learning whether they were brought up in the right family atmosphere, and by observing their attitude towards their parents, sisters and brothers.

        The most important factors is where they gained their preparation for love and marriage. We must be careful on this point, however. We have already learned that individuals are not determined by their environment but by their interpretation of that environment. Their interpretation can be useful. It is possible that they had very unhappy experiences of family life in their parents’home, but this may simply stimulate them to do better in their own family life and they may be striving to prepare themselves well for marriage. We must never judge or exlude human beings because they have an unfortunate family life behind him.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • The importance of friendship and work
          One of the ways in which social interest can be developed is through friendship. We learn in friendship to look with the eyes of others, to listen with their ears and to feel with their heart. If children are frustrated, if they are always watched and protected, if they grow up isolated, without friends and companions, they do not develop this ability to identify with others They always consider themselves the most important people in the world and are always anxious to ensure their own welfare.

          Training in friendship is a preparation for marriage.

          Another problem that also helps to prepare people for marriage is the problem of work. Today, this problem is usually encountered before the problem of love and marriage. One partner, or both , must have a job so that they can earn their living and support a family. It is clear that preparation for marriage also includes preparation for work.
      • Good article! I especially like the discussion on "equality" - and believe that's the key of a healthy relationship. Some in this forum seemed to believe love means dominance or one being babysit by the other - that's very unfortunate.
        • Commitment and responsibility in marriage
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The worst preparation is that of individuals who have learned always to see to further their own interests. If they have been brought up in this way, they will always be demanding freedom and concessions, never considering how they can ease and enrich the life of a partner. This is a disastrous approach.

          In preparing our attitude to love, therefore, we should not be constantly looking for excuses and ways of avoiding responsibility. The companionship of love can not flourish in the presence of hesitation and doubt. Co-operation demands a life time’s commitment; a marriage is not a marriage unless a firm and unalterable commitment has been made. In this commitment we include the decision to have children, the decision to educate them and train them in co-operation and to make them, as far as we can , genuinely useful members of society, truly equal and responsible members of the human race. A good marriage is the best means we have for bringing up a future generation, and marriage should always have this aim. Marriage is really a job of work; it has its own rules and laws. We can not choose to focus on one aspect and ignore the others without infringing the eternal law of co-operation.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Monogamy, hard work and realism
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Break-ups generally happen because the partners are not working together as hard as they might; they are not working to make their marriage a success, but are merely waiting for success to be handed to them on a place. If they face the problem in this way, of course they will fail. It is a mistake to regard love and marriage as an ideal state, or as the happy ending of a story. It is when two people are married that the possibilities of their relationship begin; it is during marriage that they are faced with the real tasks of life and the real opportunity to create for the sake of society.

            The other point of view, the point of vie of marriage as an end, as a final goal, is far too prominent in our culture. We can see it , for example, in thousands of novels, which end with a newly married couple, who are really only at the beginning of their life together. Yet the situation is often treated as if marriage itself had solved everything satisfactorily:
            as if the couple has won through to the end and would now live happily ever after. Another important point to realize is that love by itself does not settle everything. There are all kinds of love, and it is better to rely upon work, interest and co-operation to solve the problems of marriage.

            There is nothing at all miraculous in the marital relationship. As we have seen, the attitude of all individuals towards marriage is an expression of their life style; thus, we can not understand it unless we understand the whole individual. It is consistent with all their efforts and aims. We can discover , for example, why so many people are always looking for a way out. I can tell exactly which people have this escapist attitude: all the people who are still pampered children. This type of person can be a danger to society- these grown-up spoilt children whose life style was fixed in the first four or five years of life.

            ‘Can I get all I want?” they ask in every situation……

            The result is that they do not want to contribute , they always want to have everything handed to them on a plate. Marriage too is, for them, something to have on ‘sale or return’. They want companionate marriages, trial marriage, easier divorces: at the very beginning of marriage they demand freedom and a right to be unfaithful if the feeling takes them. Now if one human being is really concerned for another, they must show all the characteristics of that concert: they must be reliable and faithful, responsible and a true friend. Unless a person’s marriage and love life meet these requirements, they have failed in this, the third great problem of life.

            解释一下, Alfred Adler 这里说的the third great problem of life 是指 love and marriage. 他认为人生需要解决三大问题,第一个问题关于work。是从人类生存的角度分析. 这个问题没有马斯洛的需求理论解释得详尽。第二个问题是关于Social feeling ,讲人与社会的关系。很好地解释了比如说自杀,抑郁症这些问题。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Solving marital problems
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There may be reasons why people should not live together; there are probably cases in which it would be better for them to live apart. Who should decide? Are we going to put it in the hands of people who themselves do not understand that marriage is a task, who are only interested in their own lives? They would look at divorce in the same way as they look at marriage:“ What can be got out of?”

              You often find that people divorce and remarry again and again and always make the same mistake.

              The proper solution of the problem of love and marriage belongs to the highest fulfillment of the whole personality. There is no problem more closely bound up with happiness and a useful and worthwhile role in life.

              Some people enter into marriage with other inappropriate aims. Some people marry for the sake of economic security; they marry because they are sorry for someone; or they marry because they want a servant. There is no place for such irrelevancies in marriage.


              这个chapter 12 讲love and marriage. 偶的理解,爱情(激情)绝不是婚姻的根基,而是引诱人们进入婚姻的陷阱。当两个人结婚后,他们的各种关系才是正式开始,,在婚姻里才面临了生活的真正合作。真爱是在婚姻中一点点建立起来的,婚姻问题的正确解决属于整个人格最完美的实现。

              这本书的chapter 3 feeling of inferiority and superiority 和chapter 11 the individual and society 写得非常好。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thank you for sharing. great!
    • co operatoin is key... Adler的老师更是牛。。佛洛伊德
      • 是,而Adler 最大的贡献在于和弗洛伊德分道扬镳,创建了个体心理学。
    • Good read, thank you.