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老公用言语来伤害我,再也不为你生孩子! 先发了个贴,不可以修改了,所以重新发个,里面都是我极品老公的典型例子,也是我求教医生的英文写作.语法很多错,也表达不了我想用中文表达的那么淋漓尽致. 如果可以,指出我的语法错误, 谢谢大家

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Doctor **,
I went to psychologist today, he referred me to see my family doctor, so I am writing this about current my husband situations, which significantly affect our family quality since we got married in 2005 Oct.
Please determine the health situation for me and my husband, I doubted I suffer from acute depression, and my husband, he was doubt a serious OCD or something else psychologically that I don’t know.
It is a long story:
In 2006, he pushed me by his hand, he was worried in his face, don’t know why he was worried, because the push was not a right thing or because afraid someone saw it, and will call the police. I just cried for a while, and then I found since that day, he has been hitting me until 2009 January, when we know I was pregnant.
During that time, in 2007 September, I had one miscarriage; before we got this news, I felt uncomfortable especially in August, I told him I am not okay, he responded me “ don’t think you are pregnant is a big deal, it is not important.”
In 2007 One day, he was teaching me how to drive, as a drive student, I made a scratch on our old car, he blamed on me and gave me a kick, I felled on floor.
If I didn’t drive well, he threw shoes on my head.
When he drives, if he doesn’t feel happy with my conversation, he asked me to leave and say” get out of my car”
When we stay at home, if he doesn’t feel happy with my conversation, he said “don’t touch my computer “or “get out”
In 2007, one day, when he was chatting with our Chinese friend, he called me a “扫把星”, which means I am a women only brings bad luck. It made difficulty for our friend to response, and the friend told him, please don’t say that.

In 2008,One day, I was not intended have a wall scratched a little bit, after he back home, I told him, “I made something not good, please don’t blame on me, okay?” he said okay, then I brought him to take a look, the result was he has blamed on me for one day.
He called me “stupid pig”, “bitch”
He always gets the better of our quarrels, the excitement quickened my pulse. and every time , he was the person with last sentence, which means I am the one to concession. Because I knew he lose his parent when he young, he need more love, patient and tolerance. So when he is not happy, when he has pressure, when he blame on me, when he hit me, I told me to understand him, understand his pressure from work. I did one thing----open windows and deep breathe, it works, at least, it clams down my angry, my grievance.
Sometimes, I have no idea, I cannot hit him, I cannot persuade him, I felt unfair, but how can I help me feel better, I slapped on my own face.
I wrote a lots paper with tears to him, he said: “I will never take my time to see long paragraphs “and throw it to me.
Then, I asked if you want to talk with me, I want to talk to you.”
He said” I don’t have time”,
then I asked “ can I make an appointment with you?”
he said “okay”.
Then, I waited until the appointment; just speak for couple sentences, he said” don’t talk anymore, I know what you want to say. That is enough. Period”!
I wanted to talk to him , I have been trying every year, unfortunately, I didn’t get chance to talk to him, so I wrote a lots paper, what I want to said, what I want to try improve our relationship, I gave to him, he even did not take a look.
I never forgot a feeling, one time I have spent 3 hours to write my feeling until 3:00am. I gave to him, he said he won’t take a look of it, and he tore the paper, my feeling: my heart was broken.
He wants a baby, so we tried very hard. My mom told me “be happy” in the telephone; she said it is the good way to have a baby. But I cried almost every day, in the evening, I cannot fall in sleep. I don’t speak to anyone, I don’t know who can trust, to help me, I was new in Canada, I don’t know, I burden all the problem by myself.
2009 January, I was pregrent, due date is November 7th.
In September, He forced me to study 5 courses, at that time, only 2 months away from the due date. And plus a extra tax course, total 6 courses in order to find my co-op job in January. During the study in the winter time, I was felled on the ground in the campus in October. As a result, as he wanted to get, I finished all 6 courses and got the co-op job in H&R Block to work from January to April. In September, other than 6courses, I had 10 interviews with companies in order to find a co-op job. I failed 10 times interviews, I had pressure from study 6courses, I had pressure to prepare interview, I had pressure to accept the failed interviews, I had the pressure from my husband’s blame ,such as, you forgot to ask the business card from the interview, you are so stupid, your friends, why is so smarter than you, she can got a job, and you cannot.
He tried to help me to understand the study so he was contributed a lot time to explain the assignments for me, but I was so tried, I felt sleep when he was teaching me, he said” you are so lazy” and left an very unhappy and unsatisfied facial cues to me.
When we talked about the study while I was pregrent, my husband said: “whether you go to school, how many courses you choose to study is your decision, you should responsible for your own decision. Don’t say I forced you.”

I was bleeding on November 5th, but I was studying on my desk
On N更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 老公用言语来伤害我,再也不为你生孩子! 先发了个贴,不可以修改了,所以重新发个,里面都是我极品老公的典型例子,也是我求教医生的英文写作.语法很多错,也表达不了我想用中文表达的那么淋漓尽致. 如果可以,指出我的语法错误, 谢谢大家
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Doctor **,
    I went to psychologist today, he referred me to see my family doctor, so I am writing this about current my husband situations, which significantly affect our family quality since we got married in 2005 Oct.
    Please determine the health situation for me and my husband, I doubted I suffer from acute depression, and my husband, he was doubt a serious OCD or something else psychologically that I don’t know.
    It is a long story:
    In 2006, he pushed me by his hand, he was worried in his face, don’t know why he was worried, because the push was not a right thing or because afraid someone saw it, and will call the police. I just cried for a while, and then I found since that day, he has been hitting me until 2009 January, when we know I was pregnant.
    During that time, in 2007 September, I had one miscarriage; before we got this news, I felt uncomfortable especially in August, I told him I am not okay, he responded me “ don’t think you are pregnant is a big deal, it is not important.”
    In 2007 One day, he was teaching me how to drive, as a drive student, I made a scratch on our old car, he blamed on me and gave me a kick, I felled on floor.
    If I didn’t drive well, he threw shoes on my head.
    When he drives, if he doesn’t feel happy with my conversation, he asked me to leave and say” get out of my car”
    When we stay at home, if he doesn’t feel happy with my conversation, he said “don’t touch my computer “or “get out”
    In 2007, one day, when he was chatting with our Chinese friend, he called me a “扫把星”, which means I am a women only brings bad luck. It made difficulty for our friend to response, and the friend told him, please don’t say that.

    In 2008,One day, I was not intended have a wall scratched a little bit, after he back home, I told him, “I made something not good, please don’t blame on me, okay?” he said okay, then I brought him to take a look, the result was he has blamed on me for one day.
    He called me “stupid pig”, “bitch”
    He always gets the better of our quarrels, the excitement quickened my pulse. and every time , he was the person with last sentence, which means I am the one to concession. Because I knew he lose his parent when he young, he need more love, patient and tolerance. So when he is not happy, when he has pressure, when he blame on me, when he hit me, I told me to understand him, understand his pressure from work. I did one thing----open windows and deep breathe, it works, at least, it clams down my angry, my grievance.
    Sometimes, I have no idea, I cannot hit him, I cannot persuade him, I felt unfair, but how can I help me feel better, I slapped on my own face.
    I wrote a lots paper with tears to him, he said: “I will never take my time to see long paragraphs “and throw it to me.
    Then, I asked if you want to talk with me, I want to talk to you.”
    He said” I don’t have time”,
    then I asked “ can I make an appointment with you?”
    he said “okay”.
    Then, I waited until the appointment; just speak for couple sentences, he said” don’t talk anymore, I know what you want to say. That is enough. Period”!
    I wanted to talk to him , I have been trying every year, unfortunately, I didn’t get chance to talk to him, so I wrote a lots paper, what I want to said, what I want to try improve our relationship, I gave to him, he even did not take a look.
    I never forgot a feeling, one time I have spent 3 hours to write my feeling until 3:00am. I gave to him, he said he won’t take a look of it, and he tore the paper, my feeling: my heart was broken.
    He wants a baby, so we tried very hard. My mom told me “be happy” in the telephone; she said it is the good way to have a baby. But I cried almost every day, in the evening, I cannot fall in sleep. I don’t speak to anyone, I don’t know who can trust, to help me, I was new in Canada, I don’t know, I burden all the problem by myself.
    2009 January, I was pregrent, due date is November 7th.
    In September, He forced me to study 5 courses, at that time, only 2 months away from the due date. And plus a extra tax course, total 6 courses in order to find my co-op job in January. During the study in the winter time, I was felled on the ground in the campus in October. As a result, as he wanted to get, I finished all 6 courses and got the co-op job in H&R Block to work from January to April. In September, other than 6courses, I had 10 interviews with companies in order to find a co-op job. I failed 10 times interviews, I had pressure from study 6courses, I had pressure to prepare interview, I had pressure to accept the failed interviews, I had the pressure from my husband’s blame ,such as, you forgot to ask the business card from the interview, you are so stupid, your friends, why is so smarter than you, she can got a job, and you cannot.
    He tried to help me to understand the study so he was contributed a lot time to explain the assignments for me, but I was so tried, I felt sleep when he was teaching me, he said” you are so lazy” and left an very unhappy and unsatisfied facial cues to me.
    When we talked about the study while I was pregrent, my husband said: “whether you go to school, how many courses you choose to study is your decision, you should responsible for your own decision. Don’t say I forced you.”

    I was bleeding on November 5th, but I was studying on my desk
    On N更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这样的垃圾你留着干什么?这样的人怎么会对孩子成长有利?你还等什么?等他回头?------妹妹,为了自己活的像个人,走吧,单身妈妈一点儿都不可怕,勇敢点。
      • “单身妈妈一点儿都不可怕”,yes and no
    • 你的目的是什么?目的清楚了,大家才可以帮助你
      • 楼主似乎已经有严重的忧郁症了。真的需要有个真心的人,能正确的开导她。她需要有人去倾听她。她内心很难受,没有人倾听,没有人关心她。找个婚姻咨询专家吧,他们很清楚你该怎么做。
      • 主要目的就是找什么方法,人,或者机构能帮助我们家庭这种情况,帮助我老公懂的珍惜在我还没有真正离开开之前,如果他离开我了,就没有人关心他了(父母早亡,兄弟姐在中国但亲情不过一般)总之我还是想尽力,如果一生气力用尽也于是无补,我也没有留念了。
        • 我不是家庭问题专家,非专业意见。如果你想老公在你离开之前珍惜你,好好想想他会珍惜的是什么,有的老公看重老婆的性格,有的看重她的事业,有的看中她的挣钱能力。想想你是否愿意去做?也许等你自立并且自立非常好的时候,还不想跟他在一起了呢!
        • 我也不是家庭/婚姻问题专家,但是我有一个同事的伙伴是家庭/婚姻辅导员,常常听同事说如果去寻求帮助/辅导,一定要有一个明确的目的:想离,还是不想离。
    • 感觉你很需要帮助. 你自己也需要心理疗伤, 但这仍然不能开脱你先生的错. 你自己首先应成熟起来, 不再做需要"大人"指点的儿童, 树立起让你先生尊重以及在社会上生存的必要的独立人格. 你和你先生都是痛苦的. 因为他不欣赏你, 不尊重你, 把你看做TEAM 的负数,
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"带着"你生活很累. 但即使这样, 你先生最起码应有做人的良知, 而不应该伤害你. 但说起来, 改变你们复杂的生活状况不是很容易, 觉得你一结婚就依赖他, 你先生从心理上厌烦瞧不起你, 想帮你(帮你学习那段), 恨铁不成钢, 再加上责骂你, 你也不反弹, 以至于他说你责骂你都变成习惯了. 你俩在人格上不对等.

      首先, 我要是你, 停止再要小孩, 先安排好自己, 才有能力抚育下一代. 之后, 他责骂你, 你应立刻表现出不接受, 告诉他: "如果骂人的话, 请你不要跟我讲话, 什么时候你不骂人了再来讲!" . 主动走开, 到外面咖啡店坐一坐. 一辈子再不写纸条子. 他不想说, 你也没必要给他说, 直到他想说找你说为止. 自己的事情自己做主张, 不需要问他, 错了没有关系, 自己选择的, 错了就错了, 承担结果. 自己给自己弄台车, 自己开, 旧的新的都可以, 现在买不了, 就告诉他, 家里的车你也有份开(实在不行, 把你名字加上, 给你自己心里打气), 开坏了你自己负责, 保险会付, 保险涨了, 你工作以后把钱补上, 你开车的时候, 请他不要上车, 否则你不去. 报课找工作什么的自己做主, 别问他, 告诉他躲远点, 你的事情不用他插手, 如果他不满意, 可以离婚, 找别人去. 看着他的眼睛对他讲, 你就是你, 有优点有缺点, 现在上学没钱, 他养家赚钱, 让他自己想清楚了, 接受你, 愿意养着你直到你工作, SHUT! 不接受你, 不喜欢你, 讨厌你, 养你难受, 离婚, 告诉他, 没有他你自己会找出路生存.

      总结: 自己的事情自己做主, 不要问他; 他骂你, 你转身甩门就走, 一句费话不要说, 过一段时间再回家, 什么都不要讲, 直到他主动找你讲; 从现在开始, 你不再做他的车, 坐汽车, 或自己开车, 直到他尊重你为止; 你不高兴, 不要等着他叫你滚, 你要在他之前告诉他: 请你走开, 我现在不需要你!

      真心想帮你, 但愿能帮到你. 知道你现在很抑郁, 说重了千万别往心里去, 每个人都有弱点的, 没关系, 看清楚问题, 不要自责, 它不应该成为你被伤害的理由. 不能说你弱, 你先生就可以随便骂你, 他忍受不了, 可以重新选择, 不能折磨你和折磨他自己, 但有他没他, 你自己都要学会变强, 这是立人之本. 多找自己家人帮助, 但如果父母帮倒忙就算了. 自己慢慢摸索吧.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • “树立起让你先生尊重以及在社会上生存的必要的独立人格.”……+1000 ……
      • 真做到象你说的,还在一起过什么日子?婚姻难道就是在一起吃饭睡觉?
        • 楼主的婚姻已经是不正常的婚姻. 现在都谈不上过不过日子. 第一步要先做人, 生存, 双方有了改变, 有了重新认识, 第二步才能过日子, 相敬如宾, 之后第三步才能过好日子, 彼此相爱关怀? 要不你说怎么办? 现在就离婚? 离不离婚我觉得对LZ都是一样的, 要学会自强先.
          • 有步骤有计划很好。可是,这么辛苦婚姻还有什么乐趣?而且我没有觉得lz有多不自强。我是坚决支持她离婚的。这种男人就应该单着,谁碰到谁倒霉。
            • 这种男人在外面装得可是彬彬有理的。他们这种虐待行为也是一年比一年加剧的。只有越来越差。楼主没有什么不自强的,一个人的心情和自信,自尊被彻底摧毁了,是什么也做不好的。坚决离婚。
      • 非常对,我就这样去做. 以前,我只是不和他说话,,是他找我说话, 说话了, 故状复萌了...反反复复,,,,,, "他骂你, 你转身甩门就走,..., 过一段时间再回家, " 感觉这个不好做到,孩子在家,妈妈没在他哭,然后天冷,又要学习考试....不过去另外一个房间也可以滴.. 我好谢谢这个
      • 再回复一个,我老公就是 "极品小气",如果我拿着钞票砸他,他就会笑的乐开花,让他干什么都行,他自己说的, 我的坚忍,就是等到我工作了,有 money 了,他就不会骂我了, 换句话说,他骂我,我能压得下他,现在,无论我多么完美,没有钱就是被踩在脚下的命.天,心凉阿
        • 有钞票谁砸他啊,真是白日做梦. 老公是拿来共患难的,有钱还拿去砸小白脸呢.再说你就是再有钱, 也有比你有钱的,这样比就没个头了,你永远都不用翻身了.
    • 这里有一个帮助受虐妇女的网站,你可看看,应该对你会有帮助
      • 真的不知道怎么说谢谢才好! 谢谢了!
        • 不用谢,希望你能过得好
        • 我说的不一定对, 只是看到你的英文里写的一些事情经过得到的判断. 应以相信你自己的感觉为准. 无论怎样, 不要忍, 寻求帮助是正确的. 祝你早日回归幸福.
        • 你怎么不去找汉代蜜瓜,或者直来直去呀?她是专家,她人又好,肯定会给你很好的建议的。
    • 你要自强,按自己的想法读书找工作照顾孩子。你老公是个病人,如果你愿意帮他治病,也先要把自己打理好。你需要寻求专业的帮助。华人家庭专业辅导中心应该可以帮你,不要钱,如果他们办事有拖拉,多打几次电话。你先努力自救,你好孩子自然好。你现在没能力救你老公。加油!

      士嘉堡 Midland Avenue 3330 號, 229 室


      多倫多 College Street
      340 號, 305 室

      烈治文山 Wertheim Court.
      15 號, 607 室

    • 你考虑清楚吧,这是个无情无义视钱如命的施虐老公,等你将来工作了,你还能否忍受他的品行吗?跟这极品男人早晚要分手吧?
      • Want to call you. Do you mind to pm your phone number?
        • PMed.
          • PMD。我搞错了,我是想给楼主大电话开导开导她。很对不起呀。
            • Its ok. 我也真希望你能帮到她,即使能宽慰她下也好啊。
    • 见过很多不愿养着老婆的老公,这位算是极端的了,别的老公也就是给冷脸色看,或者要求老婆多做家务。
    • 现在的社会还有这样的男人,看了一半看不下去,太惨了。上帝拯救自救的人。这位姐妹千万记得要自强,自重,自救。。。
    • 很想和你通个电话,聊聊,你能发一下你的电话吗?我真的希望能帮到你。并告诉我何时打最合适。
      • 好人啊。。。
      • 好人.顶.
    • 看来他很讨厌你。或许你真有些地方令他讨厌,但这不一定是你的错。有一种人,他不爱任何人,我说的是任何人,除了生理的要求,这种人没有爱人的能力。希望你没有“中彩”。不要寄希望于他会改变,或者你能根本改变自己。没有人能做得到,除非神。