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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛因为老妈去年在这呆了超过183天. 翻了CRA的说明, 探亲老人应该是符合下面这个定义的前两条, 但是, 不符合第三条, 因为中国是从2010年开始成为了加拿大的TAX TREATY.

Deemed residents

You are a deemed resident for tax purposes for the entire tax year if you:

stay in Canada for 183 days or more in that tax year;
do not have significant residential ties with Canada; and
are not considered a resident of another country under the terms of a tax treaty that Canada has with another country.

Deemed non-residents

If you are a factual resident of Canada and a resident of another country with which Canada has a tax treaty, you may be considered a deemed non-resident of Canada for tax purposes.

You become a deemed non-resident of Canada when your ties with the other country become such that, under the tax treaty with which Canada has with the other country, you would be considered a resident of that other country.

As a deemed non-resident, the same rules apply to you as a non-resident of Canada.

有些同学以前报了这部分税, 是因为中加之间的TAX TREATY 是2010年12月才生效的. 现在应该是不可以报了. 不知道对不对. 望探讨.

更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 父母探亲,过来帮带孩子,自己上班,探亲父母可以付给他们带孩子费用抵税吗?
    • 不行!因为你的老人不能报税
    • 探亲签证写了,有薪无薪工作都不允许.看孩子也是工作,做饭搞卫生也是工作.
    • 抵税嘛,付钱给老人带孩子,肯定没戏。不过给探亲老头老太付钱吃喝玩乐,并提供衣食住行,倒能得到退税。那就是探亲老头老太年逾65,由你赡养半年以上,你便可申请Line-315退税。
      • 申请315没戏的,因为不是居民(non-resident is not qualified). 请问:老人的消费报在哪个栏目里面可以抵税呢?
        • 是不是居民已经成了年度睡贴, 搜搜吧
        • 好好看看局子的官样文章吧,从来就没有要求有无身份,只要是自己的父母或另一半的父母即可。
      • You can not. See CRA explanation:
        If, at any time in 2010, you (either alone or with another person) maintained a dwelling where you and one or more of your dependants lived, you may be able to claim a maximum amount of $4,223 for each dependant. Each dependant must have been one of the following individuals:
        ■ your or your spouse's or common-law partner's child or grandchild; or
        ■ your or your spouse's or common-law partner's brother, sister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, parent, or grandparent who was resident in Canada. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.
        • 请先搞清楚什么是resident什么是only visiting you, 我给公婆,父母都报过,当然也被要求补证明材料什么的,最后都通过了,事实就是这样。
          • What kind of materials they asked you to provide? Can i have some details? Thanks.
          • Key point is the 证明材料. If you don't mind. could you please post or pm what 证明材料 requested? Thank you.
          • 我去年情况符合,能PM哪些证明材料吗?
          • 也想详细的讨论一下这个问题.,
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛因为老妈去年在这呆了超过183天. 翻了CRA的说明, 探亲老人应该是符合下面这个定义的前两条, 但是, 不符合第三条, 因为中国是从2010年开始成为了加拿大的TAX TREATY.

            Deemed residents

            You are a deemed resident for tax purposes for the entire tax year if you:

            stay in Canada for 183 days or more in that tax year;
            do not have significant residential ties with Canada; and
            are not considered a resident of another country under the terms of a tax treaty that Canada has with another country.

            Deemed non-residents

            If you are a factual resident of Canada and a resident of another country with which Canada has a tax treaty, you may be considered a deemed non-resident of Canada for tax purposes.

            You become a deemed non-resident of Canada when your ties with the other country become such that, under the tax treaty with which Canada has with the other country, you would be considered a resident of that other country.

            As a deemed non-resident, the same rules apply to you as a non-resident of Canada.

            有些同学以前报了这部分税, 是因为中加之间的TAX TREATY 是2010年12月才生效的. 现在应该是不可以报了. 不知道对不对. 望探讨.

            更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Tax Treaty between Canada and PRC is under negotiation.
              Under negotiation/re-negotiation
              •China (PRC)
              •Hong Kong (PRC)
              •New Zealand
              •Serbia and Montenegro
              •United Kingdom

              See the link:
            • 你说的也许是一个补充,协议比你说的时间早20年就有了,以前很热闹的讨论过.结论是183天不适用大陆,台湾香港澳门的适用.自己论坛里搜索吧.
              • 谢谢! 正是因为翻了旧贴, 辩论双方都振振有词,有论据有实例, 我才更迷惑了. 不过, 个人倾向于不能.
                • 09年的时候这里也争论.我翻了旧帖,看到03,04年争论很急烈,正方领军人物之一,报了并收到退税的,当时非常活跃.在09年的争论里一言不发,我就发短消息问,他回答说后来被税务局罚款了.
            • 中国,加拿大税收协定议定书生效与1986年5月。
              • 根据协议第四条关于居民的定义,其中第二款,中国在加拿大探亲者一律视为中国居民,不论在加拿大居留多久。
              • 谢谢指正. 借贴再讨论一下, 是不是给探亲老人申请ITN, 然后子女付老人照顾小孩的费用, 老人报收入税更合适呢?
                这样子女可以CLAIM托儿费(此未考证, 不知付给在家看孩子的, 与自己有亲属关系的可不可以), 老人实际收入不高, 也不用交什么税. 当然, 老人要同时报上自己在中国的退休金等收入. 但加起来也应在低收入范围. 这中间还有EI, CPP等麻烦事. 未实际操作过, 只是个想法, 不知可行否?
                • 你是越搞越糊涂,你家老人有工卡吗?你家老人非法工作.你想发工资你需要申请的是工作签证不是ITN.
                  • 喔, 明白了. 谢谢! 因为ITN是给无法拿到SIN卡的非居民颁发的,就想当然的把它们划等号了.
          • cc: 说一下塞。究竟要补啥子材料嘛?