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en. this is real brother. totally make sense. we all have to help.here is my 2 cents - a list how to utilize this 1K budget

how to change yourself with your brother's 1K:
$150 - hair, later you can trim every month yourself
$300 - Lululemon, yoga pants, tops, jacket (also can be used for running), the pants normally on sales, jacket sales is hard to find, buy 1 size smaller - this is the must.
%150 - New Balance runing shoes ( if u run three days a week,each time half hour, probobaly the shoes can only last about 10 months)
$20.00 - coffee for your best friend, either male or female (if u don't have one, find one right away)
$20.00 - coffer for your date. alway buy coffee yourself, unless you really like that guy, then accept his offer either coffee or lunch but NO dinner, unless you want to keep going.
$300 - nice short skirt, wavy long skirt and one spring jacket, well sructured, a plain T-shirt,no logo, but soft.
$60 - high heel pump, creamy/beige colour, not black, not solid colour, you need to present yourself as tender, warm...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 天哪,突然觉得有点想结婚,但是一无所有的我能找得到结婚对象吗? 这边做事真的很困难,就算是和异性约会,也要像求人一样,都是爱理不理的,还要搭架子。都是比我大十岁左右的大叔,是否能宽容些呢? 唯一感到宽慰的是有不少MM关心和支持。
    • Just move on. Don't be afraid.
      • THX
    • Asking yourself first why do you want to get married so deperately? What kid of guy do you want to marry?
      • How many do you have in stock?
        • you want some? LOL
          • 干活的要两个,抬轿的四个,擦车的一个,做饭的一个,哦,还有一个 PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINER。想到的就这么多。自带保险。
        • I have none :) ~~~ just want her to know herself first. My impression is that she has been in this mood for quite a while and does not know what she really wants.
          • 两个人有缘分,有了电,什么这样那样的。就是火光电石的那一霎那,就行了。
            • 如果我没理解错, LZ每周会去教堂, 我觉得在那里她应该有机会结识到不少年龄相仿的男性的. 我的感觉是LZ好象还不了解自己真正需要的是什么, 顾虑太多同时在心理限制了自己,而且少了一些自信.
              • They are all married or engaged.
                • but they have friends, and friends of friends, right? just be open, positive, get involved in the social activities.
              • 我觉得缺的是耐心。可遇不可求的事,不必太勉强,也勉强不来。
                • +1
              • 俺也有这个疑问...教会里组织青年的活动很多的...应该能够找到志同道合的...
                • 嗯, 其实能去教会对她是有益的, 一方面有一个精神寄托,另一方面也开阔了自己的社交圈.只能说是时机不成熟吧.
    • 这位妹妹,我看你上了好几个这样的贴,,其实该说的大家也都说了,,再下去也没什么可说的了。。以我一个过来人的经验,莫不如在现实生活中给自己多一点的社交机会,多认识一些男女朋友,多参加一些社会活动,,,你想要的东西,最好是从自己做起,才有机会得到。。。
      • 人家是开婚介所的,在逗你玩呢
        • 哦,这样啊。。
          • 开玩笑的,是劝你别太认真
            • 是啊,,,只是看着一遍一遍的回炉,,,才忍不住权几句。。。
        • 啊。。。。
      • Thank you.
    • 邻居79老头从过内搬来40+的老婆,老婆跑前跑后的伺候的可是周到拉,老头有豪宅,老了不发愁啊
    • 大叔也沒什麼不好的。歲數大知道疼人,妹子別太挑啦。
      • 太老了还的喂饭,翻身等伺候吧,
        • lol。
        • 太老的也就苦幾年,先苦後甜~~~~~~
          • 我老板妈床上18年,
          • 老头们精着呢,几年就想甜?
            • 斗不过女的,我舅就是例子婚后2年就走了,房子归女方
      • 大叔们都太成熟,没激情. 找呢一定要找个年龄差不多的,至少谈感情的时候要找个这样的
      • 没说大叔不好,即便是比我大十多岁的, 也像我有求于他们,爱理不理的。
        • 你都称别人为叔了,那还考虑他们干嘛? 你见过几个女的和称叔的谈爱情的?
        • 我不知道這麼說會不會有人不高興,人的本性都是賤的,你求、他就拽;你試試你拽、他會不會求。
    • 这里现在象恋爱农贸市场,女人心理需要不是一般的坚强。进市场就被当成商品,先被故意装爱理不理的男人狂砍到地板价以下,但看下旁边的跳楼大出血招牌,又如何感想?
    • 给妹妹出个主意,听哥的没错
      • en. this is real brother. totally make sense. we all have to help.here is my 2 cents - a list how to utilize this 1K budget
        how to change yourself with your brother's 1K:
        $150 - hair, later you can trim every month yourself
        $300 - Lululemon, yoga pants, tops, jacket (also can be used for running), the pants normally on sales, jacket sales is hard to find, buy 1 size smaller - this is the must.
        %150 - New Balance runing shoes ( if u run three days a week,each time half hour, probobaly the shoes can only last about 10 months)
        $20.00 - coffee for your best friend, either male or female (if u don't have one, find one right away)
        $20.00 - coffer for your date. alway buy coffee yourself, unless you really like that guy, then accept his offer either coffee or lunch but NO dinner, unless you want to keep going.
        $300 - nice short skirt, wavy long skirt and one spring jacket, well sructured, a plain T-shirt,no logo, but soft.
        $60 - high heel pump, creamy/beige colour, not black, not solid colour, you need to present yourself as tender, warm...
        • The list I provided is not a joke. if LZ can really do even just half, I don't know she'll get married soon. But a few guys will follow her, that's for sure. then she get a base to develope something more meaningful
        • You got it....
          • thx, dear
        • nice details and breakdowns, but...
          1. Not brother's 1K, it is hers, this is very important
          2. What is missing on your list is the budget for Makeup, keep in mind using the most expensive makeup to get the ultimate effect.
    • if you really want to make a change, sometime, at very beginning, you need make yourself a little bit uncomfortable
    • 我早跟你说了,去gym.....
    • 真奇怪,这里女人怎么就那么惨呢,在国内40以内的女人,甭管结没结婚,只要稍有姿色的都会有狂风浪蝶,还至于像妹妹说的男人有那么牛?
    • 你到底是咋回事啊,怎么总是这样呢?是不是长得很难看,如果长得难看的话,那确实比较困难,木太大办法。如果不是张的太难看,其他方面总还可以改进的啊,就算长得难看,也可以整容,化妆,使劲倒持啊。
    • 为啥要急着结婚?
      • 哦。。。。
      • 女大当嫁
      • 94,宁缺勿滥
      • 真心希望楼主来回答。。。。
    • 建议放眼全世界,让WSN后悔去吧!
      • 你。。。。。
        • 我可是真诚建议,干嘛在一棵树上吊死呢?
    • sunny,没有人一无所有。如果你觉得自己一无所有,那么结婚也不会让你拥有你想要的东西。
      • 找份好工作,男人就来了
    • just in case, you don't see it. #7393048. God bless U