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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

还是自己查的资料靠谱些 ...

For how long is the pass report valid?

A Drive Clean pass is valid for 12 months from its date of issue. During that time, you can renew the registration and/or transfer ownership.

However, if you have a test done for ownership transfer or initial vehicle registration, the test pass can be used at any point in the next calendar year to renew license registration.

The certificate must still be valid on the registration expiry date or, for late renewals or vehicle transfers, it must be valid on the date of the transaction.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 看51上说明年尾气检测更加严格,老车基本通不过,是真的还是假的。
    • 应该是有check engin灯亮的自动通不过,别的没变化。
      • 好像没有这么严吧?与尾气无关的灯亮,还是给过的。
        • check engin灯都和尾气有关吧?参见:MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s).
          • FYI. Non-emissions Related Codes. 鲜有例外。基本肯定MIL亮一定与emission有关。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Non-emissions Related Codes

            The EPA revised OBD II test failure criteria require that a vehicle be failed for the presence of anyDiagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) that results in the MIL being commanded 'on'. Some reviewers felt that this change could result in vehicles being failed for non-emission-related components orsystems, such as the brakes or suspension. However, although some vehicle on-board computersmay monitor non-emission-related components and systems at the manufacturer's discretion, thefederal regulations in the USA require that the MIL only be illuminated for emission-relatedmalfunctions. (Sosnowski 2001)

            Other dashboard lights may be illuminated to indicate the need for service of a non-emission-related component or system, but the presence of such lights does not constitute grounds for failingthe OBD-I/M check. Furthermore, the EPA claims to have examined data from over 300,000 OBD-I/M checks performed in actual I/M lanes and has not found a single instance of the simplified failure criteria leading to the failure of a vehicle for a non-emission-related component or system.(Sosnowski 2001)

            The latest CARB and EPA OBD II information regulations require that manufacturers provide all Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and the information for reprogramming of systems. Thisinformation must be published on individual Internet sites. (See Section 2.7.)

            更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不用测“尾气”了,直接读电脑。不过,1998年前的老车照旧测尾气。
      • 这个会不会催生出一个生意,“假电脑”,估计成本很低,就一单片机,5块以内,反正那玩意也没有authentication的
    • 检测报告有效期是一年吗?如果这样,就得赶紧去检了
      • 我记得有效期三个月
        • 60 days
      • 还是自己查的资料靠谱些 ...
        For how long is the pass report valid?

        A Drive Clean pass is valid for 12 months from its date of issue. During that time, you can renew the registration and/or transfer ownership.

        However, if you have a test done for ownership transfer or initial vehicle registration, the test pass can be used at any point in the next calendar year to renew license registration.

        The certificate must still be valid on the registration expiry date or, for late renewals or vehicle transfers, it must be valid on the date of the transaction.
        • Thanks!
    • 我的查引擎灯亮,查code说是Oxygen Sensor的问题,丝毫不影响驾驶,且技师说换了没多久可能又会出现灯亮,所以没换. 如果检尾气,能通过吗?
      • 官方文档说,不给过。参阅TABLE 9.0.1B: OBD Test Standards
      • 测试步骤如下:

        Connect test unit to vehicle DLC.
        Download the vehicle data and Readiness Status to test unit.
        Download the vehicle MIL Command Status to test unit.
        Download the vehicle DTC list to test unit.
        Disconnect test unit from vehicle DLC.

        Test unit will determine compliance with OBD test standards prescribed in TABLE 9.0.1B.
      • 失败条件见内。
        对于1998 – 2000 OBD enabled light vehicle

        Vehicle OBD computer is unable to communicate with OBD
        emissions test unit.
        3 or more supported readiness monitors not set to “Ready”.
        MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s).

        For a vehicle submitted for re-testing after an initial fail and repairs,
        the monitor(s) that were associated with initial failure must be set to

        对于2001 & later OBD enabled light vehicle

        Vehicle OBD computer is unable to communicate with OBD
        emissions test unit.
        2 or more supported readiness monitors not set to “Ready”.
        MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s).

        For a vehicle submitted for re-testing after an initial fail and repairs,
        the monitor(s) that were associated with initial failure must be set to
      • LOL,Toyota的车大批过不了这一关。
      • 98年以前的旧车开始价格疯涨,有钱的赶紧多囤积一批.
        • 88 年以前的更值钱
    • 我的车是2002年的altima,最近check engine灯亮,读的code是p0507。请问这种情况下在新的标准下可以通过尾气检测吗?上次的尾气一点问题也没有。谢谢!
      • 肯定失败。只需这一条:MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s)。参见我上面贴的文档。
        • 我的一直亮,老孙修了n次都不可以,也换东西了。尾气也合格,还好我今年交的是2年的。
          • 华人车行哪些是比较好的?主要看技术能力...
            • 换机油,换刹车,换轮胎基本还是比较靠谱的.
        • 我的 malibu 的引擎灯以前亮过了,没修理,只自己消码了,车载电脑里还能记得那么全乎,什么时间亮的,修了没,怎么修的,什么时间灭的。符合检测通过条件吗?应该没影响吧!
          • 消了码,历史码也消了。如果现在灯还没亮,应该没问题。除非有3 or more supported readiness monitors not set to “Ready”.(如果是2000或以前的车)。自己再读I/M数据确认一下。