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I believe most Chefs have been using Induction for long long time.

"I had the pleasure of working in Europe a few years ago. At that time (1995) there were virtually no gas burners to be found anywhere in commercial kitchens. The industry has moved to Induction and Combi-ovens almost exclusively. The best advise I received when I was starting to use the Induction was: cover your induction top with cloths so it will be easier to clean until you get used to the speed. It was so true! Product was finished in less than 1/2 the time that gas took, and we won't get into electric (useless in my opinion). The cloths were a huge plus as I had several pots boil over before I had a chance to turn back to the induction top. Two years ago, my former chef came to Canada for a visit and came and saw me at work. He was aghast at the "stone age" conditions of the kitchen as we were still using gas. 'Nuff said."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 有没有人装INDUCTION COOKTOP? 看着厨房真的很漂亮。除了价钱贵一点,还有别的什么要考虑的?当然,整套锅都得换。
    • 你说的是那种平板的炉台?为啥要换锅?
      • 你out啦
        • 我从来就没有in过啊,帅哥美女能给个中文缩略版的么?
          • 电磁炉,通过磁场来让锅自己发热。所以不是什么锅都可以,必须是磁铁能磁住的。其他东西例如手放上去一点事都没有,十分安全。
            • 炉面容易清理么?溅到的汤水油星会不会成顽固性污渍?Sales 说不会,很容易,可听一个用过的说炉面也会烫,因为锅底烫,所以烫煳的东西擦不下来。请过来人谈谈。现在用的电炉实在难清理。
              • 可以用陶瓷平面的。。。
              • 刚开始用的不错,时间一久表面就开始变色,只能全部换掉,除非你能将就
              • 还有锅底容易把炉面挂花,只有新的时候好看
                • 哎,电炉真闹心,今天和LP又吵了一架,炒菜把菜炒到电炉面上,这还不算,炉面滚烫时用塑料铲铲炉面,弄成不可收拾,晚上刮了半天,说她笨,罢工了明天不做了,不做就不做,下馆子去
    • 好看是好看,但火候不易控制,适合对烹饪不讲究人士
      • It is exactly the opposite. Induction cooktop is the most precise cooktop, better than gas and coil.
        • 若如此,为何大厨专家都不用?豪宅也没人用啊?怎么回事?难道人家都不知道
          • It is a new technology so people (for example, you) might not accept it right away. Although the temperature control is more precise than gas/coil, it does have its drawbacks.
            • 新技术?这玩意都出来半个多世纪了,还有人说它是新技术?太 out! 电磁炉的缺陷是很明显的,而且是致命的。所以50多年了到现在还远远无法普及,这个不用多说了吧
              • 50+ year is still shorter than fire which has been around since mankind. Plus I don't think it is 50+ year.
                • 不知道的话就自己给自己科普一下吧,上网搜搜,在这里耍嘴皮也没什么意思,反而显得有些无知
          • I believe most Chefs have been using Induction for long long time.
            "I had the pleasure of working in Europe a few years ago. At that time (1995) there were virtually no gas burners to be found anywhere in commercial kitchens. The industry has moved to Induction and Combi-ovens almost exclusively. The best advise I received when I was starting to use the Induction was: cover your induction top with cloths so it will be easier to clean until you get used to the speed. It was so true! Product was finished in less than 1/2 the time that gas took, and we won't get into electric (useless in my opinion). The cloths were a huge plus as I had several pots boil over before I had a chance to turn back to the induction top. Two years ago, my former chef came to Canada for a visit and came and saw me at work. He was aghast at the "stone age" conditions of the kitchen as we were still using gas. 'Nuff said."
          • 老外很多讲究的用的。有INDUCTION COOKTOP,还有GAS COOKTOP。
    • 电磁炉十几年前就有了吧?中国蛮流行的,这里好像不普及,不知道为啥。
    • 那个热心的id“民工”好像写过攻略,找不着了
      • 我记得他说自己家里用的就是,然后最后结论是不推荐?
    • 我家里用的是Induction cook top,两年啦。火力很大,也很好清理,到目前为止还像新的一样。就是对锅的要求高,有些喜欢的不能拥有。
      • 是不是平底锅用一段时间底就不平了,不能用在这种炉子上了?
        • 必须含铁量高的不锈钢锅或铸铁锅,IKEA的不锈钢夹铝的轻锅不行,一些合金含铁太少也不行,铝锅不行,沙锅陶锅玻璃锅都不能用了。
          • 谢谢。听起来不错。也查了英文网站,优点很多,就是要专门的锅。还说电磁辐射不会泄漏。这一点不知道是不是已经公认
    • 谢谢大家参与哈。我想不普及的原因还有价钱吧。光一个COOKTOP可以买一般的整的加OVEN了。现在还得再花那么多买OVEN。不过我心里已经长草了,豁出去了。。。
      • 买吧,不会后悔的,特别好清洁。
        • 你买的是啥牌子的?KITCHENAID都已经很贵了,1200左右。有个同事还嫌不好看,买了个更贵的,就为周围多了圈金属边压在COUNTER TOP上好看。我在想这个多花几百为个边也太夸张了。
          • Regardless the brand, you need to buy one with sufficient "power".
          • 我买的是Kenmore Elite 30",最大的功率可达3900W。我朋友买的是Bosch最贵的一款,有瞬间boost的功能,炒菜时很好。但kenmore便宜很多,我也很满意了。Kichenaid的功率都很小。
            • 嗯,又便宜又好是王道。谢谢哈。本来开始看的是KITCHMENAID
              • 到美国去买
    • 没明白,你在装修厨房吗?你得有装cooktop的橱柜,和另外一组装wall oven的橱柜。。。有了橱柜,再选什么样的cooktop...电器是要多花钱,橱柜上要多花的钱不比电器少。。。
      • Sears 就有几种 induction range,整体炉子,和电炉气炉一样尺寸,烤箱仍然是电的。
        • 她长草的是cooktop。