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What is a principal residence?

How does a property qualify?
A property qualifies as your principal residence for any year if it meets all of the following four conditions:

It is a housing unit, a leasehold interest in a housing unit, or a share of the capital stock of a co-operative housing corporation you acquire only to get the right to inhabit a housing unit owned by that corporation.
You own the property alone or jointly with another person.
You, your current or former spouse or common-law partner, or any of your children lived in it at some time during the year.
You designate the property as your principal residence.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 【余JJ误人不浅】投资房:...如果家里人口多的话,倒是可以分开来买,这样的话,每一个人都算自己的第一套住房则不存在第二套投资房的问题。《地产周刊》p22:
    • 他前面还说:何为投资房,投资房就是在拥有第一套的基础上再进行投资飞第二套住房,而根据加拿大政府对除了第一套住房的其他住房进行报税,
      • 续):投资房在卖出时需要进行保税【应为:报税】,这点是需要老实遵守的,所以在卖出投资房之前最好先咨询一下报税师税务问题。免得卖掉之后又要付给政府较多的收入税。
        • 如此“省税”是要被科以重罚的!
          • 如果听从了【余JJ】的建议,家里"每一个人都算自己的第一套住房则不存在第二套投资房的问题"的国移同胞,赶脚【自查自纠】,税局的利息可是【喝血】的————半点也不"和谐"。
    • 行得通么? 当你申明这房子是你的住房时,你必须住在里面才行。 到报税季节,每个人得单独报税吧? 至少地址得不一样。而且这个很容易引起税局的注意的。
      • What is a principal residence?
        How does a property qualify?
        A property qualifies as your principal residence for any year if it meets all of the following four conditions:

        It is a housing unit, a leasehold interest in a housing unit, or a share of the capital stock of a co-operative housing corporation you acquire only to get the right to inhabit a housing unit owned by that corporation.
        You own the property alone or jointly with another person.
        You, your current or former spouse or common-law partner, or any of your children lived in it at some time during the year.
        You designate the property as your principal residence.
    • 这个就是名目张胆的逃税。。。
      • 居然,还有"报税师"帮忙 !
    • 我曾经以为你就是【余JJ】,他有段时间在捧TW。【余JJ】现在都放弃TW而开始北伐或南归了,哈哈哈。。。
    • 《地产周刊》的编辑们,你们,连这些最起码的税务ABC常识都不具备吗?"一诺"责编是神马编辑能力?!
      • 谁让你认真了, 地滩报我一般都瞄一眼帅哥霉女就漂过。
    • 不孤单啊! (#8512525@0)【夕子JJ误人不浅】:"2012年下半年的市场冷清,最直接的原因就是央行收紧贷款政策...最长还款期从过去的35年收紧成25年..."摘自《地产周刊》466期p27 夕子《斗胆预测2014》
      • 探长,不要再在论坛攻击你的同行了.知道你现在是:羡慕嫉妒恨.
        • 俺不是JJ,您看走眼喽。"同行"说,站不住脚啊。"羡慕嫉妒恨"之说,那是您的"想当然"。————关键的是,如果听任余JJ关于投资房的错误可能误导同胞违反税法到时遭受重罚,您又于心何忍???
          • 这里明眼人都看出你是经纪了.大丈夫敢作敢当.别成天躲在暗处暗箭伤人.
            • 你就不是"明眼人",因为俺不是经纪!
            • 简直是不可理喻!俺指出错误叫"暗箭伤人"?
            • 你的词典里,有"闻过则喜"这个词么?