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我把判决书judge 具体怎么说贴一下吧。对, judge 说可以找朋友一起干. :)不过要做好document.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛• On day 1 she sells her residence, the Joyce Property, to her friend Ms. A. The purchase price is paid by issuing a Promissory Note;

• On day 2 she takes a bank loan to discharge the mortgage on the Ewart Property (the first loan). While the loan might only be a daylight-bookkeeping entry, there is adequate security for it given that a collateral charge will be immediately available on the Ewart Property upon the payout of the former charge against it;

• Also on day 2, she buys back the Joyce Property (her new rental property), and finances this acquisition by borrowing money from the bank, which loan is secured by a mortgage on the re-acquired property (the second loan);

• The proceeds of the latter mortgage are paid to her friend Ms. A as consideration for this buy-back and Ms. A uses the proceeds to pay off the Promissory Note she issued on the purchase of the property the day before;

• The proceeds from the Promissory Note are used by the Appellant to pay off the first bank loan;

• The only remaining loan is the second loan taken to acquire a rental property;

• Everything is done at fair market value without tax consequence, and actual transfers of land need never be registered.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 新开一贴,因为很有同学问如果旧房贷款还清,refinance旧房,把钱拿去买新房(自住),再把旧房出租。问利息费用可否抵扣旧房的租金收入。我把我在另一个帖子的回答再贴一下,方便大家看。也算把自己的知识回馈给各位坛友。
    如果旧房做refinance/remortgage用于付新房的买价,新房用于自住,旧房用于出租。interest on refinance/remortgage 是不能抵扣旧房的出租收入的。因为你的贷款的用途是用于自住(新房子)。如果要能抵扣租金收入的话,要把旧房卖了,用拿到的钱付新房的买价。再贷款用来买旧房,那样子利息就可以抵扣旧房的出租收入了。如果大家有兴趣可以看一个几年前tax court 的案例。一样的情况。最后的判决是支持CRA,旧房的利息不能抵扣。同时judge 说要想抵扣就要先卖再买。另外一点,大家不要打电话问CRA接电话的人tax issues.除非你要求他/她转到专门的department, 而且要求他/她把相关的Income Tax Act Section # 给你。不然的话,接电话的人懂的话就不用再接电话了。当然,如果觉得没那么倒霉会被税局查的话,就随便抵扣费用就行了,也不用关心是否正确了。:)
    • 我说的案例是这个,你可以上网搜。 sherle v. the queen 2009 TCC377。在判决书 paragraph 23,judge给出了具体可以怎样做。你看最后一句“ Everything is done at fair market value without tax consequence, and actual transfers of land need never be registered.”
      所以我的理解是买卖价要是市价,但是可以不用register transfer of land. 当然你要找律师帮你做document。
      • 我把判决书judge 具体怎么说贴一下吧。对, judge 说可以找朋友一起干. :)不过要做好document.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛• On day 1 she sells her residence, the Joyce Property, to her friend Ms. A. The purchase price is paid by issuing a Promissory Note;

        • On day 2 she takes a bank loan to discharge the mortgage on the Ewart Property (the first loan). While the loan might only be a daylight-bookkeeping entry, there is adequate security for it given that a collateral charge will be immediately available on the Ewart Property upon the payout of the former charge against it;

        • Also on day 2, she buys back the Joyce Property (her new rental property), and finances this acquisition by borrowing money from the bank, which loan is secured by a mortgage on the re-acquired property (the second loan);

        • The proceeds of the latter mortgage are paid to her friend Ms. A as consideration for this buy-back and Ms. A uses the proceeds to pay off the Promissory Note she issued on the purchase of the property the day before;

        • The proceeds from the Promissory Note are used by the Appellant to pay off the first bank loan;

        • The only remaining loan is the second loan taken to acquire a rental property;

        • Everything is done at fair market value without tax consequence, and actual transfers of land need never be registered.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • day 1 和 day 2,只差一天所以不需要注册land tax transfer?
          • 不是因为只差一天,是因为你有所有的purchase and sale agreement 和其他相关的agreement, 来证明这个交易的真实存在。而做land register 只是一个手续,而这个手续没有做了。而要day 1 and day 2是要肯定房子的价格没有变化(如果是间隔的时间长,房价有变化的话,
            可能有相关的gain, 需要交税)。因为都是文件上的日期,所以都会做成day 1 and day 2. 我个人没有真的做过,不知道有没有同学可以问一下律师?
        • 太感谢了,好专业!
        • 请问一下这样操作的话,都有发生哪些费用?
      • 有人这样干过吗?都有哪些费用?
    • 非常感谢你专业的回答。你所讲的和我查到的一样。太遗憾了贷款手续已经办完了。现在最好的办法大概是把租金收入全存到自住房还mortgage, 出租房税该交就交,转年卖了再找机会买吧。
      • 不是一样要交收入税。放哪里都没用的。
    • 静等近期出现一个这样干的实例,若成功请上来分享下,太多人有类似的需求了。。。
    • 要把旧房卖了,用拿到的钱付新房的买价。再贷款用来买旧房 --- 需要缴纳两次土地转让金?这可不是小数目
    • Fatty girl, you interpreted [23] as a “scheme” from a judge detailing how to find the loophole and beat the system. My question to you is anyone has succeeded by following it so far?
      • This is the Chinese version please post English on the other side
    • 很有道理啊
    • 请问如果自住房贷款还清,refinance自住房,把钱拿去买一投资房出租。这种情况 refinancing mortgage 的利息费用可否抵扣投资房的租金收入?
      • 这是可以的 只要不是for personal use such as 自住房
    • 谢谢分享,说的有道理,加拿大利息抵税看贷款的用途。
      • 请问若自住房贷款没全部还清, 又refianace一部分钱作为投资房的首付的一部分, 这时refinancing mortgage的利息与自住房原有的mortgage的利息分开如何, 报税时是应该分开报的吧?
    • 如果把投资的房卖给自己的父母名下,贷款利息能否抵税?不知道是否可行?
    • 坛子里这么多的出租房投资人,能不能说一下自己的经验?
    • 这是网上的一个比较权威的文档
      • 这封信不是CRA的直接回复,都不知道到时候CRA是否认可这种处理方法。
        • Thanks to Adminid. 提供这个article. 这是CRA的回复。里面讲了可以把旧房以市价卖给父母再用贷款买回。里面讲的是这种情况符合法官在前面提到的具体做法。
          • 那能不能请懂行的分析一下这样做要花多少钱? 值不值得?
            • 我个人觉得不需要花很多钱。最多找律师做一些买卖文件,跟银行交涉做贷款。因为不需要真正跟土地注册处注册,应该不用交土地转让税。
              • 多谢了,如果是这样的话,花几千块钱请律师,大家都可以这么做了。
              • 不交土地转让税,那这种交易合法吗?到时候交易会不会不被承认啊?
          • 如果买新房半年前, 先把旧房refinance, 半年后买新房,那时再出租旧房, 是否就可以避免再次买卖旧房?
            • 前面不是讨论过了吗?不行,除非你把新借的钱又投入到了投资房上了。
              • 如果先买风险小一点的基金,过一段时间再卖掉买房,这笔钱还算买自住房的吗?
                • 这只有CRA能回答你的问题。