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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program: Entrepreneur

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s Entrepreneur Stream is designed to support individuals from countries outside Canada who are looking to implement a new business initiative or buy an existing business in our province. The program offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to be nominated for permanent resident status once their new business has been successfully established in Ontario.

Are you eligible?
You may be eligible for this program if you have a viable business activity that will bring significant economic benefit to our province. You and your business partner may apply for a temporary work permit in order to establish your business if we approve your proposal. Once your business has been successfully established, you and one business partner may be eligible for nomination by the Province.

Minimum investment of $500,000 CDN for each potential nominee, depending on location and sector
Minimum net worth of $800,000 CDN for each potential nominee, depending on location and sector
If required, the entrepreneur may identify a business partner for nomination to assist in the establishment of the business in Ontario
The entrepreneur and/or business partner will have two years to meet minimum program requirements (including language) prior to permanent residence nomination
You must create at least two full-time, permanent jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Other criteria will apply
More program details, including full eligibility criteria, application guides and forms will be available in Fall 2015. Please keep checking this website for program updates http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPNEW.html .

Learn More
How are the new Business Streams different from the Investor Component?

For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions for Business Streams.

Please keep checking this website for program updates.

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
Privacy Statement
Questions and Answers
Other useful links
Ask an Expert
Contact us
Email: business.immigration@ontario.ca
Phone: 416-327-0374 or 1-866-214-6820 (toll-free within North America only)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 『房市探报41』:投资50万!安省自己的省定投资移民计划OINP,正式开跑!多伦多房市,涨!涨!涨! +5
    • 官方网站:www.OntarioImmigration.Ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPENTREPRENEUR.html 点链接:
    • 文字: +4
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program: Entrepreneur

      The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s Entrepreneur Stream is designed to support individuals from countries outside Canada who are looking to implement a new business initiative or buy an existing business in our province. The program offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to be nominated for permanent resident status once their new business has been successfully established in Ontario.

      Are you eligible?
      You may be eligible for this program if you have a viable business activity that will bring significant economic benefit to our province. You and your business partner may apply for a temporary work permit in order to establish your business if we approve your proposal. Once your business has been successfully established, you and one business partner may be eligible for nomination by the Province.

      Minimum investment of $500,000 CDN for each potential nominee, depending on location and sector
      Minimum net worth of $800,000 CDN for each potential nominee, depending on location and sector
      If required, the entrepreneur may identify a business partner for nomination to assist in the establishment of the business in Ontario
      The entrepreneur and/or business partner will have two years to meet minimum program requirements (including language) prior to permanent residence nomination
      You must create at least two full-time, permanent jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents
      Other criteria will apply
      More program details, including full eligibility criteria, application guides and forms will be available in Fall 2015. Please keep checking this website for program updates http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPNEW.html .

      Learn More
      How are the new Business Streams different from the Investor Component?

      For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions for Business Streams.

      Please keep checking this website for program updates.

      Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
      Privacy Statement
      Questions and Answers
      Other useful links
      Ask an Expert
      Contact us
      Email: business.immigration@ontario.ca
      Phone: 416-327-0374 or 1-866-214-6820 (toll-free within North America only)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好呀,过来开银行吗?正失业呢 +4
        • 投资50万,即使500万也不够开银行。。。
          • 买个50万的房子也算有资格吗?
            • 探长很快就改行做移民顾问了 +2
              • 俺连做地产经纪赚快钱的兴致都没有!——您还来高抬俺去做移民经纪?—— 哼!一边放风筝去!
    • 这则消息,非常令人震撼! +4
      • 版主,您就别再移往其他版块了,好吧! +1
        • 这个确实应该移到移民板块啊 +5
          • 直接对应房市的啊。
          • 不用移走了!俺已经在《移民留学》版块另外开贴了!
            • 加国之约 / 移民留学 / 『移民大利好』:投资50万!安省自己的省定投资移民计划OINP,正式开跑! -houseful(探长); 23:06 (#9744050@0)
            • 你真行。可不可以考虑合并一下话题? +3
            • spammer
              • 谢谢顶贴。哈哈!
    • 新旧政策对比:
    • 俺多次提前预报! +1
    • Topic: 人口增速放缓 加拿大将要吃“大亏” Slowing Population Growth To Hit Canada Harder Than Most: Report - rolia.net +3
      • Slowing Population Growth To Hit Canada Harder Than Most: Report
      • 那是今年一月的帖子。中国都在修正错误地实施了35年的错误了!
    • xybca(摇曳秋风的葱); 2015-9-9 (#9656899@0)
    • 大好消息。国人受惠。 +3
    • 从涨不动派转成涨派了。看来自由党更怕房市塌。
      • 自由党那些宏伟的大型土木基础建设,对就业来说还是有点‘远水解不了近渴’。托着房市继续上涨,保持与房地产,建筑,建材生产和流通,物业管理有关的就业稳定才最现实。这一点上自由党和保守党没啥区别。
        • 需要增人囗,增各类移民,增纳税人,可房源有限,房价必涨
    • 刚把这个信息转给北京的两个同学。。。
      • 谢谢!祖国人民需要我们的资讯!
    • .安省自由党执政的三大法宝,一,加税,二,涨价,三罚款,此外啥也不会干,很快联邦自由党也要加入加税,涨价,罚款的行列。 安省自由党赶紧抓紧时间赶在联邦之前多搞点钱,有多少算多少。。
      • 想要解决拥堵,正常国家都会通过拓宽公路,修建地铁等方式。 可是在安省,我们有幸目睹了通过收费来限制行车数量的办法。
    • 现如今有开放全面两孩政策,所有夫妇都可以生育两个孩子的政策。中国经济相比于加拿大的经济,不知道大家想移民加拿大特别是安省的想法还强烈么?尤其是在我们伟大的伪婆子省长的安省自由党执政,三大法宝,一,加税,二,涨价,三罚款。。 +2
      • 伪婆子 --- 太经典 +1
    • 明年就会挤爆!
    • Royal Bank scraps size limit on newcomer mortgages to keep up with Chinese demand - Business - CBC News
      • RBC scraps size limit on newcomer mortgages 取消新移民房贷上限 to keep up with Chinese demand 以期迎合中国买家的需求。—— 说的是,其他国家来源的新移民这方面的需求要么是没超过要么就是需求不是太多。
    • 每天听到的都是各种收费消息,安省经济好繁荣啊。投资移民快来呀。。。
    • *You must create at least two full-time, permanent jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents *Other criteria will apply
    • 『房市探报42』:安省经济深度发展。今再飞中国,陈国治亲自路演!偕100巨商14校代图吸更多投资创更多机会!房市未来走势如何?请讨论。 -houseful (探长) - rolia.net
      • 这就是自由党的开源措施,旧安省居民已经被自由党剃羊毛剃的剃无可剃了,需要忽悠新的羊群来。 每天听到的都是各种收费增加的消息,安省经济好繁荣啊。投资移民快来呀。。。
      • 因为自由党只会开源,不会节流的。。。。
    • 自由党上台,要是加拿大能开放技术移民,像1999和2000的克里靖时代。国内想来的人和符合条件的人就更多。
      • 技术移民比投资移民好。投资移民交的税不如保姆多。炒高房价,降低加拿大人生活质量。最终会导致加拿大人把中国人当成蝗虫。当加拿大人民不聊生的时候,在印尼发生的事情也可能发生在这里。然后大家再四处逃窜。 +1
        • 记得当年报道一个印尼华人多年后回印尼,看着一个大房子说,当年这条街都是他家的,可惜当年为了保命什么都顾不得了。 +1
    • 过来投资办企业,解决老百姓就业难的问题,应该大力引入
      • 谁真的办了企业,都是作假,买个房子,孩子在这里读书,不少拿着牛奶金在家打麻将 +1
        • 20%真的办了企业?
          • 认识的投资移民没有一个真办企业的。倒是有些技术移民办了成功的企业。这些人有技术,英语相对好些。 +1
    • 安省推新政,欢迎商业移民 2015-11-09 陈国治
    • 多伦多的房价还可以继续炒,最后长期持有,每年百分之十几,而且没有风险,多伦多的房价永远不会跌!!!!LOL
      • 朝鲜炒房热 谁能捞到第一桶金
    • 这有钱的移民没来,2万5的难民年底前抵达加拿大!哈哈!~~ +2
      • 为叙利亚难民量身定制的计划,钱拿来分,各级官员,各个福利社工机构,难民,大家都有份,萎靡中的经济新增长点 +1
        • 一针见血。。。只是苦了辛辛苦苦的纳税打工仔。。。