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Fixed mortgage rates are tied to long-term Canadian government bond yields, which in turn are tied to U.S. bond yields. Those have risen since September as investors have increasingly come to expect Fed Chair Janet Yellen to boost rates before the end of the year. The Canadian and U.S. bond markets are tightly linked as investors generally expect the Canadian economy to be affected by changes in the U.S. economy.

For Canadians, the most pressing issue is whether financial or economic linkages will dominate in the wake of a hike from the Federal Reserve. The yield on Canadian sovereign debt isn’t determined in a vacuum and, depending on its maturity, can be heavily influenced by international forces — chiefly, those emanating from the U.S.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 扫盲:为什么美联储加息会影响加拿大房贷利率 +11
    Fixed mortgage rates are tied to long-term Canadian government bond yields, which in turn are tied to U.S. bond yields. Those have risen since September as investors have increasingly come to expect Fed Chair Janet Yellen to boost rates before the end of the year. The Canadian and U.S. bond markets are tightly linked as investors generally expect the Canadian economy to be affected by changes in the U.S. economy.

    For Canadians, the most pressing issue is whether financial or economic linkages will dominate in the wake of a hike from the Federal Reserve. The yield on Canadian sovereign debt isn’t determined in a vacuum and, depending on its maturity, can be heavily influenced by international forces — chiefly, those emanating from the U.S.
    • 美联储预期2016年底利率可能达到1.375%,按每次25基点的节奏计算,意味着美联储明年可能加息四次。官员们还预期至2017年底,利率将达到2.375%,2018年底达到3.25% +1
    • 就在今天宣布加息后,美国国债下跌,2年期国债收益率升至2010年以来最高水平,纽约时间下午4:18,2年期国债收益率升高4个基点,至1.005%,为2010年以来首次升破1%;票面利率0.875%、2017年11月到期工作价格跌2/32,至99 3/4,相当于每1,000美元面值跌63美分。
    • 加拿大政府5年国债今天大涨3.87%
      • 这个错了吧
        • 谢谢指正,我是说Yield,
      • 片面之词。加拿大5年国债Yield在7月份在1%以上,今天却在0.833%,下跌近20%之多。
        • 他说的是昨天的Yield
      • 加拿大的长期国债收益取决于加拿大本国的经济状况和金融政策,和美国是可以脱钩的,是可以不同步滴。
        • 加拿大央行一月会再次降息0.25。
    • With the U.S. Federal Reserve widely expected to raise interest rates, Canada’s fixed-mortgage rates could rise by another 60 to 70 basis points, estimates Toronto-Dominion Bank economist Diana Petramala. +1
    • 又是一位没买房干着急的人 +5
      • 嘿嘿,我的投资房已于今年5月高点清仓了,自住房不会比你的小。 +2
        • 时机非常好,明年很多人不看好。 +3
        • 清早了,9月份第二次降息后,又涨了很多 +2
          • 我5月份卖的时候多伦多的均价是718,350。现在的均价是654,221。特别是9月份以来,房价一路下滑,均价从674,922跌倒654,221。现在房价到了临界点,二次减息打鸡血也不起作用。这点我看得很清楚。还“第二次降息后,又涨了很多”,莫非是在你梦里? +1
        • 唉,明显卖早了。GTA的Freehold是卖一个亏一个。这个道理很少人真正理解。
          • 89年GTA买房破产的都是这么想的,LOL。
            • 刻舟求剑。LOL +1
            • 郭姐,我看你怎么凌晨12点在回帖,连早上5点也在回帖,不用睡觉啊?是上夜班的吗?
              • LOL,谢谢观察仔细呀。再看看啥时没发贴呗。看你愿意半夜发帖,今天白天特意睡了一天,好跟你一起值班啊。 +1
                • 什么精神支撑着你白天睡觉晚上值肉联班?
              • 也可能在我天朝上班,这样解释也合理吧。
          • 不亏不亏,五月卖房时美元对加币是1.22, 我反手做空加币,加点小杠杆,到现在盈利已经超过20%。而同期房产均价从71万多跌倒65万多,比最高点已跌了6万多。我哪怕把原来的房子再买回来也不亏,但是看现在这形势发展,至少等5年后再说。。。