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真想知道我怎么找soulmate, 这里有别人以前发表过的帖子: -the_dumb_one(dumb_and_dumber)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网络心路(2)-- 第一次心动

by poisonrose (Rosemary) at 2008.9.23 22:01 (#4713454@0)
第一个吸引我的是他,网上失意的人很多,得意的人也很多,他是属于得意的那一类, 他没回过我什么贴,而是直接pm我的,从他的出生到他的现在,他用着他特有的逻辑向我缓缓说来,我确实是心动,我至今没看到他写过中文,但他是中国人,是学外国文学的。

有一段时间每天回来打开ROLIA只希望看到他的pm, 享受着与他的文字的交流,喜欢他是因为他那赤裸的坦白和细微的的洞察力,一点也不造作, 以下是一些与他的对话, 他可以说是网上最使我有兴趣与他聊的男人, 不是想显摆,只想大家也能分享一下个中的乐趣,当然他有更精彩的贴子,只是涉及到个人资料,所以不便登出来 。

****I am a lazy man so I just inserted my comments in your writing.

(me)A positive person does not mean he/she is happy.
**** so one should be a negative person to remain happy?

(me)A greedy person is always not the happy person
**** it is not that he is not a happy person. instead he may have a higher threshold of happiness.
(me)A aggressive person is not sufficient to be happy.
**** without aggressiveness we human beings would have remained in stone age.

(me)I am not a very traditional Chinese woman, but i like the traditional Chinese sense of happiness. from my understanding, happiness is :

(me)when I feel cold, he is the one who can give me a hug.
**** he must have a warm enough personality to give you a warm hug.
(me)when I feel sad, he is the one who can make me laugh
****sense of humor is always an indicator of exceptional intelligence and wisdom
(me)when I am happy, he is the one whom i want to share with
**** he must be able to understand your happiness in order to share with you.
(me)when I fail, he is the one who can cheer me up
**** only someone who has failed many times can be qualified to cheer others up from their failure
(me)when I have a nightmare, he is the one who would sleep beside and kiss away all my tears **** only a man with strong will can be soft enough to kiss away your tears
(me)A happy person always has true love
**** true
(me)A happy person always has long term relationship with the one he/she loves and cares
**** true but how "long" is a long term relationship? in today's world a 2 years employment can be considered as long term.
A happy person is the one always willing to give
**** true
(me)Happiness doesn't depend on how much money or how many lovers or sex the person has ....
**** untrue, without enough money what can you do to make yourself happy, assuming we all live in a materialized world? sex is probably the single most important pleasure modern people have. what are you going to do if you are not interested in more sex?

(me) I am a sensitive woman, i don't feel you happy because i can’t feel any of the happiness component you have from my traditional Chinese sense, but it is good to know you feel happy from your own way.
**** I am happy, just not in a traditional and orthodox sense. I am happy on my terms.

2. (he)-- a man must be exceptional in order to be a heartbreaker. take a look of the masterpieces of Western and Asian literature you will see the villains are all exceptional characters, such as Don Juan, the most famous epitome of all time. and Ximen Qing if you really want an Asian counterpart of Don Juan, though a much vulgar one.
most of the heartbreakers are great seducers. they know by their animal instict that a woman becomes a genuine woman only after she is seduced by a genuine man, or, rather, by the genuine male force.

if you watched the movie Dagerous Liaisons you will have a better picture of the dynamics between the seducer and the seduced. in that movie you can see both man and woman are traped in their resepective dilemma. a woman has to surrender to masculine force to become a true woman, e.g, to be corrupted or "seduced" by a man. in this sense the process of becoming a woman is self-destructive one. why? because once a woman is seduced the game is over for the man. and the woman will be left "heartbroken". man's dilemma is in the fact that if he wishes to be a "real" man he must become the great seducer, e.g. he must have the power to destroy a woman in order to turn a woman into a real woman. in other words, he must be a villain.

think about the story of Satan and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve is not a real woman before she was seduced by Satan, for she does not know she is a woman and she does not know her feminility. she has to be seduced by Satan in order to be Adam's wife

3, (he) --for one, most men are bastards so a "lovely man" is a rarity like a Chinese Panda. and it is on its way of extinction.
secondly, life is more than studying and working. I myself is a very bad workaholic but I still try to squeeze my limited time to enjoy movies, music, sports cars, and, of course, the company of exceptional girls. life is too short and too fragile, it may not be the best practice to postpone all the sweet things.

(me)---In a bastard's eyes, most men are bastards.
In a lovely man's eyes, most men are lovely.
In a smart woman's eyes, there are always bastards and lovely men in the world.

life should not be treated as expenses, when you get no assets, how to spend? capitalize yourself first as soon as possible, as more as possible, then you have something to spend in rest of your life.

last thing, a smart woman won't meet a bastard in any time in her life. a smart bastard won't choose a smart woman to hunt since he should know he is not going to make it.

(he)-- it is common wisdom that only the worst bastards will have the best women, be they smart or naive.
isn't it easier to argue in person?
just joking. I am not so interested in fighting. discussion and dialogue is good but too much argument is a waste time, I agree.
any chance I can meet you? you don't have to say "yes" if you don't want to.

正如牛牙说的,当你见了一个诱人喜欢的苹果时,你吃吗?我是一个太清醒现实的女人,不想玩一些不该玩的游戏。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 这两天真是放肆呀,全泡在网上了,索性泡开了吧。如果未征求事主同意而把PM公开,即便内容是好的。这样做对不对?我怎么有点辨不清是非了。
    • 妹妹理解错了吧?他就是引用了一个例子,别人的帖子里的PM。
      • 啊,我错了吗?我理解的是他给女网友的PM,女网友公开了出来。他现在又转贴出来告诉我:1.他不是通过上网来找soulmate: 2.他是通过网上PM来找soulmate 的。
        • 谁呀?
        • 你错了,他说是别人的帖子
          • poisonrose (Rosemary)写的他不就是端木吗?
            • 怎么看出来的
              • 这个还要我教?
                • 难道我理解错了?
                  • 从整个贴子来看,目前还坚持我的看法。。。。。但到目前为止,还没看到我题目的答案 :( +2
                    • 一帮子和稀泥的。LOL
                    • 有答案了吗?觉得你如果静静地等,人家没准就pm你了。你这一闹,谁还敢啊。呵呵
                      • 就是,耳朵是最有资格入选的了。有思想,有颜值。
                        • 都是晒pp 惹的
                          • 哎呀,我这凶巴巴的焦大,那入文学博士的法眼,别太低估别人的taste了。
                            • 关键字啊,“凶巴巴”!不对,关键字应该俩,“凶”, “大”。
                            • 这位文学博士一会嗮黑社会义气范,一会嗮魏晋名家范,一会亮工资单显多金范,一会又爆疯狂砍价世俗范。太缤纷错乱了。 +1
                              • 多重人格。
                        • OMG,他会不会说你不就是xmjdh 我没给你PM,怎么办?我可是万口莫辨了:(
                          • 那就证明你对了呗。
                            • LOL
        • 你认为我在这里发帖是为找soulmate,
          我说没有人做这种智力低下的事情。你仍然坚持质问。我只好用一个公众论坛上大家都看过的关于我的帖子告诉你我不需要到这里来找soulmate。这个帖子当年大家有过讨论。我从未插言。未必我的虚荣心饥饿到了极点,要翻出六七年前的东西来炫耀?to whom?
          • 你的意思那些PM就是你写的?我比较好奇。
            • 是我写的。
              • 哦,那你英文写的比中文写得让人明白的多了。
                • 我除了在这里写中文几乎没有其他机会写中文。我父母和我在一起所以也没信写。
                  • 不过耳朵说的对,你不应该把人家的PM公开出来。
                    • 好像是和他pm的人Post出来的吧
                      • 明白了。
                    • 我觉得你的中文也许还不如我。"对方"六七年前把我们之间的对话发表在rolia上。我因为觉得与我无关就没有参与大家当时的讨论,虽然认识我的人知道对话的一方是我。如果原帖不是"public knowledge" 我决无可能用来做例子。
                      • 我来这儿混的时间短,不了解历史哈。
      • 真想知道我怎么找soulmate, 这里有别人以前发表过的帖子: -the_dumb_one(dumb_and_dumber) +1
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网络心路(2)-- 第一次心动

        by poisonrose (Rosemary) at 2008.9.23 22:01 (#4713454@0)
        第一个吸引我的是他,网上失意的人很多,得意的人也很多,他是属于得意的那一类, 他没回过我什么贴,而是直接pm我的,从他的出生到他的现在,他用着他特有的逻辑向我缓缓说来,我确实是心动,我至今没看到他写过中文,但他是中国人,是学外国文学的。

        有一段时间每天回来打开ROLIA只希望看到他的pm, 享受着与他的文字的交流,喜欢他是因为他那赤裸的坦白和细微的的洞察力,一点也不造作, 以下是一些与他的对话, 他可以说是网上最使我有兴趣与他聊的男人, 不是想显摆,只想大家也能分享一下个中的乐趣,当然他有更精彩的贴子,只是涉及到个人资料,所以不便登出来 。

        ****I am a lazy man so I just inserted my comments in your writing.

        (me)A positive person does not mean he/she is happy.
        **** so one should be a negative person to remain happy?

        (me)A greedy person is always not the happy person
        **** it is not that he is not a happy person. instead he may have a higher threshold of happiness.
        (me)A aggressive person is not sufficient to be happy.
        **** without aggressiveness we human beings would have remained in stone age.

        (me)I am not a very traditional Chinese woman, but i like the traditional Chinese sense of happiness. from my understanding, happiness is :

        (me)when I feel cold, he is the one who can give me a hug.
        **** he must have a warm enough personality to give you a warm hug.
        (me)when I feel sad, he is the one who can make me laugh
        ****sense of humor is always an indicator of exceptional intelligence and wisdom
        (me)when I am happy, he is the one whom i want to share with
        **** he must be able to understand your happiness in order to share with you.
        (me)when I fail, he is the one who can cheer me up
        **** only someone who has failed many times can be qualified to cheer others up from their failure
        (me)when I have a nightmare, he is the one who would sleep beside and kiss away all my tears **** only a man with strong will can be soft enough to kiss away your tears
        (me)A happy person always has true love
        **** true
        (me)A happy person always has long term relationship with the one he/she loves and cares
        **** true but how "long" is a long term relationship? in today's world a 2 years employment can be considered as long term.
        A happy person is the one always willing to give
        **** true
        (me)Happiness doesn't depend on how much money or how many lovers or sex the person has ....
        **** untrue, without enough money what can you do to make yourself happy, assuming we all live in a materialized world? sex is probably the single most important pleasure modern people have. what are you going to do if you are not interested in more sex?

        (me) I am a sensitive woman, i don't feel you happy because i can’t feel any of the happiness component you have from my traditional Chinese sense, but it is good to know you feel happy from your own way.
        **** I am happy, just not in a traditional and orthodox sense. I am happy on my terms.

        2. (he)-- a man must be exceptional in order to be a heartbreaker. take a look of the masterpieces of Western and Asian literature you will see the villains are all exceptional characters, such as Don Juan, the most famous epitome of all time. and Ximen Qing if you really want an Asian counterpart of Don Juan, though a much vulgar one.
        most of the heartbreakers are great seducers. they know by their animal instict that a woman becomes a genuine woman only after she is seduced by a genuine man, or, rather, by the genuine male force.

        if you watched the movie Dagerous Liaisons you will have a better picture of the dynamics between the seducer and the seduced. in that movie you can see both man and woman are traped in their resepective dilemma. a woman has to surrender to masculine force to become a true woman, e.g, to be corrupted or "seduced" by a man. in this sense the process of becoming a woman is self-destructive one. why? because once a woman is seduced the game is over for the man. and the woman will be left "heartbroken". man's dilemma is in the fact that if he wishes to be a "real" man he must become the great seducer, e.g. he must have the power to destroy a woman in order to turn a woman into a real woman. in other words, he must be a villain.

        think about the story of Satan and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve is not a real woman before she was seduced by Satan, for she does not know she is a woman and she does not know her feminility. she has to be seduced by Satan in order to be Adam's wife

        3, (he) --for one, most men are bastards so a "lovely man" is a rarity like a Chinese Panda. and it is on its way of extinction.
        secondly, life is more than studying and working. I myself is a very bad workaholic but I still try to squeeze my limited time to enjoy movies, music, sports cars, and, of course, the company of exceptional girls. life is too short and too fragile, it may not be the best practice to postpone all the sweet things.

        (me)---In a bastard's eyes, most men are bastards.
        In a lovely man's eyes, most men are lovely.
        In a smart woman's eyes, there are always bastards and lovely men in the world.

        life should not be treated as expenses, when you get no assets, how to spend? capitalize yourself first as soon as possible, as more as possible, then you have something to spend in rest of your life.

        last thing, a smart woman won't meet a bastard in any time in her life. a smart bastard won't choose a smart woman to hunt since he should know he is not going to make it.

        (he)-- it is common wisdom that only the worst bastards will have the best women, be they smart or naive.
        isn't it easier to argue in person?
        just joking. I am not so interested in fighting. discussion and dialogue is good but too much argument is a waste time, I agree.
        any chance I can meet you? you don't have to say "yes" if you don't want to.

        正如牛牙说的,当你见了一个诱人喜欢的苹果时,你吃吗?我是一个太清醒现实的女人,不想玩一些不该玩的游戏。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 太刺激了。以前都是年轻人用QQ互相这么玩。没想到肉联也行
          • 帮把把关,我理解错了吗?
            • 千万别,我再说下去会得罪人的,要被骂的很惨的
              • 你真棒!
    • 还有,未经朋友同意,就把朋友的家事放在网上说的,好不好?
    • 今天孩子快乐,我也来happy。。。主贴在哪?
      • 在,在,在。。。梦坛LOL
        • 太乱,找不到。。
        • link please
          • 试一试 ,这是link
            • LOL!
    • 那随便拿网友的事说事呢? +1
      • 都自己说自己的事?满论坛都是自恋狂? +1
        • 那有没有要尊重对方的意思?
        • 系!(●˘◡˘●)
      • 哦,对了,那天你在我和彪同学讨论的帖子里,上窜下跳地替她咬我,是本来就对我有意见,借此踩一脚,还是单纯为她当走狗? +6
        • 据我观察,因该是有宿仇 +3
          • 过夜仇?。。呵呵
            • 过夜 .... 仇?
          • 不记得得罪过ta, 男女都不知道,你给我点线索?
            • 我也不知道。看似只跟你有仇
              • 你看ta是男是女?
          • 服了 UP 哥了。
          • 你真像一只辛勤的小蜜蜂。。。
        • 蓝妹妹。。。 +1
          注意下 be respectful to 对手 哈。。。

          我猜他/她是彪妹的网上粉丝。或是生活中认识彪妹,赏识喜欢彪妹。。。无意踩你。只是在defend for 彪妹。。。

          • 那个帖子被删了,你没看到...defend 彪同学没关系,但是ta在那个帖子里爆粗口了,所以我说ta疯狗并不过分,你了解我的,我一般不骂人,更不会骂街
            • Ok......爆粗口是不对不好,没修养。。。但现在你跟他/她提那事,是想: 把话说开,解决问题。还是想: 对着骂?....如果想解决问题,态度就应该respectful. 用那种词只会激怒对方,无助于解决问题。。。如果想对着骂,那就别说事了,直接跟在他/她帖子后面开骂。 +1
              • 不是说了,那帖子删了么,我怎么跟?感觉你对我要求有点高了,她先爆粗口,我质问ta,还得和风细雨,不能骂她一句狗?这个我真做不到,泥人还有个土性呢。我不是高大上,但我对ta已经比ta对我要文明多了
                • 嗯。。。是要求挺高的。做不到,也不会怪你。。。跟你说那些,是因为你直率。而我,喜欢直率的人。。。
                  • 所以说,做人难,彪同学对我的指责,其中一条就是不直来直去
                    • 哈哈哈哈,比彪。。她比你圆滑多了 +3
                      • 所以我就说她,明明她最爱演戏,却总说别人演戏 +8
                        • No comments on 演戏。。。。她自然有她的优点和缺点。。。不拿自己的优点对照别人的缺点比。要不然,总会觉得自己亏,委屈。。。酱紫。 +2
                          • 没有对比的意思,话赶花就说到了
                  • 我也赞你的直率,当面说不喜欢,没什么
                    • 哦,那你为什么不当面说彪妹演戏?我以前也和她吵过架,直面面的对吵,最后她sorry ,我sorry,不就结了。 +1
                      • 每个人说话的方式不同,一般情况下,我不想指着别人的鼻子骂。还有,请一碗水端平,这是彪同学的帖,她不也是含沙射影地说别人演戏“生旦净末丑,争相献艺”, 没有当面说么,你怎么不说她呢? +2

                        lilianliang (彪彪)



                        • 现在聊就聊不清了,整个语境都不完整。你看我们上面讨论那个PM,就即时发生,看同一句话的,理解的都有天地之差。
                          • 既然聊不清,怎么就那么清楚地给我下结论说我没当面说彪呢?还是那句话,都在网上发帖又不是看不到,我又没pm谁说她演戏
                            • 那你不是清楚给别人下结论呢?真不理解
                              • 我给别人下结论,因为我清楚,她不清楚,却要给我下结论,明白了么
                                • 你清楚什么?你对我就下结论。不要自欺欺人了
                                  • 我没对你下结论,我们这里说的是耳朵对我下结论,你别扯远了。
                                    • jesus christ! 服了你了。
                                      • 想跳崖不?
                                        • 该你了LOL
                                          • 昨儿被你抱了一下,已经跳下去了,我现在在崖底等着你呢
                                            • 天,那我挠挠后脑勺,也跳呗,你别骗我啊LOL
                                    • 那就是你跟在我的贴子里说的却是彪妹,对不对?
                                • 你跟在我的贴下面,我当然认为你是对我说的。结果彪妹同时认为你是说她,还有个网友以为你在说其他上PP网友,这是不是不直接说造成的误会。然后你说我有病,以后再找我算账,不是说我。那我就认为你不是说我。不就这么回事吗?
                                  • 这么复杂的事你都搞清楚了,那我上面把彪的主帖帖出来你怎么就“聊不清了,整个语境都不完整”了
                                    • 你和她的上下对话我记不清,不轻易评价。但我记的清我俩之间的对话。你是不是在我的贴里说彪妹?我误会你是说我,最后你解释了,我也明白了,你怎么还纠结不放?
                                      • 不是我纠结不放,
                                        是你刚才上面又指责我 “哦,那你为什么不当面说彪妹演戏?我以前也和她吵过架,直面面的对吵,最后她sorry ,我sorry,不就结了。 -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 15:00”,所以我才问你,为什么她先不指名道姓说别人演戏可以,我不指名道姓说她演戏不可以。其实周五的事,咱俩误会已经说清了。关于当面说的问题,要是这一贴还说不清,咱俩都别说了
                                        • 同意,move on .别说了。
                                      • 说句实话你要不是这么蹦达我都不知道你是谁。你说我的那些话我是没时间也没精力去找出来贴出来。我说“网络就如人生、生旦净末丑争相登场”指的是整个rolia人到中年的现状。你要是引申来说我骂你,那我只能说你自己对号入座那个“丑角”,那谁拦得住你啊。
                        • 哟,

              • Smart girl.
              • 老中医,给点建议,你楼下ta又回帖了,应该怎么回?
                • 知道你转不过弯,麻烦问你,我那天报什么粗口了?
                  • 那只能说明你粗俗惯了,骂了人不觉得
                • 不把人挤到墙角。。。acknowledge 别人的长处。。。互有过错的地方,让步一点。。就过去了。。。 +2

                  • 是ta先把我挤到墙角了,我和彪同学讨论,她比彪还激动
                    • 昨天的贴,没看到。。。昨天他/她先骂你的话,你可以骂回去啊。。。不想骂,就说: 关你何事,用你骂骂咧咧 ? +2
                      • 你虽然没看到贴,可我上面一再强调 ta 先爆粗口,你还是得出“我把它挤到墙角”的结论
                        • 我也一再说了,我真么骂你了?说我先爆粗
                        • 我说的是今天。。。今天看到了,昨天真没看到。没看到的,语境丢失了,真不好判断。。。。
                          • 但是今天的事是周五引起的,既然你信息不全,可不可以不再做法官了
                            • 我是法官?.......还一直以为自己只是认真投入的普通网友中的一员呢。。。谢提拔。。。
                              • 重点抓错了,重点不是法官,是信息不全
                                • 我是随性的人。。。挑让自己高兴的信息,先高兴了再说。全不全的,对我来说,不是必须的。。。你看,我这种性格的人,是做不了法官的。。。没想让你不高兴。如果我说错话了,指出来,公开或pm都可以,我回收。。。。
                                  • 如果是闲聊,信息全不全的无所谓,就当插科打诨了,这事我常干。可今儿这事,既然你有判断对错提建议的意思,那还是了解前因后果比较好。不过,就像你说的 “挑让自己高兴的信息,先高兴了再说”。。。我没什么不高兴,和你这样的人说话,顶多就是观点不一致
                                    • 我心里有判断对错,但没说出来。因为跟他/她不熟。。。跟你说挺多,只是因为: 作为 co -直率,有那么一点惺惺相惜的意思。直率的人,容易受伤,这个我懂。。。
                                      Isup 说过我: 追求完美,不好。。。这句话,让我受益良多。。。

                                      • 你说你有判断对错,
                                        没说出来,但我觉得你已经说出来了。从一开始建议我“be respectful to 对手”,是觉得我不be respectful to ta吧? 这个我不否认,我今天的确不respectful,骂ta疯狗来着,但这是有原因的。你开始不知道,没什么,但在我一再说ta周五先爆粗所以我今天才骂ta疯狗的前提下,你还是得出我挤它到墙角的结论,我就就迷惑了,后来看你说,“挑让自己高兴的信息,先高兴了再说”,我又有点理解了
                                        • 我很疲倦了。。。我错了。。。
                                          • 老中医不好当是吧。。。没那么严重,不必道歉,我说了,大家观点不一致,我不会因为你说我不对就恼了,因为你就是那么觉得的,就如同我就觉得我没说错一样。
                                            • 我说过是全你不对吗?.......我认为: 都有过错。昨天他先骂,他/她错。今天你先骂的,并且,你即想说事又想骂回来。即想得到一个文明人的image, 又想在骂人方面不吃亏,你也太贪了吧?。。。 +1

                                              • 你至少没说ta不对。。。我今天只是想知道ta 骂我的原因,
                                                是因为我得罪过它还是纯为彪当走狗? 我没有说我今天骂它狗。我还文明。我骂它狗当然不文明。我只是说多数情况下我不会骂人,更不会骂街,比它文明。但它不属于多数情况,因为它周五太过分。我真的觉得你对我要求挺高的,尤其是在不了解前因后果的前提下。
          • 还是你妹妹?你也是我的偶像啊。只是这人平白无故的。脑子是不是被甚么砸过?
            • 周五是你平白无故跟我后面先骂的,别混淆视听。
              • 还好你不是我偶像。你居然不知道谁骂你了?你太聪敏了
    • 求公开一个看看内容再说。。
    • 这太好玩了,赶快公开公开!
    • 好么,我们这是陪你度过一段最难忘的日子涅?
    • 公开公开公开! 我最喜欢看人家的PM了!
      • 无仇过瘾的。一起来看
        • 看到了没有? +1
          • 看到了,先爆粗的输!(●˘◡˘●) +2
          • 很劲爆。
            • 啊,等你半天。。。。可惜也不帮我提智 :(
    • LZ是不是妒忌人家女id有人追? +2
    • 上面给link 了,如果我理解错了,那就要道谦,现在还没认识到错误。
      • 昨晚喝了多少? 老实交待!
        • 不多。但这可不是想伤害荡木,虽然对他的文字风格有个人看法,但欣赏别人,PM来PM去想找人交流也没错。我不明白的是荡木好像不觉的这样做不好,反而比较自得。搞的我就很迷糊,很迷糊。。。。
          • 难怪你上次被正义人士骗去见面呢。你的大学时光一定是都用在认真读书上了
            • LOL,谢谢理解,理解万岁!
              • 先别急着拍巴掌,UP姐的意思是你现在想耍流氓也晚了。
                • 不正经LOL还是到猿坛干你的正事吧。 +2
              • 耳朵被莪馞姐捧得忽忽悠悠的 +3
                • 嘘,点破不说破! +2
                  • 咳咳,看破不说破好伐。
                    • 观众都很入戏啊!(●'◡'●)
                • No,如果他说我是范/李冰冰那才是忽悠我LOL。
                  • 估计下次你会被“正面”人士骗去见面。
    • 不对 ~~~IMO
      • 你是第一个给答案的 :)
        • 对我来说, 很显然的答案~~~
          • 如果是PM了几句骂你的话呢?
            • 直接删了~~
            • 曝光,rolia也是有焦点访谈滴
              • 这种方式我觉得害人害己~~
                • 我开玩笑起哄呢,你别太当真,是不是我最近上网少了,你不熟悉我说话的方式了?
                  • 小鸟一贯认真
                    • 嗯, 大缺点~~
                  • 看到你这2 天很猛, 舞蹈我了~~~LOL
                    • 说话还是分人的,你在我这一向安全,放心吧
                      • 有婆家人罩着我, 就放心了~~~hahaha
                        • 裙带关系就是好呀
                          • 没办法, 人嘛~:)
            • 啊,这是切中我第二层感觉的节奏。
            • 滋滋 看这切入点
              • 庖丁解牛
          • 满分!