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“偶在做Treasury之前的五六年里基本上把corporate finance 的几个functions 都做了一遍,internal/
external reporting; financial analysis; budget / forecast / strat plan; tax; treasury; financial system implementation, etc. 这些宝贵的经验为偶现在在treasury领域里发展打下了扎实的基础。 ”
哈哈,难怪抓你写MD&A :D
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Treasury系列之 - Career Advancement in Treasury
    • 好久没交功课了,今天算是补上了。 :)
      • Busy now, only mark 精华 and add to 导读, please add this article into 职业经验精华集. Thanks
        • yes LD! :)
      • Thanks a lot! Finally find someone with the similar background and interest!
    • 你的系列又回来了,谢谢。
    • 顶!受启发,尤其是心得部分,谢谢MN
      “偶在做Treasury之前的五六年里基本上把corporate finance 的几个functions 都做了一遍,internal/
      external reporting; financial analysis; budget / forecast / strat plan; tax; treasury; financial system implementation, etc. 这些宝贵的经验为偶现在在treasury领域里发展打下了扎实的基础。 ”
      哈哈,难怪抓你写MD&A :D
      • 就Rejoyce提到的这一段经验,我有个问题。会计其它领域的经验为你做现职增强大局感和层次感。比你低的treasury的职位是否也需要有比较多的财会综合经验?Thanks.
        • 有财会综合经验当然是很有利的,不过低的职位就不可能要求的太多。偶不是从treasury analyst做起的,属半路出家,所以之前积累了一定的会计其它领域的经验。
    • Great job! Going forward, please replace 废话 with those valuable writing....:)
      • 你怎么还没走?一路顺风,玩的开心啦! See you in Dec. :)
    • 好好好好好好好!能不能详细谈谈“如果handle不了的,就别逞能, 否则只会damage a person's professional reputation. 偶以前就在这条上没把握好,结果吃了大亏。”?
      • 你怎么总是哪壶不开提哪壶。偶以前太好高箢远,现在比较脚踏实地,呵呵。
        • 哈哈哈,I have a picky eye. 其实我们从自己和别人犯的错误里学到的更多,尤其是你这样背景比较独特的,也许我们对同一个错误的看法有很大不同呢。
          • 呵呵,有意思,走了个老六,来了个老九,长江后浪推前浪啊
        • 前车之辙,后车之鉴, 您最好是将走麦城的经历跟大家Share一下, 可以给我们起个警示作用!
    • 谢谢分享, 辛苦了, 没有想到侬是Steve Jobs的粉丝
      • 那确实是一个值得工作的公司,对员工很好。
        • 啊,CMA MM在apple工作过?
          • 是啊。所以了解它的历史才崇拜JOBS嘛。
            • 偶也比较崇拜Jobs,但是最崇拜的是Bill Gates, apple的技术一直领先, 可惜走过不少弯路, 有了iPob, iPhone以后才有了起色
              • MICROSOFT的文化比较残酷,APPLE比较有人情味一些。
                • 他们的文化差异不太清楚, 但是偶崇拜Bill Gates的是不仅是他建立软件王国的传奇经历, 更是因为他捐出几乎全部身家建立慈善基金帮住全世界急需帮助的人的善举
        • MM是在Apple China吗?
    • Put into treasury.
    • Great work!.. thanks Joyce.. i've been working on my new apt... crazy le.....
      • Thank Joyce! You said out nearly all what I've done! I love treasury! It's really challenging and interesting!
        • Glad to see someone works in the same field. Nice to meet you! :)
          • I guess you've done treasury back in China?
            • Yes! I introduced the concept of treasury to my previouse company in China. That's what I learnt from CGA courses. I found it's so interesting and challenging! Completely match my appetite:)
            • Traditionally, cash management / treasury does not exist independently in small / medium sized company. Finance manager control the cash position at most time. Once liquidation becomes poor ...
              the importance of routine maintenance and even an independently role will then become necessary. The scale of cash generally amounts over million dollars per day.