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I am not in this area, but in my previous and current organizations, I do know some FAs focusing in ERP, either as the system expert, Finance liaison,

working on application / configuration development or as the super user taking care of key transactions/processes.

Per my observation, their positions are quite secured and are paid higher, or much higher than their traditional FA peer. The work load varies. Some may involve intensive travels. On the other side, there may not be enough growing room. Either in reporting, or planning, you may work you way up from FA to manager, to director.. That doesn't apply to these specialized FA.

I guess the job postings for these FAs are limited. In a 90 also Finance team, we only have two this type of FAs. Both have been with the company for many years. Since the talent pool is also small, this may not be a bad thing. Not sure if these FAs can later move to consulting.

Hope you find the right position.
Best regards.
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  • 跟大家探讨一下,FA/BA(ERP方向)的职位,和传统财务职位相比,有哪些优缺点?包括:职位多少(找工作难易),薪水水平,发展前景。肯请大家都说几句。
    • 我个人理解,FA需要更强的分析和沟通能力,同时又要有一定的会计的基础知识。FA要有把纷繁复杂的财务数据,以不同的形式呈现给不同的用户的能力。传统会计职务相对枯燥单调一些。
      • I quite agree. What makes an FA stand out, in my personal opinion, are
        1. Conclude well on every excel worksheet an FA compiles. Tell management that "so-what" statment. i.e. that does all these data tell? What action management should take? This shows precious professional judgement.

        2. When explaining an issue, provide context, make the statment succinct, know what the management wants.

        3. The ability to train new staff. Every manager will appreciate this initiative. You share a manager's workload.

        4. If you do all above well, you are on your way to senior positions sooner or later. Analytical capacity is way more importnant than accounting knowledge.

        5. I have seen 50-60K FAs, I have also seen 90-100K FAs depending on the industry and nature of work. Budgeting and financial reporting are two different FA streams.
        • To clarify... GoingConcern, the 5th point you made here... you meant budgeting and external reporting were two different streams, do you? I found budgeting and internal reporting were typically required by one FA role.
          • You are right. External reporting is one stream, budgeting and management reporting is another stream. One FA can take on both streams or specialize in one, depending on the size and organization.
            • Thank you for the clarification. I quite agree with you. I found reporting itself is relatively easy if a FA had advanced excel/access skills. Putting together the findings and suggestions really will take a lot of time and wisdom.
              An outstandding FA needs to come up with something creative but savvy that other people typicaly couldn't see.
            • Hi, I think "Rememberme" is asking specifically about FA/BA (ERP方向)的职位. Compared to traditional FA roles (planning, forecasting ...), FA (ERP super user?) may provide a different career path.
              • Thanks for refocusing! Great reminder.
                In that case, an BA/FA/ERP user may stand out if he/she

                1. Understands the interfacing between one module with another module within the ERP. How business data flow accurately and completely into an accounting module;

                2. Know how reliable then are the reports generated within ERP? How to reconcile between business data and accounting data, using ERP tools.

                3. Is educated in understanding systems and database; programming skills is a great asset.

                4. Proactively provide user feedback upon system upgrade and downgrade. Key skills is to articulate a user requirement clearly.

                5. ERP experience is generally more needed in big organizations.
                • Thanks for sharing. What about FA(ERP)'s career path, job market, and salary level compared to traditional accounting jobs?
                  • I am not in this area, but in my previous and current organizations, I do know some FAs focusing in ERP, either as the system expert, Finance liaison,
                    working on application / configuration development or as the super user taking care of key transactions/processes.

                    Per my observation, their positions are quite secured and are paid higher, or much higher than their traditional FA peer. The work load varies. Some may involve intensive travels. On the other side, there may not be enough growing room. Either in reporting, or planning, you may work you way up from FA to manager, to director.. That doesn't apply to these specialized FA.

                    I guess the job postings for these FAs are limited. In a 90 also Finance team, we only have two this type of FAs. Both have been with the company for many years. Since the talent pool is also small, this may not be a bad thing. Not sure if these FAs can later move to consulting.

                    Hope you find the right position.
                    Best regards.
                  • 楼上说得比较正确。只有大公司才需要这样的FA,并且流动很小。而且每个ERP还很不一样,这一行选择实在是太小了,不值得跳入。我刚从这行跳出,我现任老板也是从这行跳出的,跟我的看法基本一致。
                    • 那你跳到那里更好的,介绍一下吧。