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枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 王侯将相,宁有种乎? 看了"多伦多都市报"林枫的评论-"改朝换代怕什么", 不禁想起这个题目来. 不少人觉得自由党十几年经济搞得不错,保守党没有执政经验,所以不能换人, 此想法与新移民找工需要加拿大工作经验一样荒谬.在你take everything for granted 的时候, 你就该下去站站了.
当然,不管支持谁,大家一定要投票, 行使自己的权利, 每一票都重要, 如果实在没的挑, 你就投给绿党吧, 总好过弃权.
If one wants to a chaotic, backward society then Harper is the best choice. Otherwise stay where we are.
-axe(Just A Joke);
目前保守党的民意支持度最高。看样子我将有幸领教你所谓的"a chaotic, backward society"了。我倒想知道到底天会不会塌下来。
我在一个论坛上看到这样的话,觉得很有意思,转一下:"..Fear and threats are only one little step up from dictatorship. ."
Go and see. Many have been bought by the $1200 and many have been fouled by Harper's baseless cliams/accuses. Be a hardliner and go with your deal killer. It's too early to laugh.
-axe(Just A Joke);
The polls don't mean everything. Authorities and Media can mislead the public specially those uninformed and uneducated. Is there Weapon of Mass Disctirction in Iraq? No. BUSH IT and Harper are just a perfect pair.
-axe(Just A Joke);